--Eldar Corsairs:
Eldar Corsairs are those craftworders who have, for one reason or another, abandoned the path system set forward by their Craftworlds. While many just experience a period of wanderlust where they roam the galaxy, some becomes pirates and raiders, seeking the thrill of an adventurous life. Outcasts from the strict confines of the Craftworlds, the Corsairs live in self-imposed exile, seeking to explore the galaxy and experience the full gamut of emotion and sensation accessible to the Eldar’s sensitive psyche. Most are young and adventurous Eldar who will eventually return to their homes older, wiser and tempered by warfare. Some, however, embrace the raider’s life completely and fall further still, becoming ever more bloodthirsty and psychotic, indulging their darkest impulses and eventually seeking to join the infamous Dark City.
Usually Eldar corsairs border the thin line between the behavior of a craftworlder and a Commoraghan, having deals with both Eldar and Dark Eldar. Though not quite taking the same level of sadistic enjoyment as the Dark Eldar in killing their foes, they nevertheless have been known to bask in the thrill of slaughter and decadent lifestyle their ancient forebears once had. Even when accompanying Eldar hosts they have been known to veer off and raid poorly defended settlements, capturing their inhabitants. Unfortunately for these captured residents of the Imperium, there is only group in 40k willing to pay a price for such prisoners....
In truth should it come down to a direct fight between Craftworlds and Commoragh, more Corsairs would side with the Craftworlds than the Dark Eldar. However there would certainly be some exceptions, as the grouping of corsair bands reveals. Groups that are notably DE or Eldar aligned, or are true neutrals, shall be listed in their stats. Those labelled "exclusively Dark Eldar/Eldar" shall not fight for the opposite, and will only be available for the alignment listed.
Corsair Bands:
-Eldritch Raiders:
Alignment: Exclusively Eldar Craftworld : They are under the direct command of Iyandean's Prince Yirel and will not fight for the Dark Eldar under any circumstance.
-Status: Active? Would be operating at significantly reduced staff.
Over fifty years before the assault of Hive Fleet Kraken upon Iyanden, High Admiral Yriel had led Iyanden fleet. Although he was considered one of the greatest Eldar naval tacticians to have ever lived, his character was flawed by the sin of pride. When Iyanden was threatened by a Chaos space fleet raiding out of the Eye of Terror, Yriel led the fleet on a pre-emptive attack on the Chaos Fleet's flagship, leaving Iyanden Craftworld unprotected. He only returned just in time to stop a suicide attack by a small flotilla of Chaos raider ships, who nonetheless managed to damage the Craftworld. Expecting to be feted and honoured for his victory, Yriel was deeply angered when he was called upon to defend his course of action. An enraged Yriel then left his Craftworld in protest.
He and a small band of followers left the Craftworld and formed an Eldar raider company that became the single most powerful Eldar pirate force operating in the galaxy. When the Imperium, who couldn't beat him conventionally, tried to foster rivalry among Corsair groups Yirel simply absorbed the fleets of his rivals. During his brief reign as Pirate King he managed to raid and loot 11,000 ships from the Imperium, Hrud, Kroot, Tau, Chaos and Orks - all with a fleet of only 100!
When Iyandean was invaded by the Tyranids Yirel led his entire force to try and drive them off. Of his 100 ships 2/3rds were destroyed in naval battles with the massive Tyranid fleet before the remnants disgorged to fight hand to hand on the craftworld, losing yet more. What remained was then re-merged back into the Craftworld's defenses on a more permanent basis, just like Yirel himself.
--Sky Raiders:
Alignment :Neutral, lean craft-world Eldar. Similar in operating style to Dark Eldar, have worked with Altaic in the past.
Status: Lost a good portion of members in a recent conflict, understaffed
The Sky Raiders are a band of Corsairs known for such viciousness that Imperial observers often get them confused with the Dark Eldar. In the past they fought alongside Altaioc and Mymera craftworlds in their attempt to recover the Shadow Spectre Illyrth . Eventually they succeeded after acquiring their brutal reputation. However because of this the Space Wolves targeted them and destroyed most of the band but not completely annihilating it.
-Sunblitz Brotherhood:
Alignment: Neutral, Leaning Craftworld, antagonistic relationship with Void Dragons suggests in a Dark Eldar/Eldar conflict they would side with whoever the other corsair group doesn't.
Status: Active
Not much is known about the Sunblitz brotherhood except that they joined in on the fight to recover Shadow Spectre Illyrth along with the Sky Raiders and Void Dragons. The Void Dragons and Sunblitz brotherhood apparently attacked each other during battle though, suggesting extreme hostility given that Eldar generally unite against aliens.
-Void Dragons:
Alignment: True Neutral, have sold services to both Dark Eldar and Eldar.
Status: Active and Large
They are perhaps one of the most infamous and dangerous Corsair warbands, operating across the galaxy and estimated to operate at least 3,500 ships. They have been encountered in the Cadian Gate, Tau Empire, and Halo Stars. Their attacks hold no predictable pattern, and range from abushes against Chaos raiders near the Eye of Terror to the mass enslavement of the Imperial Penal Colony of Vorenz-IV, to fighting against the Ork Empire of Charadon. They have sold their services to both Eldar and Dark Eldar before, allowing them the use of their vehicles including the Phoenix.
-The Children of the Thorns:
Alignment: True Neutral
Status: At Large
Clad in glossy beetle-black armour, the proud and capricious warriors of the Children of Thorns are merciless in combat and are said to slaughter their enemies to the last once battle is joined. It is said that one is fortunate to hear the keening war cries of the Children of Thorns and live to tell of it. The leader of the Children of Thorns is a female who long ago cast herself from the strictures of the Eldar Path to lead her Children of Thorns in bloodshed across the Halo Stars. Her true names long ago discarded, she is now simply known as the Mother of the Shadows. When attacking in the void, the night-black ships of the Children of Thorns prize stealth above all tactics. Only once they have ensured complete surprise and a perfect position of attack, they strike with ferocity and precision, crippling their prey and leaving the ship reeling and boarded by screaming, dark, and graceful shapes that kill and kill until there is nothing left alive and the prize is theirs.
-The Crow Spirits:
Alignment: True Nuetral, whoever can help them kill humans.
Status: At large
The Crow Spirits are grim, cold killers who seem bent not on piracy but the selective annihilation of humanity within the Koronus Expanse. Clad in glittering armour that shines as if filled with moonlight, they make no sound in battle and are led by witches robed in pale tatters with tall helms of gleaming bone. Their starships are like pale dead things driven by a cold and broken will. Their tattered ethereal sails propel them from the depths of the void to strike at Imperial ships, colonies, and stations in Expanse's Foundling Worlds, Accursed Demesne, and Unbeholden Reaches. Cloaked and unseen until it is too late, the Crow Spirits are borne on a storm within the Warp and realspace that boils and screams with ethereal voices. They destroy and kill with a cold precision -- and then leave, taking no prizes. Who leads these mysterious Corsairs and what their purpose is remains unknown, but some have speculated that they are guarding something, or keeping something from being discovered.
-The Twilight Swords:
Alignment: Lean Craftworld- Associated with Craftworld Kaelor
Status: Active
"You Meddle in powers too vast to comprehend. By setting foot on this path, you have sacrificed the lives of you and yours. We merely come to collect what is due. "
The Twilight Swords are a band of Eldar Corsairs who are particularly active in the Koronus Expanse. First being identified in the Heathen Stars in 789.M41 by Rogue Traders, unlike most Eldar Corsairs who usually tred the Path of the Outcast, they maintain close ties to Craftworlds such as Kaelor. They have been seen fighting alongside Kaelor's Aspect Warriors and Dragonships.
In battle they have acquired a reputation for fickle brutality, showing mercy at one point but then randomly turning on a enemy again to wipe them out. They seem to be bound by a code of honor, however they toss this aside at a moment's notice if it benefits them.
-Sky Serpents:
Alignment : Exclusively Dark Eldar
Status: Active, one of largest Corsair groups in galaxy
The Sky Serpents are a group of Dark Eldar Corsairs under the command of Traevelliath Sliscus, better known as Duke Sliscus. Taking their name from Sliscus's nickname, "The Serpent", the Sky Serpents are infamous across the galaxy and known for their unpredictable behavior and attack patterns. Whereas most corsair bands at least have some moral stipulations the Duke has absolutely none, in fact he loves to play with his food and pretend that he does. His deeds include infiltrating and sabotaging a entire Segmentum fortress (i.e. one of the most fortified places in the Imperium) to assassinate a Imperial Admiral whose skin now forms his flag. In another instance he tricked a pursuing xenos force to warp into a sun while he raided their otherwise defenseless home planet. The Duke holds no loyalty to his Sky Serpents either, who follow him just because he is extremely successful, and Sliscus will turn upon portions of them to improve his own position if necessary.
Corsairs- Modus Operandi
Like the Dark Eldar, Corsairs are ideally raiders who are always looking for a chance to plunder and are always mobile. All of their units are intended to utilize extreme mobility whether it be from the jumpack wielding infantry to the lithe War Walkers. Their natural aggression and speed means that Hit and Run tactics are preffered, as its in the corsair's interest to avoid causialties, however for the rare pitched battles they deign to fight they can deploy aircraft like Vampire Phoenixes or Night Raiders.
Corsairs are drawn up from Craftworld, Exodite and occasionally Commoraghan outcasts who choose not to take other paths such as that of the Ranger. Most Corsair bands are probably in the few hundreds at best however there are a few that number in the thousands, even potentially tens of thousands.
In a planetary conquest campaign, the Corsair warbands are not going going to be able to come close to matching the Craftworld or Dark Eldar 1 million commitment. However they will be able to provide potentially reinforcements in the low 10,000s total as well as a tactical option for Dark Eldar/Eldar commanders. For reinforcement starved Eldar commanders in particular, this can aid them immensely.
Unit Listing:
For full details regarding weapons, please see Dark Eldar or Eldar profile. This profile was only meant to act as a supplement.
