**Also every unit listed as rare is rare only initially, as in theory Zerg could easily change its rare status by building more.
Type of Armor: Zerg Carapace
Weapon Type: Claws
Speed: 40 mph?
CLASSIFICATION: Class 5 bio-signature
Basic Description:
Aberrations are former terrans who have undergone extreme mutation from the zerg hyper-evolutionary virus. During the invasion of Char Kerrigan learned how to produce these massive infested creatures, which can stand taller then even tanks, and can even walk over other units. They are also in a curious position, being not durable enough to be put into armor yet more durable then the standard Light Calvary unit.
Armament: Powerful rending claws, far more powerful then a zergling. Can presumably trample people too. These claws do increased damage to armored foes.
Defense: Zerg carapace. Despite not being armor it is also very durable, and can withstand a great deal of punishment before going down. Finally has standard Zerg regeneration.
Special: None
Additional Factors:
--Zerg Physiology: See Zergling
--Can Burrow: see Zergling
--Role: anti-armor, Linebreaker
Weapon Type: Spines/Spear-tentacle
Armor Type: Zerg carapace, Burrowing
Speed: Slow
Classification: Underground Anti-infantry/vehicle
Basic Description:
By the time of the Brood War, the zerg had evolved the lurker strain from the hydralisk. The lurker was first observed under the leadership of Kerrigan (although technically, it was their handiwork that was the first indication).
Lurkers serve as defense warriors for hive clusters and outlying zerg colonies. Lurkers emit waves of super-dense spines against their enemies, having a full width of damage of ten meters.However, lurkers must actually burrow underground to release these subterranean attacks. Any warriors on the surface who are caught by these spines are instantly impaled. These spines themselves are capable of tearing into flesh, steel, and even reinforced armor plating. The spines can even be directed downward into open spaces, provided the lurker is underground.
The Impaler is a strain that actually predates the Lurker and is very similar in appearance but different in attack styles. An ancient strain developed by the Zerg Overmind, this creature launches a single, giant, spear-like tentacle that is devastating against armor, but not as effective against massed infantry as the Lurker (though it will still kill whatever it attacks).
Armament : See Description. One shoots out a giant spear that is devastating against armor, while the other shoots out a wave of smaller spines that is great against massed infantry. Both have (or can be upgraded to have) the same range as a Terran Siege Tank.
Defense: Zerg Carapace and regeneration. Also if burrowed the enemy needs sophisticated scanners or extreme luck to accurately hit.
Additional Factors:
--Weakness: Defenseless, with the possible exception of melee claws, above ground. Must burrow quickly or be accompanied by escorts.
--Zerg Physiology; see Zergling
-Can Burrow: Only effective while burrowed, but it can burrow through the ground extremely quickly.
--Role: Zerg Siege Unit, Support, Defense. Its spear-tentacle/spines can cause utmost panic amongst the enemy, who have to deal with enemies attacking both below and above ground.
Swarm Host
Weapon Type: Spawned Minions
Armor Type: "Zergy" Artillery
Speed: Very Slow
Classification: Zerg Troop Spawner
Basic Description:
The Swarm Host has no weapons of its own, but can represent an army unto itself. Generated by the Infestation Pit, it spawns parasitic symbiotes known as locusts, which attack any nearby enemies with volleys of acidic saliva. These seem to spawn every couple of minutes. This crawling monstrosity burrows into the ground in order to provide a seemingly endless supply of ferocious biological minions, and is often used in defensive maneuvers.
The Swarm Host attacks by spawning Locusts/Harpies to attack foes, which then attack foes with acidic saliva that can fire in Bullet-like projectiles.
Defense: Light Zerg Carapace, Regeneration, Using minions as meat shields. Minions are pretty good and armored bullet shields according to game.
---Burrow: Abathur gives the Primal Zerg unit the ability to burrow and still continuously pump out eggs, only now it can do so without being at risk to enemy fire (unless they have detectors) .
--Rapid Incubation: Abathur works his magic to cause Swarm Hosts to spawn Locusts even faster then before, reducing the Spawn time by 20 percent!
-- Pressurized Glands: Abathur causes the glands to be pressurized, allowing Locust projectiles to reach incredible height. Essentially gives them ability to attack air units.
--Carrion Strain: The essence of a Carrion Nest are consumed, allowing the Swarm Host to spawn Flying Locusts. These flying locusts are much faster then their ground based cousins, do more damage but conversely can take less damage before going down.
--Creeper Strain: A creature known as the Ash Worm was consumed, allowing the Swarm Host to travel through the ground quicker then any Zerg Organism save the Nydus Worm. They can tunnel through the Crust and rapidly retreat if they are being overwhelmed, or if the Zerg need artillery in a certain location they can quickly travel there. Also generates Creep when they are spawning locusts.
Additional Factors:
--Zerg Physiology: See Zergling
-Weakness: has no personal attacks except maybe claws at extremely close combat.
--Contradictory Lore about whether they can burrow without the upgrade or not.
--Role: Siege Unit (storming entrenched positions with hordes of endlessly spawned units), Locusts provide bullet shields for other strains.
Bile/Spore Cannon
Type: Artillery Building/ Anti-Massive Unit
Spore cannons are Zerg structures which can fire spores at land targets or into the air. They are powerful enough to act as siege weapons. In the Battle of Char these massive cannons fired projectiles big enough to down Terran Battlecruisers and buildings. In the Battle over Korhal it took out the Dominion's massive defensive cannon network, enabling the invasion to proceed as planned. Finally in the aftermath of the Seige of Cask (see Baneling profile) it was used to relay genetic information between planets, firing off spores that somehow traveled all the way to other planets. Though they weren't used directly against Terrans in that encounter the main character mentions they could have, at any time. Though the Zerg don't use them as much as they should, this IS a answer to even the biggest most powerful units that they could encounter. These launchers can be dropped in via drop pods, though they take a while to set up.
Weapon Type: Kaiser Blades
Armor Type: Zerg heavy Carapace
Speed: 20 Mph? With exception of Burrow Charge
Classification: Zerg Heavy Armor
Basic Description:
Bearing little resemblance to the docile Brontoliths from which they were evolved, Ultralisks are the most powerful of the Zerg ground forces. They serve as the backbone of the Swarm’s armies and are as dangerous as any armored vehicle. These massive monstrosities are used as living battering rams against their enemies. Their large bone-like scythes allow them to tear through most known substances with ease. The Ultralisk’s genetic material has been subjected to countless tests and experiments, and only the final viable code is used by Zerg Larvae to morph into new Ultralisks. A mere handful of Ultralisks have killed entire garrisons before.
Ultralisks attack using large, bone-like scythes which protrude from their backs. Known as "kaiser blades", these scythes are nearly indestructible. Possessing monomolecular edges, these scythes are able to tear through most substances with ease. As the Heart of the Swarm trailer shows, they are big enough to step on things.