Eldar Corsair Squad
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Mesh Armor
Mobility: 8.5 (jetpacks)
Training: 5 -7
Max Range: Sniper
Preferred Range: Various
Classification: Raider Squadron
--Basic Description:
These Corsair squads are lightly armored and quick compared to their Craftworld brethren, however they also tend to be more experienced then the regular Eldar Guardians. Making good on the Corsair emphasis of hitting hard and hitting fast they are often equipped with jetpacks and transported into the battle on Falcons and Venoms for rapid insertion. Their equipment seems to come from all over the place, and I am pretty sure they sometimes loot equipment from their foes.
- Ranged: Lasblaster :
This rapid-firing weapon is similar in function to the clumsy Lasgun of the Imperium but is far more advanced and energy efficient.
--Plasma Grenade: see Eldar or Dark Eldar prof
-Melee: Seem to be standard swords, though since its Eldar we are talking about here they are much stronger then human ones.
-Defense: Mesh Armor:
![]() |
Seen here are Eldar Gaurdians with the same type of armor |
Mesh armour is commonly worn by Eldar. It is formed of tens of thousands of individual pieces of thermoplas interwoven to produce a dense material resembling reptile scales or chainmail. It becomes momentarily rigid when hit, spreading force across a larger area, thereby reducing the damage. The thermoplas also disperses heat rapidly, giving reasonable protection against energy weapons. Its inferior to Kabalite armor, yet still pretty covering and well-suited to light combat.
Corsair Squads can also be seen with the following, though usually only 2-4 are found in a squad of ten (barring the first two Shuriken weapons, which the entire squad can be equipped with).
-Shuriken Weaponry:
All shuriken weapons are built around a gravitic accelerator, similar to the motors which propel Imperial Land Speeders, and a solid core of ammunition composed of a plasti-crystal material, stored in the weapon's magazine. High-energy impulses originating from the rear of the weapon detach a monomolecular-thin slice of the core and hurls this slice out the barrel of the weapon at tremendous velocities due to a peristaltic shift. A magnetic repulsor forces the ammunition core out of the magazine and keeps it in line with the firing impulse. Using this method a burst of a hundred rounds can be fired in one or two seconds, and each core is good for ten or more of these bursts before requiring replacement.[The downside to this method of operation is that shuriken weapons lack rifling in the barrel; this not only reduces accuracy but also the range of these weapons in comparison to normal projectile weapons of similar size.
--Shuriken Catapult (Tuelean):
The Shuriken Catapult is the standard type of shuriken weapon, firing razor-sharp monomolecular discs capable of slicing through flesh and penetrating a considerable thickness of plasteel armour. Humans sometimes refer to these weapons as star slingers or just slingers or sling guns, while its Eldar name is tuelean.
--Shuriken Pistol (Murekh):
The Shuriken Pistol is the smaller version of the Shuriken Catapult and is fired one-handed. Shurikens fired from the pistol are identical to those used in catapults, but the weapon itself has a shorter barrel and smaller energy capacity, resulting in limited range, rate of fire and power. Humans sometimes refer to this weapon as a slinger or sling pistol, while its Eldar name is murehk. If this is picked expect the Eldar in question to wield it in conunction with another Close Combat weapon.
--Shuriken Cannon:
The Shuriken Cannon is a much larger version of the shuriken catapult. While it works in a similar way to smaller shuriken weaponry, it includes a number of additional features, such as an elongated ammunition coil, a triple accelerator field, and a stabilising gyroscopes.
--Eldar Missile Launcher
The Eldar Missile Launcher is the standard missile weapon for Eldar ground forces. Instead of primitive launching-tubes favoured by the Imperium, they use complex chambered pods designed to contain several types of ammo, such as Krak and Plasma warheads, greatly decreasing the need to reload.
- Fusion Gun:
The Fusion Gun is a melta weapon developed by the Eldar and commonly used by the Fire Dragon Aspect Warriors, as well as Storm Guardian units. This powerful weapon has a short range, but is capable of reducing an enemy battle tank to a pile of molten slag or vaporize an enemy soldier in under a second.
Flamers unleash a liquid incendiary chemical, usually promethium, that bursts into flame as it leaves the weapon. They are valued for their ability to destroy many enemies at once, regardless of any protective cover. Both flamers and the more compact hand flamers are considered assault weapons due to their relatively short range.
Next we have a sub-variant form of sergeant that can lead these squads.
Felarchs are veterans and experienced warriors within Eldar Corsair warbands. They often serve as squad leaders for bands of less-experienced Corsairs and are equipped with more advanced weaponry.
In addition to any of the above, he may wield:
--Fusion Pistol: Essentially the Fusion Gun, but with much shorter range and ammo. Still vaporizes soldiers on contact.
--Haywire Grenades: See Wych
--Power Sword:
Power Swords are one of the preeminent types of Power Weapons. When its power cell is activated, the blade becomes sheathed in a lethal haze of a disruptive energy field. This field allows the blade to easily rip through armor and flesh alike.
Finally, depending upon the mission, every single person in a squad can be equipped with the
--Eldar Corsair Jetpack:
These differ from the crude solid fuel Jump Packs used by more primitive races, instead utilizing sophisticated gravitic vanes and pulse impellers to enable the wearer to maneuver with grace and ease. Corsairs often use these jet packs to carry out surface raids and ship-to-ship boarding assaults, able to operate them psychically without conscious thought. These jetpacks, however, do not have the ability to cover large distances, unlike those worn by Swooping Hawks
-Additional Factors:
--Squad Size: 10 (with one a Felarch)
--Fleet:These guys are very agile , though maybe not quite as agile as the Dark Eldar.
---The Eldar Corsairs, in this battle, are mostly going to be led by Duke Sicarlius, though of course some other Kabals will be able to hire them out.
--Spirit Stones: The Eldar spirit stones are called Waystones. A spirit stone is a small, seemingly precious stone carried on an Eldar's chest, used to save their souls from destruction by Slaanesh. At the moment of the Eldar's death the stone acts like a 'psychic trap' absorbing his psychic self and preventing it from entering the warp and being consumed by the nemesis of the Eldar race: Slaanesh.
The Waystone can then be brought back to the Eldar's own Craftworld and embedded into its wraithbone core where it will grow into a larger spirit stone. Once the stone is implanted, the Eldar's soul can travel freely through the wraithbone, mingling with other Eldar souls and forming part of the communal spirit of the Craftworld itself. All the souls within a Craftworld collectively exist within the Infinity Circuit. This essentially makes them immune to soul attacks.
Corsair Voidstorm Squad
Weapon Type: Various
Armor : Mesh Armor, Shimmershield
Max Range: Sniper
Proffered Range: ???
Mobility: 8.7 (Jetpacks)
Training : 7.6
Basic Description:
Voidstorm Squads are specialized close-quarters elite troops used by Eldar Corsair warbands. Consisting of some of the most veteran warriors in the warband, they are handpicked by a Corsair Prince to undertake exceedingly risky but important missions in battle.
-Ranged Weapons:
-Plasma Grenades: See Wych
--Shuriken Pistol: see Eldar Corsair Squad
-Melee: See Eldar Corsair Squad. Essentially swords.
-Defense: Mesh Armor: Again See Corsair Squad
Simmershield: A Shimmershield is a piece of Eldar battle equipment used by Exarchs of the Dire Avenger warrior aspect, and somehow acquired by the Voidstorm team. . It is an advanced force-field generator that is strong enough to protect the entire squad from melee attacks, making it a requirement for enemies to take it down before managing to engage the Eldar in melee.
-Special :
--The Entire Squad can be equipped with Corsair Jetpacks.
---Some members of the Squad may also wield :
- Flamer:
-Fusion Gun:
-Fusion Pistol:
- Power Sword: See Corsair Squad profile for all of the above
-Hayfire Grenades: See Wych Profile
A melta bomb is a type of explosive charge belonging to the melta design tree. Typical examples have dimensions analogous to that of a grenade, but can be larger. When activated, they explode with intense thermal energy, 'melting' the target away. Like all melta-weapons, melta bombs are especially useful for attacking vehicles, buildings and other armored targets.
Additional Factors:
--Squad Size: 10
Now for the Rarer, more powerful minibosses or HQ units.
Void Dreamers:
Weapon Type: Their Mind
Armor Type: Rune Armor
Max Range: ??? Huge Given their precognition
Proffered Range: Probably Precognition Range
Mobility: 8.5 Jetpack
Training : 7.5
Numbers: Unlikely to be more then a handful for most Corsair Warbands.
Basic Description:
Void Dreamers are members of an Eldar Corsairs band who typically serve as helmsmen and Navigators of Corsair ships. These Eldar are actually Psykers who are closely related to the Warlocks and follow the Farseers by taking the Witch Path. They particularly focus on the arts of divination and prophecy though do not use this to discern the distant far future but rather events that would effect them in the near-future. This enables them to navigate the Daemon-seas of the Warp whilst shielding it from its myriad dangers.In battle they use a myraid of rare equipment and devastating powers to turn the tide.
-Ranged Weapons:
--Shuriken Pistol: See Eldar Corsair Troop
--See Eldar Corsair Troop
-Defense: Rune Armor
Rune Armour is a protective wraithbone armor suit psychically molded to its Eldar recipient. It provides greater protection than other, bulkier forms of armor in part because its psychic energy can deflect a shot or blast before it hits the Armour lascannons and Plasma Weapons can be turned aside by Rune Armour.
-Special :
The Void Dream may be come with any of the following previously discussed items (see Eldar Corsair Troop profile or Wych for details)
--Power Weapon
--Haywire Grenades:
In addition the Void Dreamers have some of their own unique items and can be equipped with the following
- Neural Shredders:
As a weapon it does not damage its target in the conventional sense. Nor can it be "targeted" at a specific enemy. Rather, it projects a wave of electromagnetic energy in the direction of fire. This wave is of the same frequency of the central nervous system, overloading brain and nerve receptors resulting in rather catastrophic effects on the creatures within the area of effect. Symptoms undoubtedly range from seizures and convulsions, leading to unconsciousness or even death. As a consequence of its rather specific design, the Neural Shredder is obviously useless against unliving material such as equipment and vehicles, though it passes directly through such objects as if they were not there. Therefore armour is of no protection against a neural shredder, neither are the operators of heavily plated vehicles, or the inhabitants of buildings.
--Void Sabres:
Void Sabres are archaic weapons seem most frequently among Eldar Corsairs. Crafted from wraithbone interlaced with a rare anathemic crystal found upon Dead Worlds orbiting the edge of the Ghoul Stars, Void Sabres are considered by some within the Eldar race to be accursed. True to the rebellious nature of the Corsairs these are considered status symbols.
A Witch Blade contains a helix-shaped, crystalline psychic matrix embedded with runes to channel and focus a Seer's energies into a single point. Giant monsters and demons that can withstand countless conventional attacks can be slain in a single blow by a Witchblade as immaterial forces tear them apart. This is probably the preferred weapon of choice for Void Dreamers and other psykers.
Fashioned in the shape of an elegant multi-chambered handgun or ornate vambraces, Balelights are sophisticated laser weapons. Carrying sufficient energy within their crystalline interior for a single burst of fire, Balelights release a storm of energy pulses in a coruscating fan, allowing one Eldar to slay or blind many foes in a sudden blaze of light.
Additional Equipment:
-Corsair Jetpacks: See Corsair Troop
--A Gyrinx
A Gyrinx resembles a large cat, with very thick and fluffy ginger or orange fur and bright blue eyes. They can grow to as much as a metre in length. Gyrinx are not intelligent as such, but they have an astounding ability to empathize with other creatures, forming a mental bond with their owner which is comparable to true friendship. This mental empathy is of great benefit to the creature's owner, whose own speed of thought and action are actually improved while the Gyrinx is in close proximity. What benefit the Gyrinx obtains from the relationship is unclear, but there is plainly some deep-seated need being fulfilled, because an owner-less Gyrinx will actively seek out and adopt another creature. Oddly enough, Gyrinx show a slow metabolic change so that they can come to resemble their owner physically, temperamentally and in habit. Psykers use these cats to boost their own psychic prowess, making them stronger.
Psionic Powers:
In addition to telepathy and precognition, the Void Dreamer has the following Psionic Powers:
--Withering Radiance:
The Void Dreamer perilously unleashes a spear of deadly energy from the turbulent realm beyond, offering a hideous death to their enemies who wither and crumble as if a life-age had passed them by in mere moments. Obviously this would be a very lethal power.
The Void Dreamer extends their powers to shield themselves and others
Corsair Prince (Or Princess)
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Forcefields
Max Range: Sniper
Proffered Range: Whatever range he feels like.
Mobility: 8.7 Jetpack
Training : 8
CLASSIFICATION: Corsair Pirate Leadership
Numbers: Unlikely to be more then 1 or 2 per Corsair Warband.
Basic Description:
Corsair Princes are the most common leaders of Eldar Corsair warbands. These princes and sometimes princesses are of noble heritage, and while seemingly aloof and arrogant represent the remnants of the old Eldar aristocracy (that is from the Ancient Eldar Empire that used to dominate the 40k galaxy). They are nonetheless brilliant tacticians and bold warriors.
-Ranged Weapons:
The Corsair Prince may be equipped with any of the following, found in the Corsair Squad or Void Dreamer profile.
--Shuriken Pistol:
--Plasma Grenades:
--Shuriken Catapult:
-- Fusion Pistol:
Any one of the following, the first two being found in the Corsair Squad profile.
--Power Sword:
--Void Sabre:
--Harlequins Kiss: See Harlequin profile
--Mesh Armor: See Corsair Squad:
In addition to that the Corsair Prince may have any one of the following:
--Shimmershield: See Corsair Squad
-Forceshield Generator: Forceshields are force field generators worn by Eldar warriors, most commonly Autarchs. The force field generator is a wrist-mounted device, setting it apart from the more clunky and restrictive armour used by other races. It has to be overwhelmed before the user can be attacked.
--Shadow Field: It surrounds any person in a dark miasma of energy. It is incredibly difficult to wound a Dark Eldar or Corsair utilising a Shadow Field, as the field absorbs almost all of the energy of an attack. However it is not indestructible and can be overloaded with enough damage, leaving the Dark Eldar vulnerable
-Special :
--Retinue: Each Corsair Prince comes with one Blade Sworn Corsair bodyguard squad. These are the finest and most infamous warriors in the Corsair Prince's command, deliberately sought out and recruited by the Prince for his personal protection. They come with Jetpacks and any melee/ranged weapon that the Corsair prince himself may wear (though not his defense). Typically there are 5 Blade Sworn per squad.
Additional Factors: As always, a catch all for what might have been missed.
-Fleet : See Dark Eldar Kabalite profile
--Independent Characters: Corsair Princes are used to leading battles, and come to position through merit and skill. They will be good subcommanders.
Minor Corsair Troops: Outcasts/ Kabalite Warriors
It is known that Outcasts from the Craftworlds occasionally leave their shrines or positions for a more exciting life aboard the Corsair vessels. Thus Corsair armies may sometimes count among their number any of the Eldar aspect Warrior squads, Gaurdians or Rangers/Pathfinders. They will be very rare in presence though.
In the case of Dark Eldar, Kabalite Warriors have been known to leave Commoragh to take up employ among the Corsairs. For both of these two profiles please see Eldar or Dark Eldar for more information.
Finally Harlequins occasionally travel with Corsair bands. Please see Eldar profile for the most complete profile on them.
===Light Cavalry====
Corsair Hornet Squadron
Type of Armor: Light Wraithbone
Weapon Type: Various
Speed: 600 km/h to 372 mph
Calvary Purpose: Skirmishing
Basic Description:
The Hornet is a light tank employed by Eldar armored forces in a fast reconnaissance and raiding role, for high speed hit-and-run attacks. Piloted by a single crewman, it can be found in the forefront of Eldar aspect warrior assault waves, speeding ahead of heavier Falcons and Wave Serpents and often operating alongside other high-speed attack craft such as jetbikes and Vypers. However the craft's speed, maneuverability and size also perfectly compliments the raiding activities of Eldar Corsairs, and are very popular among these piratical bands.
The Hornet may wield any two of the following:
--Shuriken Cannons: See Eldar Corsair Squad
--Scatter Lasers (Sierbahn) : The Scatter Laser is a heavy laser weapon commonly used by the Eldar. Originally created for War Walkers and Wraithlords, is also acts as a support weapon for Guardian squads, where it is mounted on a Grav Platform. The weapon is comprised of six separate laser chambers which can be fired simultaneously or in bursts, at either the same or different targets, and uses crystalline power cells to store energy. It is similar in some respects to the Imperium's Multi-laser, but far more refined and energy-efficient.
--Eldar Missile Launchers : See Eldar Corsair Squad
--Starcannon: The Starcannon is a plasma weapon designed by the Eldar, using sophisticated electromagnetic pulses to guide bolts of destructive plasma to a target. Though its plasma core produces the incandescent heat of a star, unlike its crude and clumsy Imperial counterparts the Starcannon uses containment fields to not only prevent the weapon overheating but keep it cool to the touch.

The Bright Lance is an Eldar laser weapon and the equivalent of the Imperium's lascannon. It operates the same way, firing a concentrated laser-blast for destroying enemy vehicles, however the weapon is far more efficient thanks in part to the use of psychically grown crystals. Its is also more accurate than a lascannon, making armor below a certain thickness redundant
Pulse Laser: The Pulse Laser is a highly advanced Eldar laser weapon capable of firing a steam of powerful laser bolts. Compared to the Bright Lance it has a higher rate of fire and longer range, though at the expense of penetrative power.
Defense: In addition to its durable Wraithbone armor it has....
-Spirit Stones: See Corsair Squad.
-Holo-Field: Holo-fields are programmable hologram fields utilised by the Eldar to defend themselves from enemy attacks. Rather than a typical force field which directly blocks an attack a holo-field distorts the user's image, preventing them from being hit in the first place. When stationary the field mimics the surrounding terrain so that the person or vehicle becomes invisible,but when they move the field causes their image to explode into a cloud of tiny, multi-coloured fragments, with the fragments dispersing more widely the faster they move and then collapsing back together as the subject stops, giving rise to the term jigsaw or domino field.
Amongst this shifting cloud of coloured shards an enemy cannot be sure where a user of a holo-field really is and so has difficulty hitting them, whether with ranged or melee attacks. Indeed the visual distortion put out by even a personal holo-field is powerful enough to cause the trajectory of shots from laser weapons such as lasguns to bend and miss. Holo-fields not only disrupt visual targeting but other methods as well, preventing even the most advanced sensory gear from getting an accurate lock.
--Hornets have Star Engines, allowing them to go up to 600 km/h. They can also be upgraded with Vectored Engines, allowing them perfect maneuverability as they fly up and down the battlefield at full speed.
Additional Factors:
-Squad Size: 3 Hornets
--In addition to being a skimmercraft, it is capable of limited atmospheric flight.
Night Spinner
Type of Armor: Wraithbone?
Weapon Type: Various
Speed: 80 kph (22 mph -combat speed) - 290 kph (80 mph - movement speed)
Calvary Purpose: Raider
Basic Description:
The Night Spinner is an Eldar grav-tank based on the Falcon chassis. One of the most curious and also most accomplished Eldar designs, the Night Spinner is a mobile artillery vehicle designed to provide indirect fire support to fast moving Eldar attacks.