Defense: Heavy Carapace: Its a extremely strong carapace that is powerful enough to absorb most of the force of a 180mm Shock Cannon that fires superheated plasma. Probably one of the best defenses in the Zerg Swarm, barring the Leviathan.
-Regeneration: See Zergling.
--Burrow Charge: Abathur modifies the system once again, amplifying the vibration system that the Zerg use to Burrow. Essentially this allows the Zerg to "charge" underground, avoiding any fire from ranged enemies on the way, and then emerge violently within the enemy ranks. Having a 100 foot behemoth emerge amongst a crowded formation is naturally going to be devastating to even armored foes, and would probably send lesser ones flying.
--Tissue Assimilation: Another h4x upgrade, Abathur modifies the Ultralisk to allow for assimilation of usable material from fluids and wreckage that gets sprayed from Ultralisk attacks. Essentially, the Ultralisk rapidly regains health everytime it attacks. This can be overwhelmed but it greatly extends the Ultralisks longevity.
--Monarach Blades: Makes that second set of blades far more powerful. Kaiser blades reconfigured on Microscopic scale to prevent momentum loss.
Noxious: During Kerrigan's resurgence, Abathur discovered the noxious strain in a Dominion xeno research facility on Korhal. The Dominion scientists inadvertently created a potent toxin which was deadly to any non-zerg entity. The toxin was used to kill a few ultralisk that managed to escape captivity in the facility. However the ultralisk managed to bond with the toxin thus forming the noxious. The noxious is able to release toxin vapors in a controlled manner through the vents in its carapace. Just being in the presence of these Ultralisks is going to be damaging to any non-zerg unit, however in addition to that the Ultralisk can release controlled toxic blasts of the toxin for baneling-like effects.
-- Torrasque: Whereas older Ultralisks required the power of the Overmind to revive, these can self-revive due to the radioactive energy bonded into their carapaces. Upon death Ultralisk enters a cocoon, whereupon it rapidly regenerates. Moments later it bursts out, good as new and ready to fight again. This ability to revive itself has a cooldown whereupon the Ultralisk must gather up enough energy to repeat the feat, and can be killed permanently if killed before cooldown finishes. If killed after then the Torrasque can revive yet again...and again...and again depending on how long it takes the enemy to inflict true death. Also if the cocoon is destroyed, which is actually pretty durable, then the Torrasque also dies a true death.
Finally there is one additional Strain that is rare and experimental in the same manner as the Devouring Ones and Hunter-Killers:
This is going to be the largest Ultralisk variant, almost twice the size of the original with far more powerful attacks, durability and strength. It is very rare, with only one encountered so far in a cannon timeline.
Additional Factors:
-Role: Anti-armor, line breaker
--Zerg Physiology: See Zergling
--Can Burrow... Surprisingly
--Frenzied: In game it is immune to stun, snare and mind control effects.
--Weight and Height:
I asked a group member, one Marcus(to whom belong credi for this section), to estimate the Size and Height of a Ultralisk based on the following concept picture and under the assumption that the Zealot is 3m (which seems to be the average Protoss height)
"Using the Protoss Zealot as a guide of exactly 3 meters (and the little icon of the Terran Marine in the far left as a general rule of a human), to determine the size and weight of the behemoth creature.
By comparing a 6-foot tall human and average African elephant silhouette, re-sized to assume the Zealot is exactly 3 meters tall, I determined that without the crest of the Ultralisk, the creature stands bottom to top 35 meters tall (115 feet). Cross-referencing with a blue whale-human comparison silhouette confirmed this to be within .05 feet.
Then the weight. Weight is usually a difficult thing to calculate based on size alone because of the different densities involved. An line of elephants stretched the length of a blue whale weigh significantly less than the whale, but the whale weighs more than 4 tanks combined, and 4 modern tanks have greater size than the whale. But I took the liberty of using the elephant silhouettes to estimate there's about 35 "elephants" within the mass of an Ultralisk.
So instead I turned to the video of the Zerg invading Korhal IV. Note there is a scene where a charging Ultralisk crushes a Siege Tank with barely any height-drop (meaning there is little ground clearance between the hoof and the tank). So most of the flattening force going into that tank was sheer weight. And it barely slowed it down so you're only seeing some of the weight, not all of it going down on it.
I used the formula that it takes 4 tons of 'forced weight' from a boa constrictor to break and crack a human. Knowing that a human is more durable in build than a constructed tank (and the Ultra flattened that tank pretty easily), I didn't modify it. How many humans weigh a 60-ton tank, multiply 4. I got a number really close to 35 large African elephants.
We're looking at a conservative 240-245 tons of weight. And that's a generously low number. One has to imagine the amount of extra weight on the carapace armor, at least half the crest on the head, and this doesn't really account for the four scythe arms either. Not to mention, an upgraded evolution to have extra tissue.
If you want to argue that such sheer weight would crush the streets in the HOTS trailer video, then that would be wrong; regular concrete and reinforced roads are build to handle greater weight loads on smaller point, and the Ultralisk has it's weight spread out over four, extremely large hooves, and I would assume Korhal IV has more durable materials to use than raw concrete."
If someone has problems and a different equaition for height/weight, please point out, but this is the most accurate measurement I have seen thus far (and should be used).
![]() |
Could maybe be an Omegalisk. |
Weapon Type: Acid Spew/ Claws
Armor Type: Extremely Heavy Zerg Carapace
Speed: Slower then Ultralisk
Classification: Ultimate Zerg Titan
Basic Description:
The Brutalisk is the ultimate Zerg Ground organism, being bigger and stronger then even a Ultralisk. Though it is quite rare each time it appears in either of the campaigns the objective immediately becomes either to take it out (if Jim in Wings of Liberty) or rescue it (if Kerrigan). Its kind of a gigantic cross between a Hydralisk, Zergling and Ultralisk.
At Long-Range or against Air foes it can spew a gigantic volley of Acid. Given this creatures immense size it would essentially be spitting a tidal wave of the corrosive stuff at you.
Furthermore it has two sets of gigantic talons and is physically stronger the even the Ultralisk. It is also at the size where it could crush stuff that it fights against. Its body is also lined with spikes
Defense: See Ultralisk, though a bit better
Additional Factors:
--Zerg Physiology:
--One of the very few Zerg units that cannot burrow, thanks to its size.
-- Rare: Expect Ultralisks to outnumber it by a ratio of at least 20 to 1.
Type of Aircraft: Organic Creature-Suicide Fighter
Fighter or Bomber? : Suicide Fighter*
Weapon Type: Explosions
Armor Type: Light Zerg Carapace
Basic Description:
Scourges are blind, suicidal fliers of unknown origin, seeking out enemy starships and diving into them. Catalytic agents within the Scourge allow it to undergo a form of plasma metamorphosis, causing it to explode like a living bomb. A single scourge is capable of destroying a terran starfighter or shuttle and a handful can breach the hull of a starship. They are able to engage these targets in both air and the vacuum of space.
Armament: Living Explosions of Plasma. In battle Swarms of these try to mob every ship in sight.