--Twin Shuriken Catapults : See Eldar Corsair infantry
--Twin Doomwreaver : The Night Spinner's primary armament are twin-linked Doomweavers, deadly Monofilament Weaponry which launch a large web of deadly wire high into the air. The web is made up of thousands of miles of incredibly strong, monofilament thread that can shear through any substance, including steel or tank armour. Once launched the web floats ghostly downwards, shredding any victims caught beneath it (essentially for a brief period afterwards that ground is considered hazardous to travel on) . Upon hitting the ground the web forms a barrier that may dissect anyone crossing through it, but will eventually settle into a solid blanket that can be moved over safely. The Eldar refer to the threads as the Chain of Vaul, after the unbreakable bonds in Eldar legend.
The Night Spinner may further be upgraded to switch out its Shuriken Catapults for Shuriken Cannons: See Eldar Corsair Squad.
Defense: In addition to its durable Wraithbone armor it has
Spirit Stones and Holo Fields : see Hornet Squadron
May be upgraded with the following:
--Star Engines: Allows it to have the same speed (600 km/h) as the Hornet Squadron.
--Vectored Engines: Makes it super maneuverable, like the hornet.
Additional Factors:
-Role: Fast attack tank
--Hovercraft, meaning it can float many feet off the ground, as well as temporarily gain higher altitude.
Corsair Wasp Assault Walkers
Type of Armor: Wraithbone
Weapon Type: Various
Speed: Unknown, has jetpacks though
Calvary Purpose: Drop-mechs
CLASSIFICATION: Rapid Assault mech
Basic Description:
Wasp Assault Walkers are an adaptation of the Eldar War Walker seen amongst the ranks of the Eldar Corsairs. Forgoing the War Walker's normal duties of scouting the enemy the Wasp is instead fitted with a jet-assisted anti-grav system, enabling it deploy directly from a high-flying Vampire Raider as part of an air-mobile Corsair raiding party. Once on the ground the Wasp can then rapidly redeploy, making short leaps across the battlefield with its jump jets, to provide support for Corsair 'drop' troops
Armament: May have any two of the following:
--Eldar Missile Launcher: See Corsair troop profile
--Scatter Lasers
--Pulse Laser
--Bright Lance: See Hornet profile for the rest.
Other then the Wraithbone construction (though the top is apparently a bit open) the Walkers can be given spirit stones.
--Warp Jump Jets: Wasp Assault Walkers are equipped with anti-grav jump jets that both allow it to deploy from aircraft and allows it to use the walker equivalent of a jetpack throughout battle.
Additional Factors:
--Squad Size: 3
--Primary Role: Fire Support
Eldar Jetbike squadron
Type of Armor: Little, Wraithbone construct
Weapon Type: Various
Speed: Presumably similar to the Reaver
Calvary Purpose: Fast Attack
CLASSIFICATION: Corsair fast assault craft
Basic Description:
Eldar Jetbikes are single-person anti-grav vehicles commonly used by Eldar, and occasionally Harlequin, warriors in battle. In particular the Corsairs love it, as it suits their fast attack play style. These sleek and elegant craft, capable of high speeds and extreme maneuverability, are testament to the Eldar's mastery of anti-gravitic technology, much to the amazement and jealousy of the Adeptus Mechanicus. On the battlefield they are commonly used as skirmishers, scouts, and fast-response units.Contained within the body of the jetbike are powerful anti-gravitic motors, allowing the craft to attain such great velocity that without an Eldar's enhanced reaction speed it would be lethal to ride. Through subtle manipulation these motors can also send the bike into a steep climb or sharp dive,though its shape naturally inclines it towards level or upward flight. Long, curved vanes on either side of the bike allow for incredibly sharp mid-air turns. Like most Eldar technology the jetbike is mentally attuned to the natural psychic abilities of the Eldar. Small patches of psychotropic crystals, within the bike's handlebars and the rider's gauntlets, allowing the rider to control the craft through mental commands. For an Eldar to master the jetbike is an exhilarating challenge that can take years of practice to reach their full potential, but those who do are said to build a rapport with their steeds comparable to the horsemasters of legend.
--Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults or 1 Shuriken Cannon : Twin-linked weapons are two ranged weapons of any type that share the same targetting information and fire actuation link. This system allows the linked weapons to be fired in tandem, increasing their destructive power.
--The Rider has a Shuriken pistol and close combat weapon for personal defense.
Defense: Little except speed
--Felarch: See Corsair profile, but essentially a more experienced sergeant. He can carry a
--Power Sword: Ignores Armor
--Fusion Pistol: See Corsair Profile
Additional Factors:
--Squad Size: 10 per squad, with 1 Felarch
--Function: Scouts, Raiders primarily
Corsair Warp Hunter
Weapon Type: D-cannon
Armor Type: Wraithbone
Speed: Up to 600 km/h
Classification: Corsair Assault Craft
Basic Description:
The Warp Hunter is a high-speed assault craft and one of the rarest variants of the Eldar Falcon grav-tank. Considered to be an archaic design, it was an unusual sight on the battlefields of the 41st Millenium until the Betalis III incident, when whole squadrons engaged Imperial forces in battle. As with other Falcon variant likes the Fire Prism and Night Spinner, the Warp Hunter sacrifices transport capacity for firepower. Though Craftworld Eldar don't like to use them often, Corsairs love them.
-Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults OR shuriken Cannon : See Eldar Corsair Squad
--D-Cannon: The most notable aspect of the Warp Hunter is its hull-mounted Distortion Cannon or D-Cannon. This example of the Eldar's advanced technology, little-understood by the Adeptus Mechanicus, creates a hole in the fabric of reality between real and Warp space, tearing the unlucky targets to pieces and dragging them into the Warp to suffer a terrible death.
--Aether Rift: An unusual aspect of the Warp Hunter's D-Cannon is that it can also be used to create an 'æther rift' projected a short distance in front of the vehicle. By adjusting the D-Cannon's warp/real space disruption focus and warp core containment field generator, a seething mass of dark energy can be used to sweep the enemy from its prow. Can only be used briefly.
Defense: See Hornet Squadrone. Also Wraithbone is immensely strong and light if that hasn't been mentioned already.
--Spirit Stones and HoloField: see Hornet Squadron
Vectored and Star Engines: See Hornet Squadron
Additional Factors:
--Skimmercraft: See hornet
Corsair Firestorm
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Wraithbone
Speed: Up to 600 km/h
Classification: Corsair Anti-air tank
Basic Description:
The Firestorm is a rare Eldar grav-tank based on the Falcon chassis. Designed for anti-aircraft warfare, the Firestorm is employed only in unique cases where Eldar aircraft are not available to achieve air superiority over the enemy, such as the Baran War where only vehicles Falcon-sized or smaller could fit through the wraithgates. On the campaign of Myermana this vehicle was responsible for more Imperial tank deaths then any other vehicle.
--Firestorm Scatter Lasers are Eldar laser weapons mounted on the Firestorm grav-tank. These complex arrays of triple-barreled Scatter Lasers combine high rate of fire with superb accuracy to fill the sky with deadly laser bolts, and are as good at shooting down aircraft as they are against hordes of enemy infantry such as Orks and Tyranids. Multiple Scatter lasers from different vehicles can apparently be combined into a single one to penetrate stronger hulls.
--Twin Shuriken Catapults or one shuriken Cannon
Defense: Wraithbone construct, Holofields and spirit stones: see Hornet profile
Special: Vectored and Star Engines: See Hornet Profile
Additional Factors:
--Skimmercraft: see hornet
Corsair Voidstorm Squad
Weapon Type: Various
Armor : Mesh Armor, Shimmershield
Max Range: Sniper
Proffered Range: ???
Mobility: 8.7 (Jetpacks)
Training : 7.6
Basic Description:
Voidstorm Squads are specialized close-quarters elite troops used by Eldar Corsair warbands. Consisting of some of the most veteran warriors in the warband, they are handpicked by a Corsair Prince to undertake exceedingly risky but important missions in battle.
-Ranged Weapons:
-Plasma Grenades: See Wych
--Shuriken Pistol: see Eldar Corsair Squad
-Melee: See Eldar Corsair Squad. Essentially swords.
-Defense: Mesh Armor: Again See Corsair Squad
Simmershield: A Shimmershield is a piece of Eldar battle equipment used by Exarchs of the Dire Avenger warrior aspect, and somehow acquired by the Voidstorm team. . It is an advanced force-field generator that is strong enough to protect the entire squad from melee attacks, making it a requirement for enemies to take it down before managing to engage the Eldar in melee.
-Special :
--The Entire Squad can be equipped with Corsair Jetpacks.
---Some members of the Squad may also wield :
- Flamer:
-Fusion Gun:
-Fusion Pistol:
- Power Sword: See Corsair Squad profile for all of the above
-Hayfire Grenades: See Wych Profile
A melta bomb is a type of explosive charge belonging to the melta design tree. Typical examples have dimensions analogous to that of a grenade, but can be larger. When activated, they explode with intense thermal energy, 'melting' the target away. Like all melta-weapons, melta bombs are especially useful for attacking vehicles, buildings and other armored targets.
Additional Factors:
--Squad Size: 10
Now for the Rarer, more powerful minibosses or HQ units.
Void Dreamers:
Weapon Type: Their Mind
Armor Type: Rune Armor
Max Range: ??? Huge Given their precognition
Proffered Range: Probably Precognition Range
Mobility: 8.5 Jetpack
Training : 7.5
Numbers: Unlikely to be more then a handful for most Corsair Warbands.
Basic Description:
Void Dreamers are members of an Eldar Corsairs band who typically serve as helmsmen and Navigators of Corsair ships. These Eldar are actually Psykers who are closely related to the Warlocks and follow the Farseers by taking the Witch Path. They particularly focus on the arts of divination and prophecy though do not use this to discern the distant far future but rather events that would effect them in the near-future. This enables them to navigate the Daemon-seas of the Warp whilst shielding it from its myriad dangers.In battle they use a myraid of rare equipment and devastating powers to turn the tide.
-Ranged Weapons:
--Shuriken Pistol: See Eldar Corsair Troop
--See Eldar Corsair Troop
-Defense: Rune Armor
![]() |
Altaioc Farseer in Rune Armor |
Rune Armour is a protective wraithbone armor suit psychically molded to its Eldar recipient. It provides greater protection than other, bulkier forms of armor in part because its psychic energy can deflect a shot or blast before it hits the Armour lascannons and Plasma Weapons can be turned aside by Rune Armour.