Defense: Very Light, given that biomass shouldn't be spent on a organism that is just going to explode anyway.
Additional Factors:
-Zerg Physiology
-Mass Produced: Like the Zergling the Scourge is easy to produce, and in fact two can hatch from one egg. Can also be spawned from Leviathans.
--Weakness: The primary drawback of the scourge is its limited ability to store energy, able to fly for barely a few hours without requiring additional substance. To conserve energy, they often perch on the backs of overlords. However, this presents a hazard, as the scourge's explosive nature can damage friendly Zerg at this proximity
*It should be noted that in Starcraft, that any unit labeled a "Fighter" can and will also attack massive ground units (i.e. Collossi sized)
Type of Aircraft: Organic Creatures
Fighter or Bomber?: Fighters
Weapon Type: Acid, Slime
Armor Type: Zerg Carapace
Classification: Anti-Air Flyer
Basic Description:
Protoss and Terran forces alike deeply fear Corruptors. Fortunately these giant brain-like creatures, with their snapping beaks and dangling tentacles, are usually found near only the most advanced Hive clusters. The Corruptor is a genetic marvel that can cover targets in acid, causing them to take additional damage from attacks.
The Corrupter shoots acidic parasite spores that rapidly eats through enemy armor, likem ost units only more potent and rapid.
Defense: Decently strong Zerg Flyer armor. Much stronger then Mutalisk yet probably not as strong as Ultralisk. Also Regeneration.
Special: Corruption:
The Corruptor covers a single unit in slime that degrades armor. For as long as the slime stays on, that unit suffers an extra 20% damage from each additional attack (essentially they die easier).
Additional Factors:
--Zerg Physiology :
--Can morph into Brood Lord
--Role: Anti-air, good support as slime can be used against Ground too.
Type of Aircraft: Organic Creature
Fighter or Bomber? : Fighter
Weapon Type: Acidic Spores
Armor Type: Zerg Carapace
Classification: Heavy Assault Flyer
Basic Description:
Devourers are an evolution of the mutalisk. In use by early 2500 during the Great War, devourers spit a venom of corrosive acid at aerial targets that can eat through the reinforced armor plating of terran and protoss capital ships. A single spit of venom may splash over multiple targets. The acid spores in the venom may hinder the fighting ability of the target
Armament: Corrosive Acid: See Description
Defense: Much more armored then Mutalisk counterpart, Zerg Regeneration.
Special: Each attack spreads acid spores to everything it directly hits and that takes splash damage. These spores eat away armor and makes subsequent attacks by the Devourers or other units more devastating.
Additional Factors:
--Surprisingly Fast
--Zerg Physiology:
--Rare: Though the Devourer was used after the Brood War, it has not been used often since then.
Type of Aircraft: Organic Creature
Fighter or Bomber? : Bomber
Weapon Type: Explosive Globs of acid
Armor Type: Zerg Carapace
Classification: Long Range Zerg Bomber
Basic Description:
The guardian is evolved from the mutalisk and thought to be based on the nesting form of the mantis screamer. It possesses a thicker carapace than its counterpart and attacks by lobbing explosive globs of acid. The guardian is much slower than the mutalisk however, and is often designated to guard larvae.
Armament: Shoots giant explosive globs of acid like description said, which can easily melt through seige tanks.
Defense: Carapace: Said to have Air Armor akin to an Ultralisk . Regeneration too
Additional Factors:
--Weakness: Not suited to Air-to-air Combat (or at least, not the non-Primal Version). Will require escort.
--Zerg Physiology:
Role: Defense, Siege Unit (out-ranges most defense and ground troops), anti-ground
--Evolves from Mutalisk
Brood Lord
Type of Aircraft: Organic Creature
Fighter or Bomber? : Bomber
Weapon Type: Broodlings
Armor Type: Zerg Carapace
Classification: Zerg Siege unit
Basic Description:
These massive manta-like flying creatures serve as aerial siege units for the Swarm. Only seen in the largest of conflicts, the Brood Lord has the ability to spit out biological symbiotes (broodlings) that function as living ammunition. These regurgitated creatures focus on their target, ravaging it until they destroy it or die in the attempt. This attack makes Brood Lords extremely dangerous to opposing installations.
Armament: Like the guardian, it has a long-ranged ground attack and no defense against air units. Brood lords launch broodlings; the broodlings do damage upon impact, and then act as separate timed-lifespan ground units. Brood lords can sustain a stream of single broodlings; the first attack after a break launches two broodlings.
Defense: See Devourer. Carapace and Regeneration
Special: Can easily spawn a massive army of Broodlings through this.
Additional Factors:
--Weakness: Needs fighter escort
--Zerg Physiology:
--Apparently it grows its own ammunition like the Swarm host.
--Evolves from Mutalisk or Corrupter
Type of Aircraft: Organic Creature
Fighter or Bomber? : Everything and more!
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Various
Basic Description:
Leviathans are classified as class-10 zerg flyers and and are the largest in terran records, even larger than a Protoss mothership, nd have been referred to as "moon sized."They were used by the Swarm as far back as the Great War,and at least one was present at Char in the Second Great War. Leviathans possess interior evolution chambers, can store many zerg warriors within them, are capable of deep-space travel and can land on planets.
Against Air units it primarily attacks by releasing Bile Swarms that fly around and self-destruct against anything they see. It can also unleash a massive horde of Scourges according to Wings of Libery which further adds to the carnage.
It has at least four overgrown spine crawlers embedded into it (though Kerrigan's personal Leviathan definately has many more) that merge with Leviathan and can both tear ground forces to shreds and pierce into the hulls of enemy craft, allowing for either boarding actions (sending Zerg through the tentacles) or physically ripping it apart.
Defense: Probably the Best of the Zerg:
Has some of the Best armor of the Zerg Force, is so massive it is going to take a massive amount of ammunition to take down, and has regeneration.
--Bio-stasis: A special move that Takes affected units within a certain area out of combat and places them in Bio-Stasis.These units cannot attack, defend themselves or move for a limited time.
--Bioplasmic Discharge: Unleashes one massive blast of Plasma from its mouth that practically one-shots any unit in Starcraft.
--Spawn Brood Lord/Mutalisk: Launches Cocoons from its body that rapidly turns into either a Brood Lord or a Mutalisk.
--Carrier: Finally it can deploy Sacs or drop pods (see Misc Air) from its belly that can deliver whole hordes of troops to initiate an invasion or bolster ground forces.
--Detector: has the ability to see invisible burrowed and hidden foes.
Additional Factors:
-Surprisingly the Behemoth Zerg organism is supposed to drawf even the Leviathan, but that hasn't been seen yet.
--Zerg Physiology: To a massive Degree
--Rare: These things are exhausting to produce, and os there won't be many for a campaign. Probably the rarest of any of the Zerg flyers.
====MISC AIR=====
Type of Aircraft: Unique
Purpose of Aircraft: Specialist role
Classification: Zerg Armament Denial unit
Basic Description:
Carrying on in the support role once held by the Zerg Defiler, the Viper combines several vicious biological weapons to weaken enemy forces and give an edge to the swarm. This winged menace stores a thick microbial soup within its abdomen, and can spray the viscous mixture into the air whenever ranged foes approach – essentially nullifying the effectiveness of their armaments until they can move out of the cloying mist. Enemies hoping to escape to high ground are quickly snatched from their dominant position by the Viper’s muscular proboscis, allowing the zerg to counter just about any tactical terrain advantage. When fatigued, the Viper can siphon bioelectrical energy and nutrients from other zerg buildings, allowing it to quickly return to the fray and cause further mayhem.
In Heart of the Swarm campaign it can fire Acid Spores from its mouth against other air units. Another Zerg Acid attack.
Defense: Zerg Carapace : Moderate
Special/ Detailed Purpose:
Abduct: The viper targets a unit and pulls that unit to the viper's location. This allows it to pull allies to safety, or pull enemy units out of position. The ability can pull units up and down cliffs. Obviously for the sake of realism I am going to state that the Viper cannot move something many times its own weight like it can in game, though multiple Vipers working in unison might be able to achieve the effect.
--Blinding Cloud : The Viper shoots out a weird microbial soup that forms a cloud. Inside this cloud weapons malfunction and visibility is reduced almost to melee range. The enemy will need to leave the range of the cloud in order to fire normally, which puts them at the mercy of any Zerg around, as they can apparently navigate and fire into the cloud freely. These units were created by Blizzard to work against Collossi, so being exceptionally tall does not mean you can fire over the cloud, either.
--Consume: Drains the life energy of a Zerg unit in order to give the Viper the better opportunity to cast one of the above spells.
Additional Factors:
--Zerg Physiology: See Zergling
--Primal Zerg strain: Originally the Viper was a primal Zerg strain that was re-adapted into the Swarm. As such it might still have some Primal Zerg traits (see Primal Zerg profile)
Type of Aircraft: Organic Creature
Purpose of Aircraft: Various
Classification: Zerg Support Craft
Basic Description:
The queen was derived from the Arachnis brood-keeper. It possessed numerous tentacles, a sinuous head, and a stretched skin membrane. As with the overlords, queens were subordinated to the cerebrates to help administrate the Swarm. Queens usually stayed near the hives where they oversaw maturing zerg and drone activities.
Armament: None
Defense: Light Zerg Carapace
Special/ Detailed Purpose:
--Parasite: On the battlefield, one of the queen's primary functions was to implant parasites in its enemies. Able to be launched from a distance, a tiny, remora-like parasite attached itself to the target, 'bonding' with it should the target be organic. The parasite allowed higher zerg strains to see whatever the target sees and at the time of its use in the Koprulu Sector, could not be removed without killing its host. The parasite could also provide a link for the Zerg to "talk" to the host.
--Spawn Broodling: Once evolved with the ability, Queens can launch a small spore cluster to a target non-robotic ground unit. The spores then attempt to fertilize within any organic matter in the target, even making their way through armored shells to reach their organic destination. The spores metabolize the victim immediately and within a few seconds, the spores gestate and produce a pair of Broodlings which, upon an explosive birth, destroy the host. They even showed the ability with the broodling adaptation to use the ability to target mechanical targets with human operators. As the ability was effective at destroying Seigetanks and Goliaths and then wreaking havoc on the rest of the force.
-- Ensnare: Sprays the enemy with thick green slimy mucus, which drastically reduces both the speed in which the enemies caught within the good could attack and move.
--The Queen produces a parasitic bio-toxin that allows for vastly easier infestation.
Additional Factors:
--Role: Special abilities caster, Command Strain, Infestation Specialist
--Zerg Physiology:
--Rare: Not often used since the Brood War, though definitely have on two occasions.
Type of Aircraft: Floating Balloon
Purpose of Aircraft: Control, Transport, Scout
Classification: Zerg Control Unit
Basic Description:
It is believed that the semi-intelligent spacefaring leviathans known as the Gargantis Proximae were first inducted into the Swarm so that their heightened senses could benefit the Zerg in battle. Whatever their starting point, Overlords were rapidly evolved to relay commands and keep the Swarm coordinated during combat. The importance of this function is underlined by the sheer number of Overlords found accompanying Zerg forces. Overlords are extremely flexible in their support role, often serving as advanced scouts and disgorging creep to prepare the way for further Zerg conquests. With the correct growth stimuli, Overlords are even capable of evolving the ability to transport Zerg warriors within their hollow carapace. Overlords fly using helium-filled gas sacs combined with a weak telekinetic psi-ability for lift and motive power
Armament: Nothing really, though it looks like they have claws.
Defense: Standard Zerg regeneration + Carapace that is strong enough to resist lightning strikes. And it floats high above the range of many melee fighters. They are, according to the short story linked in additional factors, surprisingly good at dodging.
Special/ Detailed Purpose:
They can disgorge creep from themselves continually, and in that way they again aid in the spreading of the all-important Zerg Creep.
They can evolve so that they can transport Zerg units, providing a aerial dropship. Though they can't hold too many inside them, the Zerg usually have many Overlords so can quickly ferry entire broods.
They can also evolve into
Evolution: Overseer
Overseers are genetically-altered overlords that have a mass of additional sockets filled with highly evolved optical receptors with hypersensitive retinas. These “eyes” have been through many iterations, each developmental cycle improving upon the preceding one’s optical evolution. The zerg are obsessed with detecting subtler motions and more advanced camouflage techniques, and this latest evolution allows the overseer to detect any hidden enemy units, including those that are burrowed underground or cloaked. Overseers can also carry or give birth to changelings.Unlike most other zerg breeds but like overlords, overseers have the ability to act with appropriate judgment, but are severely limited in their mental flexibility. In addition to being a detector, they have the following abilities.
---Birth Changelings: See Recon
---Contaminate: The overseer disables a building, which becomes covered in slime. It cannot warp in units, spawn larva or do whatever the building's purpose is until the slime comes off.
Finally Kerrigan can initiate an improved Overlord program that gives the Overlords more control over more units, and causes them to spawn as quickly as a swarmling.
Additional Factors:
-Zerg Physiology: See Zergling
-Role: in addition to their leadership duties, Overlords tend to young larvae, act as scouts, monitor the process of drones through a type of instinctive telepathy and transport other zerg across the depths of space by carrying them within their shelled bodies. Due to the sheer number of them, it is hard for an enemy to slip a stealth force into the Zerg base.
- Weakness: Killing enough overlords could result in some Zerg becoming feral. Howver this would still be hard to do as A. Zerg can spawn their overlords extremely easy and B. Kerrigan has a prodigious amount of control over the Zerg, and can turn feral Zerg back over to her.
--Intelligent: The Short Story Overlord shows that just one Overlord is surprisingly intelligent, capable of mourning and even initiating a whole series of events to take out the squad of the marine who killed its partner, so that both could know what it is to be alone.