-Special :
The Void Dream may be come with any of the following previously discussed items (see Eldar Corsair Troop profile or Wych for details)
--Power Weapon
--Haywire Grenades:
In addition the Void Dreamers have some of their own unique items and can be equipped with the following
- Neural Shredders:
As a weapon it does not damage its target in the conventional sense. Nor can it be "targeted" at a specific enemy. Rather, it projects a wave of electromagnetic energy in the direction of fire. This wave is of the same frequency of the central nervous system, overloading brain and nerve receptors resulting in rather catastrophic effects on the creatures within the area of effect. Symptoms undoubtedly range from seizures and convulsions, leading to unconsciousness or even death. As a consequence of its rather specific design, the Neural Shredder is obviously useless against unliving material such as equipment and vehicles, though it passes directly through such objects as if they were not there. Therefore armour is of no protection against a neural shredder, neither are the operators of heavily plated vehicles, or the inhabitants of buildings.
--Void Sabres:
Void Sabres are archaic weapons seem most frequently among Eldar Corsairs. Crafted from wraithbone interlaced with a rare anathemic crystal found upon Dead Worlds orbiting the edge of the Ghoul Stars, Void Sabres are considered by some within the Eldar race to be accursed. True to the rebellious nature of the Corsairs these are considered status symbols.
A Witch Blade contains a helix-shaped, crystalline psychic matrix embedded with runes to channel and focus a Seer's energies into a single point. Giant monsters and demons that can withstand countless conventional attacks can be slain in a single blow by a Witchblade as immaterial forces tear them apart. This is probably the preferred weapon of choice for Void Dreamers and other psykers.
Fashioned in the shape of an elegant multi-chambered handgun or ornate vambraces, Balelights are sophisticated laser weapons. Carrying sufficient energy within their crystalline interior for a single burst of fire, Balelights release a storm of energy pulses in a coruscating fan, allowing one Eldar to slay or blind many foes in a sudden blaze of light.
Additional Equipment:
-Corsair Jetpacks: See Corsair Troop
--A Gyrinx
A Gyrinx resembles a large cat, with very thick and fluffy ginger or orange fur and bright blue eyes. They can grow to as much as a metre in length. Gyrinx are not intelligent as such, but they have an astounding ability to empathize with other creatures, forming a mental bond with their owner which is comparable to true friendship. This mental empathy is of great benefit to the creature's owner, whose own speed of thought and action are actually improved while the Gyrinx is in close proximity. What benefit the Gyrinx obtains from the relationship is unclear, but there is plainly some deep-seated need being fulfilled, because an owner-less Gyrinx will actively seek out and adopt another creature. Oddly enough, Gyrinx show a slow metabolic change so that they can come to resemble their owner physically, temperamentally and in habit. Psykers use these cats to boost their own psychic prowess, making them stronger.
Psionic Powers:
In addition to telepathy and precognition, the Void Dreamer has the following Psionic Powers:
--Withering Radiance:
The Void Dreamer perilously unleashes a spear of deadly energy from the turbulent realm beyond, offering a hideous death to their enemies who wither and crumble as if a life-age had passed them by in mere moments. Obviously this would be a very lethal power.
The Void Dreamer extends their powers to shield themselves and others
from the power of the Daemon and the wrath of the Psyker. Not very useful against conventional attacks but very useful against psychics.
--Soul Scry:
"The Void Dreamer manipulates the wefts of courage, fate and happenstance, both predicting what is to be and working their will upon changing it". Essentially beneficial precognition for those around the Void Dreamer.
--Additional Information:
--Spirit Stones: See Corsair Squad
Corsair Prince (Or Princess)
Yirel, most famous of the Corsair Princes (however he is part of the Eldar profile, not Dark Eldar) |
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Forcefields
Max Range: Sniper
Proffered Range: Whatever range he feels like.
Mobility: 8.7 Jetpack
Training : 8
CLASSIFICATION: Corsair Pirate Leadership
Numbers: Unlikely to be more then 1 or 2 per Corsair Warband.
Basic Description:
Corsair Princes are the most common leaders of Eldar Corsair warbands. These princes and sometimes princesses are of noble heritage, and while seemingly aloof and arrogant represent the remnants of the old Eldar aristocracy (that is from the Ancient Eldar Empire that used to dominate the 40k galaxy). They are nonetheless brilliant tacticians and bold warriors.
-Ranged Weapons:
The Corsair Prince may be equipped with any of the following, found in the Corsair Squad or Void Dreamer profile.
--Shuriken Pistol:
--Plasma Grenades:
--Shuriken Catapult:
-- Fusion Pistol:
Any one of the following, the first two being found in the Corsair Squad profile.
--Power Sword:
--Void Sabre:
--Harlequins Kiss: See Harlequin profile
--Mesh Armor: See Corsair Squad:
In addition to that the Corsair Prince may have any one of the following:
--Shimmershield: See Corsair Squad
-Forceshield Generator: Forceshields are force field generators worn by Eldar warriors, most commonly Autarchs. The force field generator is a wrist-mounted device, setting it apart from the more clunky and restrictive armour used by other races. It has to be overwhelmed before the user can be attacked.
--Shadow Field: It surrounds any person in a dark miasma of energy. It is incredibly difficult to wound a Dark Eldar or Corsair utilising a Shadow Field, as the field absorbs almost all of the energy of an attack. However it is not indestructible and can be overloaded with enough damage, leaving the Dark Eldar vulnerable
-Special :
--Retinue: Each Corsair Prince comes with one Blade Sworn Corsair bodyguard squad. These are the finest and most infamous warriors in the Corsair Prince's command, deliberately sought out and recruited by the Prince for his personal protection. They come with Jetpacks and any melee/ranged weapon that the Corsair prince himself may wear (though not his defense). Typically there are 5 Blade Sworn per squad.
Additional Factors: As always, a catch all for what might have been missed.
-Fleet : See Dark Eldar Kabalite profile
--Independent Characters: Corsair Princes are used to leading battles, and come to position through merit and skill. They will be good subcommanders.
Minor Corsair Troops: Outcasts/ Kabalite Warriors
It is known that Outcasts from the Craftworlds occasionally leave their shrines or positions for a more exciting life aboard the Corsair vessels. Thus Corsair armies may sometimes count among their number any of the Eldar aspect Warrior squads, Gaurdians or Rangers/Pathfinders. They will be very rare in presence though.
In the case of Dark Eldar, Kabalite Warriors have been known to leave Commoragh to take up employ among the Corsairs. For both of these two profiles please see Eldar or Dark Eldar for more information.
Finally Harlequins occasionally travel with Corsair bands. Please see Eldar profile for the most complete profile on them.
===Light Cavalry====
Corsair Hornet Squadron
Type of Armor: Light Wraithbone
Weapon Type: Various
Speed: 600 km/h to 372 mph
Calvary Purpose: Skirmishing
Basic Description:
The Hornet is a light tank employed by Eldar armored forces in a fast reconnaissance and raiding role, for high speed hit-and-run attacks. Piloted by a single crewman, it can be found in the forefront of Eldar aspect warrior assault waves, speeding ahead of heavier Falcons and Wave Serpents and often operating alongside other high-speed attack craft such as jetbikes and Vypers. However the craft's speed, maneuverability and size also perfectly compliments the raiding activities of Eldar Corsairs, and are very popular among these piratical bands.
The Hornet may wield any two of the following:
--Shuriken Cannons: See Eldar Corsair Squad
--Scatter Lasers (Sierbahn) : The Scatter Laser is a heavy laser weapon commonly used by the Eldar. Originally created for War Walkers and Wraithlords, is also acts as a support weapon for Guardian squads, where it is mounted on a Grav Platform. The weapon is comprised of six separate laser chambers which can be fired simultaneously or in bursts, at either the same or different targets, and uses crystalline power cells to store energy. It is similar in some respects to the Imperium's Multi-laser, but far more refined and energy-efficient.
--Eldar Missile Launchers : See Eldar Corsair Squad
--Starcannon: The Starcannon is a plasma weapon designed by the Eldar, using sophisticated electromagnetic pulses to guide bolts of destructive plasma to a target. Though its plasma core produces the incandescent heat of a star, unlike its crude and clumsy Imperial counterparts the Starcannon uses containment fields to not only prevent the weapon overheating but keep it cool to the touch.

The Bright Lance is an Eldar laser weapon and the equivalent of the Imperium's lascannon. It operates the same way, firing a concentrated laser-blast for destroying enemy vehicles, however the weapon is far more efficient thanks in part to the use of psychically grown crystals. Its is also more accurate than a lascannon, making armor below a certain thickness redundant
Pulse Laser: The Pulse Laser is a highly advanced Eldar laser weapon capable of firing a steam of powerful laser bolts. Compared to the Bright Lance it has a higher rate of fire and longer range, though at the expense of penetrative power.
Defense: In addition to its durable Wraithbone armor it has....
-Spirit Stones: See Corsair Squad.
-Holo-Field: Holo-fields are programmable hologram fields utilised by the Eldar to defend themselves from enemy attacks. Rather than a typical force field which directly blocks an attack a holo-field distorts the user's image, preventing them from being hit in the first place. When stationary the field mimics the surrounding terrain so that the person or vehicle becomes invisible,but when they move the field causes their image to explode into a cloud of tiny, multi-coloured fragments, with the fragments dispersing more widely the faster they move and then collapsing back together as the subject stops, giving rise to the term jigsaw or domino field.
Amongst this shifting cloud of coloured shards an enemy cannot be sure where a user of a holo-field really is and so has difficulty hitting them, whether with ranged or melee attacks. Indeed the visual distortion put out by even a personal holo-field is powerful enough to cause the trajectory of shots from laser weapons such as lasguns to bend and miss. Holo-fields not only disrupt visual targeting but other methods as well, preventing even the most advanced sensory gear from getting an accurate lock.