--Overlord Lore Here
These extremely common organisms are the Zerg version of Terran Drop Pods. Launched from the massive Leviathans by the hundreds these can drop in nearly anything from Zerg heroes to hordes of units to massive Ultralisks to creep/creep tumors to even entire bases such as Hatcheries!
Armor Type: Durable Chitin
Type of Support: Reinforcement
Classification: Original Zerg
What Bonus do they give?: Reinforcement
The creatures most similar to the original Zerg insectoids are the Zerg Larvae. Each Larva contains within it the genetic makeup of every other Zerg strain available to the Hive. A young Hive will have only the genetic codes for the most basic of Zerg strains, such as the Drone, but as the Hive grows and develops new structures, the Larvae can expand its library of genetic strains. With a command from the Overlords, Larvae will enter a pupal state and begin the metamorphosis into whichever strains the Hive requires.
Armament : Biting? Maybe?
Defense: Chitin Armor: Larva are extremely well armored, to the point where small arms fire just bounces off the Carapace and could potentially kill whoever is shooting. Even Terran Gauss rifles with their supersonic slugs have trouble putting them down.
Regeneration: see Zergling.
Special/Detailed Purpose:
Maggot-like, zerg larvae contain within them the genetic code for all other zerg breeds. When a new breed of zerg is needed, an individual larva will enter a pupal state and begin replicating the DNA of one specific zerg breed at an astounding rate. After a short gestation period, the new mature zerg minion hatches.A young hive will only have the genetic code for the most basic of zerg breeds, such as the drone, but as it grows and develops new structures, its library of genetic strains is expanded.
--Variation: Broodmother Larva: This larva, one of Kerrigan's personal creations, is completely different from other larva. Whereas the others are mostly harmless this larva is active, fast, fully sentient and deadly. Though it will be a rare creation Kerrigan will create these for stealthy missions and sabotage from within. Once planted inside the enemy base (in campaign it was expertly planted inside a Protoss prisoner and then hatched at the right time) it will rapidly consume biomass, as well as infiltrate and take control of some of the biggest creatures around (and consume said biomass). Eventually when it gets big enough it will morph into a Broodmother. Just one of these managed to take down a heavily armored Protoss ship from within.
--Parasitic Invasion: Invades and Mind controls a creature, fully taking it over.
--Consume Host: Devours the biomass of the infested host from above.
--Evolve: Morphs into a Broodmotherwhen enough biomass is eaten.
Additional Factors:
- Zerg Physiology: see Zergling
- Larva cannot survive more then a few hours off of creep. Exception is the Broodmother Larva.
--It is unknown how many larva a single hatchery produces in a single day, with conservative estimates ranging from the hundreds to in low thousands.
Armor Type: Light Chitin
Type of Support: Logistics
Classification: Base Builder
What Bonus do they give?: Base Building, resource collecting
The savage Gashyrr Wasps of Eldersthine were initially inducted into the Swarm to serve as resource gatherers. Over time they became Drones, engineered with the Larvae’s ability to break down their own genetic code. Drones can transform themselves into rudimentary Zerg structures. A mutating Drone needs creep to provide nourishment and biomass to support its new form. Like Larvae, Drones are controlled by the Overlords, who monitor their progress through a type of instinctive telepathy. Drones are single-minded about their tasks, diligently working even in the face of raging combat and the possible destruction of the Hive.
Armament: They have claws and spikes. Definitely one of the weakest Zerg in combat but still can defend itself or launch desperate, massed assaults.
Defense: Some of the weakest Chitin armor in the Zerg force. Also can regenerate.
Special/Detailed Purpose:
They are excellent resource gatherers, and will normally help the Swarm in that manner.
They can, upon command, morph into any building whether its a large hatchery to a simple defense tower. Construction time takes a maximum of a few hours; probably less. In this way the Zerg can rapidly spread beyond most races capability to destroy them.
Additional Factors:
-Can Burrow : See Zergling profile
- Zerg Physiology : See Zergling profile
- Possible Upgrade: Kerrigan may choose to research a upgrade that allows her to spawn two drones from one egg, or research another upgrade that allows them to mine faster and more.
-Can Burrow to escape danger: See Zergling
Queen (Ground variant)
Armor Type: Chitin Carapace
Type of Support: Various
Classification: Zerg Lieutenant
What Bonus do they give?: Troop Production, Battlefield support
During the first Zerg invasion, Queens were able to spawn a variety of parasites that infested Terran structures to create suicide troops under the Overmind’s control. In the aftermath of the Brood War, the new Queens are tougher creatures who now play a limited command role nurturing Zerg nest sites. Their new morphology hints at the incorporation of Terran or Protoss DNA, or perhaps even the Zerg-altered genes of the Queen of Blades herself. This evolution implies that a widespread change is taking place within the Zerg hierarchy, a redistribution of power that will make the Zerg even more difficult to combat.
Judging by Heart of the Swarm there seem to be two kinds of queens. The first(the "Brood Queen") will tend to stay by the base, using its powers to enhance larva production and healing buildings when under attack. The second, the aptly named "Swarm Queen" for the campaign in which it appears, is a battlefield support soldier. It can move much faster off of creep then its base-bound sister, and is capable of rapid healing of any Zerg organism nearby.
-Armament : Sharp Talons: The Queen has sharp talons, and can use them to impale enemy foes that get too close.
--Acid Spines: For foes that stay at range the Queen can fire acid-coated spines with devastating accuracy.
-Defense: Chitin Carapace: See Zergling, but more powerful
--Regeneration/Transfusion/Instant Transfusion : The Queen not only has standard regeneration, but can also heal herself OR other units. The Brood Queen can heal whatever minions or buildings are around her for far more then the Swarm variant, however the Swarm variant can ultimately heal more and heal faster.
-Special/Detailed Purpose:
Both queens are going to have three primary purposes, with one additional deviation between the two.
--Creep: The Queen can evict giant creep tumors from her bowels, resulting in creep quickly spreading to the surrounding area. This has the benefit of greatly increasing the spread of creep throughout the planet, which brings all the benefits that creep itself brings.
-Healing: As mentioned the presence of a Queen or queens can keep the entire brood alive longer.
- Genetic Modification: Apparently the baneling was the result of a Queen's work, showing that they, along with the Broodmothers, can benefit the Swarm that way.
-- Increase Production (Brood Queen): Queens can target a hatchery/lair/hive with Queen Ichor, causing it to swell and grow green sacs which burst, producing a unkown number of larvae (in multiplayer 4 but the queen in the last mission on Char clearly spawned many, many more) . These join any already-present larvae, further boosting the Zerg's already impressive reproduction rate.
--Battlefield Support (Swarm Queen): Swarm Queens accompany their zerg underlings into battle, commanding them to the best of their ability and periodically healing them while attacking from afar.