--Hornets have Star Engines, allowing them to go up to 600 km/h. They can also be upgraded with Vectored Engines, allowing them perfect maneuverability as they fly up and down the battlefield at full speed.
Additional Factors:
-Squad Size: 3 Hornets
--In addition to being a skimmercraft, it is capable of limited atmospheric flight.
Night Spinner
Type of Armor: Wraithbone?
Weapon Type: Various
Speed: 80 kph (22 mph -combat speed) - 290 kph (80 mph - movement speed)
Calvary Purpose: Raider
Basic Description:
The Night Spinner is an Eldar grav-tank based on the Falcon chassis. One of the most curious and also most accomplished Eldar designs, the Night Spinner is a mobile artillery vehicle designed to provide indirect fire support to fast moving Eldar attacks.
--Twin Shuriken Catapults : See Eldar Corsair infantry
--Twin Doomwreaver : The Night Spinner's primary armament are twin-linked Doomweavers, deadly Monofilament Weaponry which launch a large web of deadly wire high into the air. The web is made up of thousands of miles of incredibly strong, monofilament thread that can shear through any substance, including steel or tank armour. Once launched the web floats ghostly downwards, shredding any victims caught beneath it (essentially for a brief period afterwards that ground is considered hazardous to travel on) . Upon hitting the ground the web forms a barrier that may dissect anyone crossing through it, but will eventually settle into a solid blanket that can be moved over safely. The Eldar refer to the threads as the Chain of Vaul, after the unbreakable bonds in Eldar legend.
The Night Spinner may further be upgraded to switch out its Shuriken Catapults for Shuriken Cannons: See Eldar Corsair Squad.
Defense: In addition to its durable Wraithbone armor it has
Spirit Stones and Holo Fields : see Hornet Squadron
May be upgraded with the following:
--Star Engines: Allows it to have the same speed (600 km/h) as the Hornet Squadron.
--Vectored Engines: Makes it super maneuverable, like the hornet.
Additional Factors:
-Role: Fast attack tank
--Hovercraft, meaning it can float many feet off the ground, as well as temporarily gain higher altitude.
Corsair Wasp Assault Walkers
Type of Armor: Wraithbone
Weapon Type: Various
Speed: Unknown, has jetpacks though
Calvary Purpose: Drop-mechs
CLASSIFICATION: Rapid Assault mech
Basic Description:
Wasp Assault Walkers are an adaptation of the Eldar War Walker seen amongst the ranks of the Eldar Corsairs. Forgoing the War Walker's normal duties of scouting the enemy the Wasp is instead fitted with a jet-assisted anti-grav system, enabling it deploy directly from a high-flying Vampire Raider as part of an air-mobile Corsair raiding party. Once on the ground the Wasp can then rapidly redeploy, making short leaps across the battlefield with its jump jets, to provide support for Corsair 'drop' troops
Armament: May have any two of the following:
--Eldar Missile Launcher: See Corsair troop profile
--Scatter Lasers
--Pulse Laser
--Bright Lance: See Hornet profile for the rest.
Other then the Wraithbone construction (though the top is apparently a bit open) the Walkers can be given spirit stones.
--Warp Jump Jets: Wasp Assault Walkers are equipped with anti-grav jump jets that both allow it to deploy from aircraft and allows it to use the walker equivalent of a jetpack throughout battle.
Additional Factors:
--Squad Size: 3
--Primary Role: Fire Support
Eldar Jetbike squadron
Type of Armor: Little, Wraithbone construct
Weapon Type: Various
Speed: Presumably similar to the Reaver
Calvary Purpose: Fast Attack
CLASSIFICATION: Corsair fast assault craft
Basic Description:
Eldar Jetbikes are single-person anti-grav vehicles commonly used by Eldar, and occasionally Harlequin, warriors in battle. In particular the Corsairs love it, as it suits their fast attack play style. These sleek and elegant craft, capable of high speeds and extreme maneuverability, are testament to the Eldar's mastery of anti-gravitic technology, much to the amazement and jealousy of the Adeptus Mechanicus. On the battlefield they are commonly used as skirmishers, scouts, and fast-response units.Contained within the body of the jetbike are powerful anti-gravitic motors, allowing the craft to attain such great velocity that without an Eldar's enhanced reaction speed it would be lethal to ride. Through subtle manipulation these motors can also send the bike into a steep climb or sharp dive,though its shape naturally inclines it towards level or upward flight. Long, curved vanes on either side of the bike allow for incredibly sharp mid-air turns. Like most Eldar technology the jetbike is mentally attuned to the natural psychic abilities of the Eldar. Small patches of psychotropic crystals, within the bike's handlebars and the rider's gauntlets, allowing the rider to control the craft through mental commands. For an Eldar to master the jetbike is an exhilarating challenge that can take years of practice to reach their full potential, but those who do are said to build a rapport with their steeds comparable to the horsemasters of legend.
--Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults or 1 Shuriken Cannon : Twin-linked weapons are two ranged weapons of any type that share the same targetting information and fire actuation link. This system allows the linked weapons to be fired in tandem, increasing their destructive power.
--The Rider has a Shuriken pistol and close combat weapon for personal defense.
Defense: Little except speed
--Felarch: See Corsair profile, but essentially a more experienced sergeant. He can carry a
--Power Sword: Ignores Armor
--Fusion Pistol: See Corsair Profile
Additional Factors:
--Squad Size: 10 per squad, with 1 Felarch
--Function: Scouts, Raiders primarily
Corsair Warp Hunter
Weapon Type: D-cannon
Armor Type: Wraithbone
Speed: Up to 600 km/h
Classification: Corsair Assault Craft
Basic Description:
The Warp Hunter is a high-speed assault craft and one of the rarest variants of the Eldar Falcon grav-tank. Considered to be an archaic design, it was an unusual sight on the battlefields of the 41st Millenium until the Betalis III incident, when whole squadrons engaged Imperial forces in battle. As with other Falcon variant likes the Fire Prism and Night Spinner, the Warp Hunter sacrifices transport capacity for firepower. Though Craftworld Eldar don't like to use them often, Corsairs love them.
-Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults OR shuriken Cannon : See Eldar Corsair Squad
--D-Cannon: The most notable aspect of the Warp Hunter is its hull-mounted Distortion Cannon or D-Cannon. This example of the Eldar's advanced technology, little-understood by the Adeptus Mechanicus, creates a hole in the fabric of reality between real and Warp space, tearing the unlucky targets to pieces and dragging them into the Warp to suffer a terrible death.
--Aether Rift: An unusual aspect of the Warp Hunter's D-Cannon is that it can also be used to create an 'æther rift' projected a short distance in front of the vehicle. By adjusting the D-Cannon's warp/real space disruption focus and warp core containment field generator, a seething mass of dark energy can be used to sweep the enemy from its prow. Can only be used briefly.
Defense: See Hornet Squadrone. Also Wraithbone is immensely strong and light if that hasn't been mentioned already.
--Spirit Stones and HoloField: see Hornet Squadron
Vectored and Star Engines: See Hornet Squadron
Additional Factors:
--Skimmercraft: See hornet
Corsair Firestorm
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Wraithbone
Speed: Up to 600 km/h
Classification: Corsair Anti-air tank
Basic Description:
The Firestorm is a rare Eldar grav-tank based on the Falcon chassis. Designed for anti-aircraft warfare, the Firestorm is employed only in unique cases where Eldar aircraft are not available to achieve air superiority over the enemy, such as the Baran War where only vehicles Falcon-sized or smaller could fit through the wraithgates. On the campaign of Myermana this vehicle was responsible for more Imperial tank deaths then any other vehicle.
--Firestorm Scatter Lasers are Eldar laser weapons mounted on the Firestorm grav-tank. These complex arrays of triple-barreled Scatter Lasers combine high rate of fire with superb accuracy to fill the sky with deadly laser bolts, and are as good at shooting down aircraft as they are against hordes of enemy infantry such as Orks and Tyranids. Multiple Scatter lasers from different vehicles can apparently be combined into a single one to penetrate stronger hulls.
--Twin Shuriken Catapults or one shuriken Cannon
Defense: Wraithbone construct, Holofields and spirit stones: see Hornet profile
Special: Vectored and Star Engines: See Hornet Profile
Additional Factors:
--Skimmercraft: see hornet
Type of Aircraft: Airplane
Fighter or Bomber? : Fighter
Weapon Type: Shuriken/Blight Lances
Armor Type: Wraithbone
Speed: 3,600 km/h-2,300 km/h
Classification: Air Superiority Fighter
Basic Description:
The Nightwing is the primary fighter craft of the Eldar, combining a speed and manoeuvrability that no Imperial or any other aircraft can match, along with considerable firepower and sophisticated energy field protection. An exceptional fighter-interceptor, Nightwings are expected to go into combat outnumbered by the enemy and still establish air superiority, performing maneuvers which would send lesser craft in an uncontrollable plummet and achieve speeds which would tear them apart. The Nightwing is first and foremost a dogfighter; while its weaponry is adequate for attacking ground targets, those types of missions generally go to other aircraft such as the Phoenix.A favorite tactic of Nightwing pilots is to descend upon an opponent without warning, destroying them, and then using their supernatural speed and agility to shake off any pursuit. It is not uncommon for Imperial Navy Wings operating in airspace contested by Nightwings to suffer losses of 75% in just a few days of combat. During the Chagris Incusion an Eldar sky host known as Lileath's Blade, despite numbering only four Nightwings, accounted for sixty-six destroyed Hell Talons in just the first week without suffering a single loss. While the Nightwing, like all Eldar aircraft, is capable of being deployed directly from orbit, it is more likely to make use of larger Wraithgates to directly get into battle
--2 Twin-linked Shuriken Cannons: See Corsair Squad
--2 Bright Lances:
Defense: As with other Eldar vehicles, the Nightwing relies on speed and agility to avoid damage rather than armour. Assisting it in this regard are banks of sophisticated systems which create a Holo-field designed to hide it from the enemy. Not only does this holo-field make it virtually impossible for enemy scanners and other devices to track the craft, it also throws out distorting visual images to confuse enemy pilots
Additional Factors:
--Speed: Simply put the Nightwing is capable of aerobatic feats which would be physically impossible in lesser craft thanks to the Eldar's mastery of anti-gravity technology, such as a gravity-dampened cockpit to protect the pilot. Its multi-geometric wings can shift in flight to improve the craft's performance: Nightwings have been recorded at speeds of 3,600kph by Imperial forces with wings fully swept back, and though only capable of 2,300kph when fully extended, this allows the craft to perform high speed, high-g turns and easily outmaneuver the enemy in a dogfight. Nightwing pilots will master this ability to switch between the two settings, suddenly breaking to throw off a pursuit and gain an edge during dogfighting. This performance is further enhanced by the fact that Nightwings, like all Eldar aircraft, are constructed of advanced psycho-plastics, including Wraithbone, which are attuned to the pilot's psychic abilities, improving response time.