Finally some weird powers for Queens exist. The comic Last Call showed that at least one Queen could spawn and infest a Terran with a parasite. The Char Queen could apparently use a psionic shockwave to stun everything around her. Neither power is going to be common, but might appear.
Additional Factors:
- Zerg Physiology: See Zergling
-Can Burrow: See Zergling
--Zerg Hierarchy: The Queen's are the ones who oversee Hives and overlords under their command.
Name of Building: Virophage
Type: Mass Infection
This building, once deployed, immediately proceeds to infest everything around it with infectious bile. Those that it manages to infest will rapidly mutate and fight for the Swarm, forcing the enemy to divert resources to put down what was formally their own troops. These can be airdropped in via drop pods, boosting their effectiveness.
Armor Type: Light Zerg Carapace
Type of Support: Specialist
Classification: Infestation Specialist
What Bonus do they give?: Destruction, Havoc
Infestors are one of the more insidious new additions to the Swarm. They were evolved from the Borbu Matriarch, an unusual creature that is more like an ambulatory nest than a single organism. Unlike most Zerg warriors, Infestors have the ability to move while burrowed. These terrors are built for mass damage and havoc among the enemy.
Armament : None
Defense: Light carapace and regeneration : see Zergling
Special/Detailed Purpose:
The Infestor has four moves of note
--Infested Terran Spawn: Infestors have been known to ingest Infested Marines, carry them to a combat zone, and regurgitate them to fight for the Swarm (up to 4 in game). This spell can be deployed while the infestor is burrowed.
--Fungal Growth: This spell covers everyone within a certain area with corrosive Green Slime that quickly eats away at enemy armor and flesh. Those under attack by this spell cannot move until it is removed, unless its a massive 40 ft + unit, are revealed if cloaked and cannot teleport away. Its effective against ground and air units.
--Neural Parasite: While in multiplayer this is signified by a long tentacle that mind controls a unit and attaches it to the infestor, in campaign it a detatchable parasite that the infestor launches at the enemy. Once it attaches to a unit that unit is forever and irrevocably under the control of the Swarm.
--Consume: Consume the life force of another unit in return for more energy.
Additional Factors:
--Zerg Physiology and Burrow: See Zergling but Infestor can travel underground in the same manner a Roach can. In this way it can stealthily enter a enemy fortification, deploy its Infested Marines, and leave.
--Role: All around Support: Having a few of these in a Zerg army can be all the difference between victory and defeat, as the potency of its fungal growth and mind control parasites can induce Chaos on the other side.
Armor Type: Carapace
Type of Support: Toxic
Classification: Toxic Zerg Warrior
What Bonus do they give?: Damage to the enemy/Shielding
The defiler is a relatively rare zerg breed, resembling a silverfish in appearance and acting akin to a 'cancer factory' in function. Its core genus, if it has one, is unknown, as the defiler contains the DNA of all other zerg breeds and, unlike the larva, uses them to synthesize virus-like biochemicals. These biochemicals are extremely hazardous, resistant to the most effective anti-toxins, and, paradoxically, dangerous even to the zerg. Defilers have been known to cannibalize other zerg to fuel the metasynaptic processes that generate the biochemicals,often accompanied by zergling escorts for this very reason
Armament : None
Defense: Light Zerg Carapace and Regeneration
Special/Detailed Purpose:
--Dark Plague: The defiler's body is host to countless small organisms that live on the carapace, constantly feeding on each other. The defiler can spontaneously launch a number of these creatures to swarm a location that make it difficult to target anything under the ensuing cloud. Often used to cover the advance of melee fighters.
--Plague: In addition, defilers can produce corrosive spores and hurl them at a target area, the spores exploding in a dense cloud. The highly toxic mist that results corrodes anything it touches. If a unit does not get out of the area soon it will perish. Oh, and according to Ghost Academy 2 the spores are prone to igniting in a explosive fireball, so be wary of firing if you are trapped inside it. Great for whittling down defenses or a enemy firing position.
--Consume: Canalizes another Zerg unit for energy to cast spells.
Additional Factors:
--Zerg Physiology: See Zergling
--Can Burrow: See Zergling
--Role: Support Spellcaster, DPS
"Neither Mike nor Raynor moved, and Mengsk turned back to the screen. The huge orange ball of Mar
Sara loomed over them, a few white clouds scattered high across its northern hemisphere. Yet most of
that orange surface was now mottled, spoiled. Overrun by the creep, and the things that lived in it.
The very surface of the land seemed to pulsate and bubble, heaving like a living thing. The creep had
even spread over the oceans in broad mats, writhing like living carpets of algae.
There was nothing human left on the planet. Not alive, at any rate."
Basic Overview:
Creep is a living zerg organism. It has a purple coloration and feels thick and slimy. It is used to nourish zerg structures and larvae and provides the Life Blood for the Zerg.
--Seeding/Spread: Creep may be deposited in a number of ways. Some zerg structures, such as hatcheries, serve as loci for creep growth. Hive spores may also be used in the initial stages of infestation.Post-Great War evolution have seen zerg creatures gain the ability to spread creep as well; overlords by direct secretion, and indirectly by queens through laid creep tumors (which are hidden to all but the best sensors) . Nydus worms and Creeper Strains of the Swarm hosts can also spread this. If left unchecked, creep can consume an entire planet within days.
--Biology: Creep spreads rapidly if left unchecked. This proliferation may be observed in real time. Creep helps to sustain itself and other zerg organisms by processing minerals extracted from the ground via deep tendrils.Creep may grow in anaerobic environments and over water.It may also grow over hollows in the terrain; attempting to traverse over such hollows may cause creep to tear and give way.
--How does one remove it?: Creep is notably averse to extremely high temperatures and will not grow in unsuitably hot places. While it may be set alight by high explosive or incendiary ordnance,its remarkable regenerative properties makes complete extermination by brute force a difficult proposition. Removal may only be guaranteed by destroying the structures serving as growth loci. It may be difficult to tell when creep is truly dead.
--Benefits to the Zerg Swarm:
---Gain Nourishment for both buildings and units (i.e. Zerg do not really require food or water when on it) .
--- Part of the Hive Mind: The Zerg can see whatever is moving on living creep.
---Enhanced Speed: All Zerg ground units travel 30 percent faster on Creep.
--Malignant Creep: Through a Heart of the Swarm upgrade, Creep will now beef up Zerg Regeneration rates while they are on it, allow them to attack thirty percent faster and spread faster and farther then before.
Additional Support Buildings:
--Nydus Worm:
By the Second Great War, the Nydus worm was an evolution of the nydus canal. These worms live inside a nest-like structure called the nydus network and can travel from the network to any nearby location that is covered by creep before emerging, in the process creating a tunnel beneath the battlefield. This huge creature is capable of stretching itself out to prodigious lengths to support the tunnel with its own skin and ribs. Zerg warriors can enter the tunnel via either the worm’s head or network, and can travel through the worm at great speed due to a combination of peristaltic motion and chemical stimulants that direct their movements. When combined with the creep-spreading tactics of queens and overlords, nydus worms pose a grave threat to areas previously thought to be secure. It can also emerge directly beneath enemies in lore, either eating them or throwing them all over the place.
--Buildings: The Zerg have a number of buildings that must be built for them to build certain unit types. I.E. Spawning Pool for Zergling, Spires for Mutalisks ect. At the core is the Hatchery, which can further evolve into the Lair and then Hive. Many of these produce vital Larva. A list of such buildings can be found here.
*All Zerg Defenses have Zerg Physiology and Regeneration traits. Zerg defense also requires creep or it will slowly start to die.
Type: Anti-air
One of the more unconventional defenses of the Zerg is the Scourge Nest, once built, harbors its own little cave full of hyper fast scourges. Upon Command it will unleash its payload, which will then speed towards any enemy air units and blow them up. In campaign these are used to destroy the 560 meter Gorgon Battlecruisers. However once its payload is unleashed the tower seems to die. Only seen in one level, so a rare defense.
Name of Defense: Impaler Colony
Type: Anti-armor
Essentially what Abathur said, and the colony is what the Impaler unit is based on. The Impaler is a slow defense that does incredible damage once it hits . Its powerful attack would be excellent against armor, and could potentially do crippling or fatal damage in a single attack. Its technically a rare defense though, if it will be used at all.
Name of Defense: Spine Crawler
Type: Anti-Ground
Spine Crawlers are one of two mobile defensive platforms that the Zerg deploy. Morphed from a drone, these towers attack with a giant impaling tentacle that can skewer through flesh and armor alike. If needed it can uproot and replant itself on any position that is covered with creep, allowing it to A. move up to the front where the fighting is B. move to a position that is in dire need of quick defense or C. wherever the hell the Zerg Commander wants it to be. Along with the spore crawler the most common Zerg defense.
Name of Defense: Spore Crawler
Type: Anti-air
Essentially the same overall type as the Spine crawler, it focuses on air, spewing out devastating seeker spores that seem to do the traditional Zerg corrosive attack and hone in on targets. It also has advanced senses, for it can somehow see and allow nearby Zerg units to see (via Zerg Hive Mind) cloaked, hidden and burrowed units.
Name of Defense: Sunken Colony
![]() |
Its more dangerous then in the picture, but this picture is the best concept art I could find of it. |
Type: Anti-ground
Because I don't want to leave anything Zergy untouched, I am bringing back the old Towers of the original Starcraft. The sunken colony is a zerg structure that protects their hive clusters against ground-based attacks. Rooting itself deep into creep via rows of sharp teeth, the colony grows multiple tendrils that it can use to attack any enemies that come within range. While it can't uproot itself and move like the crawlers, and it would be rare as it has been mostly replaced by the Spine Crawler it does seem to do more damage (and explosive damage) then its SC2 counterpart.
Name of Defense: Spore Colony
Type: Anti-Air
The spore colony is a zerg means of anti-aerial defense. Able to fling seeker spores (a corrosive variation of creep) high into the atmosphere, spore colonies can quickly ravage any incoming enemy air force. In addition to its anti-air capabilities, the spore colony also serves as a stationary detector against any enemy cloaked or burrowed units thanks to a special sensory organ similar to that possessed by overlords. Again not nearly as common as the Spore Crawler, but might be more powerful.
Name of Defense: Infested Bunker
Type of Defense: Garrisoned vs. All
Essentially the infested version of a Terran Bunker, which contains tough Neosteel plating, enough room for 4-6 infested Marines and maybe, given this is Starcraft 2, a automated Shrike Turret. Also I think it actually does regenerate, courtesy of it being infested (and we know metal bonded with Zerg properties regenerates, courtesy of Wings of Liberty) . Basically would only be found in the infested sections though.
Notable Battlefield Accomplishments:
Since an early age, Kerrigan has been a assassin, special agent and warrior, fighting first for the Confederacy and then, after being "freed" fighting for the sons of Korhal led by Acturus Mengsk. There she led many battles personally in several covert operations that included sabotaging a Confederate laboratory from the inside, planting Psi Emitters on key planets that led the Zerg to overwhelm the Confederacy, and finally fighting a confusing four-way battle on Tarsonis in which she fought primarily the Protoss, who felt bad for killing so many Terran planets and thus wanted to save their capital world, the Confederates and the Zerg, who Acturus led to Tarsonis in order to destroy the Confederate government. Ultimately the Protoss failed due to her reluctant actions (done at the behest of Mengsk). With the Confederates destroyed Acturus deliberately betrayed her and left her to die- except the Zerg Overmind had other plans.
Enter the Overmind. The big brain behind all of the Zerg's movements saw Kerrigan's potential, both as a weapon and as a eventual successor. He infested her and she became his greatest weapon, though a self-serving one. She was obsessed with maximizing her full potential (as was the Overmind, though none save him knew this) and she began acquiring Protoss powers such as the Psi storm, while retaining Zerg and Terran ones as well. During this time she dueled Tassadar, Zeratul and Raynor on Char, and though she won every-time she forced a direct confrontation between the three Tassadar clearly got the better of her in many engagements by playingon her psyche.
When the Overmind was destroyed by Tassadar in a suicidal attack, she assumed control of her own brood and through trickery and ruthlessness wiped out all possible rivals, such as the cerebrates (lieutenants of the Zerg swarm) and the second Zerg Overmind, seizing absolute control of the Zerg. In the process she made many enemies, as she would routinely betray her allies while making new ones, only to betray those, and as a result almost every major power in her sector ganged up on her giant one giant, climatic battle. Demonstrating her superior tactical mind, Kerrigan managed to defeat all of them, completely destroying the United Earth Directorate and scattering the rest, including the Protoss and Mengsk's new Dominion.
The following years were spent perfecting her form and the power of her swarm. For four years an uneasy peace covered the sector, although this would prove to be short lived... Four years later war would again erupt and Kerrigan would find herself in a race with her old friend/lover Raynor to collect pieces for a mysterious and dangerous artifact. This artifact was a super-weapon, capable of destroying whole hordes of Zerg in a single blast of energy. After losing this race she soon found herself besieged by a force led by Valerian Mengsk (son of Jim's arch-rival Acturus) , Horace Warfield and Jim Raynor. Despite some not to subtle animosity between the three, they were able to work together to defeat her using the Zerg vanquishing power of the artifact, which de-infested her albeit at the cost of heavy causalities for all parties. Raynor wasn't going to let her die however(both for personal and galactic reasons) , and defeated an assassination attempt instituted by a pawn of Mengsk.
He defended her when she was weak, and in return she rescued him from the Hybrids and Acturus Mengsk, destroying the former with her powers and vowing revenge against the latter.