--Pilots: Though Nightwing pilots are often young, in game they are said to be able to perform aerial maneuvers that stun Imperial observers.
Phoenix Ground Bomber
Type of Aircraft: airplane
Fighter or Bomber? : Bomber
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Wraithbone
Classification: Corsair bomber
Basic Description:
The Phoenix is an Eldar ground attack fighter. While it shares many features in common with its smaller cousin, the Nightwing, the Pheonix sacrifices a measure of speed and maneuverability in order to carry a large weapons payload for ground attack missions. The two work in tandem, Nightwings clearing the skies of enemy aircraft and escorting Phoenixes as they rain destruction upon ground forces. However despite its loss in performance the Phoenix is still an outstanding aircraft, capable of tangling with most Imperial fighter aircraft and still coming out on top. It is common throughout all Craftworlds and Corsair warbands, and while orbital-capable the Phoenix is more commonly deployed through larger Wraithgates. The corsairs often use a modified version of this craft, painted with all sorts of flamboyent skulls, mythic icons and symbols, to bomb enemy positions. They are also used very effectively, described as devastating entire Imperial tank columns.
--Two nose mounted Shuriken Cannons with anti-aircraft mount
--Two Wing Mounted Phoenix Missile Launchers: The Phoenix Missile Launcher is a type of Eldar Missile Launcher typically mounted on Phoenixes, Vampire Raiders and their variants. Used against ground targets, they are most notable for using plasma warheads which are rapidly discharged to saturate an area in expanding plasma explosions.
----This may be switched out with Two Nightfire Missile Launchers :These warheads release a volatile burning gas, purple-black in coloration that coats and ripples along solid surfaces like a devouring liquid charring flesh to cinders in seconds and condemning those that it touches but does not kill outright to a slow and agonizing death. This is probably going to be a popular option, given who their allies are.
--1 Pulse Laser mounted of the fulseage :Corsair Hornet Squad.
---May be switched out for Twin Bright Lances or Starcannons : See Hornet Squad for both
Defense: As with other Eldar vehicles, the Phoenix focuses on speed and agility rather than heavy armour for protection, and benefits from an advanced Holo-field to disrupt enemy targeting capabilities. Wraithbone reinforcements along the craft's fuselage further help to strengthen and give extra resilience.
Variant: Void Dragon Phoenix: The Void Dragon Phoenix is a variant of the Eldar Phoenix fighter-bomber, flown by an Eldar Corsair warband known as the Void Dragons. The only difference between this variant and the original is the replacement of the fuselage Pulse Laser with twin-linked Starcannons. As the Void Dragons have sold their services to both the Craftworld Eldar and Dark Eldar, so too has the Void Dragon Phoenix flown in support of both brethren
Additional Factors:
--Often combined with Nightwings, who lay down covering fire.
--Speed and Control: Unlike the Nightwing the Phoenix has a crew of two, a pilot and co-pilot, each with their own cockpit. The co-pilot serves as a weapons officer, operating the Phoenix's armaments whilst the pilot flys the aircraft. Control of the Pheonix is assisted by the fact that, like all Eldar aircraft, it is constructed of advanced psycho-plastics and Wraithbone, psychically attuned to the crew and allowing for improved response times and pilot efficiency. The Phoenix lacks the same straight-line speed and maneuverability as the Nightwing, in part because it does not use the same variable-sweep wings, and has been recorded achieving a max speed of only 3,100 km/h (1926 mph) by Imperial forces. However it still makes use of the same advanced anti-gravitic technology, and so is more than capable of outperforming most other aircraft in both speed and agility.
-- New Tactic: Nightfire Strike Force: Contains up to 3 Nightwing interceptors and 3 Void Dragon or regular Phoenix bombers equipped with Nightfire Missiles. This formation is superb at destroying defenses as the bloodthirsty pilots who participate in this make a sport about killing as much "vermin" as possible .
===MISC AIR===
Corsair version of Venom
(see Dark Eldar)
Essentially the same design with the same purpose, this corsair version carries Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults and a Shuriken Cannon, with the option of switching one of those out for a Eldar Missile Launcher, Starcannon or Scatter Laser (see Corsair Squad for descriptions of all save the last two, where you should check the hornet profile) . Also has holofield, spirit stones, and vectored engines (again see Hornet profile)
Vampire Raider
Type of Aircraft: Airplane
Purpose of Aircraft: Rapid Insertion
Classification: Rapid Insertion fighter
Speed: 3200 Km/h to 1988 mph
Basic Description:
The Vampire Raider is the largest Eldar aircraft yet documented by the Imperium and an orbital-capable dropship. Like the Thunderhawk Gunship the Vampire Raider is used to ferry assault forces onto a planet, descending from orbit at many times the speed of sound to quickly drop off its cargo before ascending back into space just as quickly. The primary transports of Craftworld forces for when a target cannot be accessed through the Webway, Vampire Raiders are also a favorite of Eldar Corsairs for dropping off and retrieving their raiding parties. The Vampire Raider is unusually fast, agile and well-armed for a craft of its size, a testament to the advanced technology of the Eldar race, which is more than capable of seeing off enemy aircraft even without Nightwing escorts.
--Nose Mounted Scatter Laser:
--Twin Linked Pulse Lasers under wing : See Hornet Profile
Can be turned into a bomber by giving it Phoenix Missile Launchers or a Pulsar, which is a extremely powerful laser designed to take down titans that splits regular tanks in two with a single shot!
Defense: In addition to being super fast, can also be equipped with a Holofield.
Special/ Detailed Purpose:
--Transport Capacity: the capability to carry up to thirty troops, or much less then that Wasp Walkers, in a passenger compartment accessible through a rear ramp. Some variants turn it into a heavy transport with gravitic hooks allowing it to carry a Falcon .
Additional Factors:
--Role : Rare Heavy Transport
Corsair Falcon
Armor Type: Wraithbone
Type of Support: Corsair Transport
Classification: Transport Tank
Max Speed: 800km/h (497 mph
What Bonus do they give?: Transportation
The Falcon Grav-tank is a versatile vehicle used by the Eldar both as a transport and main battle tank. Its name is a rough translation of Faolchu, who in Eldar mythology was the consort of the Great Hawk and during the War in Heaven retrieved the sword Anaris from Vaul, thereby enabling Eldanesh to continue his combat with Khaine. This principle of delivering the sword is represented in the Falcon's design, taking the fight to the enemy and retrieving beleaguered troops if the combat becomes too fierce. The anti-gravitic generators which give the Falcon its amazing speed and agility are prime examples of the Eldar's technological mastery. Thanks to these powerful devices a Falcon can achieve speeds of up to 800 kph and soar to altitudes much higher than the equivalent Imperial craft, giving it limited flight capability. The Falcon's crew of pilot and gunner will themselves be veteran pilots, having learned their craft either on Eldar Jetbikes or along a similar Path, and take full advantage of these abilities, hiding within cloud cover only to swoop down on their pre-selected targets at high speed to deliver death and destruction. The Corsairs often drop them into battle from Vampire Raiders and paint them with fearsome imagery.
Armament :
The Falcon's weapon systems can be tailored towards fighting in any role. In addition to the standard Pulse Laser the gunner's turret can mount a Scatter Laser or Shuriken Cannon for mowing down infantry, a Starcannon to deal with light armour, or a Bright Lance or Missile Launcher for increase anti-tank firepower. Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults located beneath the pilot's cockpit can also be switched out for a single Shuriken Cannon (see Corsair Troops or Hornet for all of this).
Defense: Like all Eldar vehicles the Falcon is constructed from Wraithbone and other psycho-plastics, lightweight material which is incredibly strong and specially attuned to the Eldar's psychic abilities. This not only allows the vehicle to be controlled with both mind and body, but makes it impossible for other races to duplicate or operate the vehicle. Also Holofield can be equipped.
Special/Detailed Purpose:
--Can be equipped with Vectored Engines, Star Engines and Spirit Stones (see Corsair Hornet profile)
--Transport Capacity: 10.
Additional Factors:
--Unlike perhaps the Craftworld Eldar, these are retrofitted for speed rather then power.
Type of Aircraft: Airplane
Fighter or Bomber? : Fighter
Weapon Type: Shuriken/Blight Lances
Armor Type: Wraithbone
Speed: 3,600 km/h-2,300 km/h
Classification: Air Superiority Fighter
Basic Description:
The Nightwing is the primary fighter craft of the Eldar, combining a speed and manoeuvrability that no Imperial or any other aircraft can match, along with considerable firepower and sophisticated energy field protection. An exceptional fighter-interceptor, Nightwings are expected to go into combat outnumbered by the enemy and still establish air superiority, performing maneuvers which would send lesser craft in an uncontrollable plummet and achieve speeds which would tear them apart. The Nightwing is first and foremost a dogfighter; while its weaponry is adequate for attacking ground targets, those types of missions generally go to other aircraft such as the Phoenix.A favorite tactic of Nightwing pilots is to descend upon an opponent without warning, destroying them, and then using their supernatural speed and agility to shake off any pursuit. It is not uncommon for Imperial Navy Wings operating in airspace contested by Nightwings to suffer losses of 75% in just a few days of combat. During the Chagris Incusion an Eldar sky host known as Lileath's Blade, despite numbering only four Nightwings, accounted for sixty-six destroyed Hell Talons in just the first week without suffering a single loss. While the Nightwing, like all Eldar aircraft, is capable of being deployed directly from orbit, it is more likely to make use of larger Wraithgates to directly get into battle
--2 Twin-linked Shuriken Cannons: See Corsair Squad
--2 Bright Lances:
Defense: As with other Eldar vehicles, the Nightwing relies on speed and agility to avoid damage rather than armour. Assisting it in this regard are banks of sophisticated systems which create a Holo-field designed to hide it from the enemy. Not only does this holo-field make it virtually impossible for enemy scanners and other devices to track the craft, it also throws out distorting visual images to confuse enemy pilots
Additional Factors:
--Speed: Simply put the Nightwing is capable of aerobatic feats which would be physically impossible in lesser craft thanks to the Eldar's mastery of anti-gravity technology, such as a gravity-dampened cockpit to protect the pilot. Its multi-geometric wings can shift in flight to improve the craft's performance: Nightwings have been recorded at speeds of 3,600kph by Imperial forces with wings fully swept back, and though only capable of 2,300kph when fully extended, this allows the craft to perform high speed, high-g turns and easily outmaneuver the enemy in a dogfight. Nightwing pilots will master this ability to switch between the two settings, suddenly breaking to throw off a pursuit and gain an edge during dogfighting. This performance is further enhanced by the fact that Nightwings, like all Eldar aircraft, are constructed of advanced psycho-plastics, including Wraithbone, which are attuned to the pilot's psychic abilities, improving response time.
--Pilots: Though Nightwing pilots are often young, in game they are said to be able to perform aerial maneuvers that stun Imperial observers.
Phoenix Ground Bomber
Type of Aircraft: airplane
Fighter or Bomber? : Bomber
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Wraithbone
Classification: Corsair bomber
Basic Description:
The Phoenix is an Eldar ground attack fighter. While it shares many features in common with its smaller cousin, the Nightwing, the Pheonix sacrifices a measure of speed and maneuverability in order to carry a large weapons payload for ground attack missions. The two work in tandem, Nightwings clearing the skies of enemy aircraft and escorting Phoenixes as they rain destruction upon ground forces. However despite its loss in performance the Phoenix is still an outstanding aircraft, capable of tangling with most Imperial fighter aircraft and still coming out on top. It is common throughout all Craftworlds and Corsair warbands, and while orbital-capable the Phoenix is more commonly deployed through larger Wraithgates. The corsairs often use a modified version of this craft, painted with all sorts of flamboyent skulls, mythic icons and symbols, to bomb enemy positions. They are also used very effectively, described as devastating entire Imperial tank columns.
--Two nose mounted Shuriken Cannons with anti-aircraft mount
--Two Wing Mounted Phoenix Missile Launchers: The Phoenix Missile Launcher is a type of Eldar Missile Launcher typically mounted on Phoenixes, Vampire Raiders and their variants. Used against ground targets, they are most notable for using plasma warheads which are rapidly discharged to saturate an area in expanding plasma explosions.
----This may be switched out with Two Nightfire Missile Launchers :These warheads release a volatile burning gas, purple-black in coloration that coats and ripples along solid surfaces like a devouring liquid charring flesh to cinders in seconds and condemning those that it touches but does not kill outright to a slow and agonizing death. This is probably going to be a popular option, given who their allies are.
--1 Pulse Laser mounted of the fulseage :Corsair Hornet Squad.
---May be switched out for Twin Bright Lances or Starcannons : See Hornet Squad for both
Defense: As with other Eldar vehicles, the Phoenix focuses on speed and agility rather than heavy armour for protection, and benefits from an advanced Holo-field to disrupt enemy targeting capabilities. Wraithbone reinforcements along the craft's fuselage further help to strengthen and give extra resilience.
Variant: Void Dragon Phoenix: The Void Dragon Phoenix is a variant of the Eldar Phoenix fighter-bomber, flown by an Eldar Corsair warband known as the Void Dragons. The only difference between this variant and the original is the replacement of the fuselage Pulse Laser with twin-linked Starcannons. As the Void Dragons have sold their services to both the Craftworld Eldar and Dark Eldar, so too has the Void Dragon Phoenix flown in support of both brethren
Additional Factors:
--Often combined with Nightwings, who lay down covering fire.
--Speed and Control: Unlike the Nightwing the Phoenix has a crew of two, a pilot and co-pilot, each with their own cockpit. The co-pilot serves as a weapons officer, operating the Phoenix's armaments whilst the pilot flys the aircraft. Control of the Pheonix is assisted by the fact that, like all Eldar aircraft, it is constructed of advanced psycho-plastics and Wraithbone, psychically attuned to the crew and allowing for improved response times and pilot efficiency. The Phoenix lacks the same straight-line speed and maneuverability as the Nightwing, in part because it does not use the same variable-sweep wings, and has been recorded achieving a max speed of only 3,100 km/h (1926 mph) by Imperial forces. However it still makes use of the same advanced anti-gravitic technology, and so is more than capable of outperforming most other aircraft in both speed and agility.
-- New Tactic: Nightfire Strike Force: Contains up to 3 Nightwing interceptors and 3 Void Dragon or regular Phoenix bombers equipped with Nightfire Missiles. This formation is superb at destroying defenses as the bloodthirsty pilots who participate in this make a sport about killing as much "vermin" as possible .
===MISC AIR===
Corsair version of Venom
(see Dark Eldar)
Essentially the same design with the same purpose, this corsair version carries Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults and a Shuriken Cannon, with the option of switching one of those out for a Eldar Missile Launcher, Starcannon or Scatter Laser (see Corsair Squad for descriptions of all save the last two, where you should check the hornet profile) . Also has holofield, spirit stones, and vectored engines (again see Hornet profile)
Vampire Raider
Type of Aircraft: Airplane
Purpose of Aircraft: Rapid Insertion
Classification: Rapid Insertion fighter
Speed: 3200 Km/h to 1988 mph
Basic Description:
The Vampire Raider is the largest Eldar aircraft yet documented by the Imperium and an orbital-capable dropship. Like the Thunderhawk Gunship the Vampire Raider is used to ferry assault forces onto a planet, descending from orbit at many times the speed of sound to quickly drop off its cargo before ascending back into space just as quickly. The primary transports of Craftworld forces for when a target cannot be accessed through the Webway, Vampire Raiders are also a favorite of Eldar Corsairs for dropping off and retrieving their raiding parties. The Vampire Raider is unusually fast, agile and well-armed for a craft of its size, a testament to the advanced technology of the Eldar race, which is more than capable of seeing off enemy aircraft even without Nightwing escorts.
--Nose Mounted Scatter Laser:
--Twin Linked Pulse Lasers under wing : See Hornet Profile
Can be turned into a bomber by giving it Phoenix Missile Launchers or a Pulsar, which is a extremely powerful laser designed to take down titans that splits regular tanks in two with a single shot!
Defense: In addition to being super fast, can also be equipped with a Holofield.
Special/ Detailed Purpose:
--Transport Capacity: the capability to carry up to thirty troops, or much less then that Wasp Walkers, in a passenger compartment accessible through a rear ramp. Some variants turn it into a heavy transport with gravitic hooks allowing it to carry a Falcon .
Additional Factors:
--Role : Rare Heavy Transport
Corsair Falcon
Armor Type: Wraithbone
Type of Support: Corsair Transport
Classification: Transport Tank
Max Speed: 800km/h (497 mph
What Bonus do they give?: Transportation
The Falcon Grav-tank is a versatile vehicle used by the Eldar both as a transport and main battle tank. Its name is a rough translation of Faolchu, who in Eldar mythology was the consort of the Great Hawk and during the War in Heaven retrieved the sword Anaris from Vaul, thereby enabling Eldanesh to continue his combat with Khaine. This principle of delivering the sword is represented in the Falcon's design, taking the fight to the enemy and retrieving beleaguered troops if the combat becomes too fierce. The anti-gravitic generators which give the Falcon its amazing speed and agility are prime examples of the Eldar's technological mastery. Thanks to these powerful devices a Falcon can achieve speeds of up to 800 kph and soar to altitudes much higher than the equivalent Imperial craft, giving it limited flight capability. The Falcon's crew of pilot and gunner will themselves be veteran pilots, having learned their craft either on Eldar Jetbikes or along a similar Path, and take full advantage of these abilities, hiding within cloud cover only to swoop down on their pre-selected targets at high speed to deliver death and destruction. The Corsairs often drop them into battle from Vampire Raiders and paint them with fearsome imagery.
Armament :
The Falcon's weapon systems can be tailored towards fighting in any role. In addition to the standard Pulse Laser the gunner's turret can mount a Scatter Laser or Shuriken Cannon for mowing down infantry, a Starcannon to deal with light armour, or a Bright Lance or Missile Launcher for increase anti-tank firepower. Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults located beneath the pilot's cockpit can also be switched out for a single Shuriken Cannon (see Corsair Troops or Hornet for all of this).
Defense: Like all Eldar vehicles the Falcon is constructed from Wraithbone and other psycho-plastics, lightweight material which is incredibly strong and specially attuned to the Eldar's psychic abilities. This not only allows the vehicle to be controlled with both mind and body, but makes it impossible for other races to duplicate or operate the vehicle. Also Holofield can be equipped.
Special/Detailed Purpose:
--Can be equipped with Vectored Engines, Star Engines and Spirit Stones (see Corsair Hornet profile)
--Transport Capacity: 10.
Additional Factors:
--Unlike perhaps the Craftworld Eldar, these are retrofitted for speed rather then power.
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