As Heart of the Swarm began, she first showed her tactical prowess during one of Valerian Mengsk's "tests", in which she took control of a small group of Zerg and overwhelmed all of Valerian's security mechs, killing no one fortunately, just to prove a point to Valerian. Then after a raid by the Dominion Ghost Nova in which Jim was captured, she quickly reasserted herself as Queen Bee of the Zerg Swarm by overwhelming the Dominion forces on the planet by using a nearby Zerg force. After hearing the false report that Jim Raynor was killed she went on a warpath. On Char she overwhelmed Zagara and forced her to readmit herself back into the Swarm, before moving onto General Warfield. She took advantage of nearby wild Scourge nests to destroy his massive Gorgon battlecruisers, as at that point she was limited to Queens and Zerglings in stuff that she could build, before overwhelming Warfield's command center afterwards in a pitched battle that saw at the least dozens of Nuclear Missiles deployed against her.
On Kaldir she seized control of the remnants of Nafash's Swarm and first destroyed any way the Protoss colony could communicate with the Protoss Government's Golden Armada (which at that point could destroy her army, as she wasn't sufficiently recovered yet) before moving onto the Protoss Colony itself. When one shuttle managed to slip past her barricade she demonstrated great cunning in using the Protoss Psionic Network against them. Using a captured Protoss named Lessara, she implanted her with a special larva and allowed her to warp in to that ship (while Protoss can't be infested, stuff can be implaneted within them). The larva devoured her and then other lifeforms being stored on the ship, evading detection. It eventually transformed into a brood mother which attempted to make contact with Kerrigan and destroyed the Protoss on board the ship.
Moving onto the ancient Zerg home-world of Zerus she first awoke the Ancient One who told her how to live up to her potential. She underwent a operation that, while it could have killed her, made her far stronger then ever before. Zagara defended her during this time. Then Kerrigan proceeded to kill off all the remaining Primal Zerg leaders to seize control of the Primal Zerg and unite the entirety of the Zerg race- something even the Overmind couldn't do. She killed many remaining leaders in personal duels while one, Dehaka, joined her voluntarily. Around this time Broodmothers, realizing that the Queen was indeed back, rejoined her Swarm in droves. She directed them against Key Dominion positions to cripple the empire, and at the same time commanded evolutionary missions that ended up further hampering the Dominion with experimental strains.
After rescuing Jim Raynor with the help of the crew of the Hyperion she next turned her attention to preemptively defeating a Hybrid force to stop them from aiding Mengsk. With the help of Alexei Stukov, who proceeded to join her, she first used great cunning in securing the top portion of the Floating Lab-fortress by launching covert Infestation missions that turned the population of this immense fortress against them. Then she moved onto the labs, killing Hybrids as she went along with their Dominion lackeys. these were by far her fiercest foes, for the hybrids combined the devastating powers of both Zerg and Protoss. Finally she reached the bottom of the immense complex, and dueled the leader of the Hybrids Narud himself in a psionic duel in which Narud was only able to remain competitive because five Xel-Naga towers (the powerful ancient psionic race that made both Zerg and Protoss) were boosting him. Thanks to Stukov, she won the duel, albeit barely.
Now with the last of the Broodmothers joining her, the Dominion crippled and her grudge still burning she moved onto the Dominion Homeworld itself. First she took down the defensive cannons by having Abathur develop and modify Spore Artillery to take them down while she personally defended their landing sites. Then she dealt with the devastating Psi Destroyer, which turned a Zerg's hive Mind against them, by using the Primal Zerg and Dehaka (who were immune to its effects) to shut it down from the inside. Finally she, together with all of her fellow Zerg heroes and Jim Raynor, led a massive assault on Mengsk's palace, utterly overwhelming his elite defenses and killing the dictator. Now she seeks to combat Narud's master Amon, a being with the power to rip worlds apart.
That was long.
Good: She is a brave individual, almost always leading from the front or personally in cover operations. In this she inspires the Zerg to extreme heights, and is considered even by the Chief servant of the Overmind to be the greatest Zerg Leader. She is very cunning and manipulative, demonstrated in such actions as outsmarting the Protoss Psionic Network system, playing off multiple factions against each other for her own benefit and evolving the Swarm even without the direction of Abathur. Also she coordinates her Swarm to make sure they target the right targets. Another "good" quality is that she is not afraid to get her hands dirty and be ruthless and devious, such as how she ignored the please of the Protoss prisoner to utterly destroy her foes, was willing to kill masses of Dominion Civilians to get to Mengsk had not Valerian Mengsk and Matt Horner talked her down, and routinely advocates the complete destruction if not submission of anyone she faces. Kerrigan does not take pleasure in these actions like she did as the Queen of Blades, but still believes they are necessary. She believes strongly in her own "vision" which inspires her to great and terrible deeds, and constantly strives to make sure no one challengers her rule (though she is humble enough to listen to advisers).
She is given to anger and rage even now, and is sometimes shown to be regretful of past actions. Kerrigan's impatience is still active as well, and all of these traits were tools that the great Protoss Commander Tassadar successfully taunted her with on Char and won many engagements through this means. Now that her main foe is dead she isn't as given to vengeance as she was in the past, but it still might come up.
Style of Leadership: Authoritarian
With the exception of the Zerg heroes, none can challenge Kerrigan's will. Even those Zerg heroes are cowed, loyal or wary of challenging Kerrigan, and thus for this battle she will likely have absolute overall control of the Swarm. However heroes and the Zerg Hierarchy would be able to coordinate tactical actions independently, but in according to Kerrigan's wishes.
Leader X-factors:
Adaptive Creativity: 72/100:
Comes up with a lot of interesting new tactics, Zerg Achtypes and frequently new overall strategies . Probably not the most creative but the fact that she has personally invented her own strains gives her points here.
Tactics: 68/100:
Skilled tactician and Mastermind behind much of the Brood War, and has defeated opponents even when outnumbered and outgunned before. She practically rebuilt her Swarm from scratch in Heart of the Swarm, then led it against Mengsk and won there. In fact she usually beats everyone who isn't Raynor (who has Blizzard Plot Shields) .
Strategy: 72/100:
She is actually pretty good at this, manipulating figures near and far to do her bidding in the Brood Wars. In Heart of the Swarm it was her "vision" that ultimately led to the reuinficiation of the Swarm.
Audacity: 85/100:
In her mind, if she wins by a 1000 to 1 margin, that is a 1000 Zerg to 1 enemy, it will be a success. She looks down on retreat though she has done so in the past when things turn profoundly against her.
Intuition: 70/100 :
Ghosts do possess pre-cognition to a degree, and Kerrigan herself was able to detect threats to her rule years beforehand. In Flashpoint she was able to sense danger multiple times minutes or hours before they occurred.
Intelligence: 72/100 :
It is mentioned that she can track 1000 different things at once, an insane amount of multitasking, and does possess an amount of pre-cognition. Also is capable of processing information at light speed. It should be stated however that she is not a genius; smart but not a genius. Processing power is what brought her up.
Psychological Warfare: 76/100:
She was skilled enough to convince her worst enemies, all of whom also hated each other mind you, to work with her and each other to a common goal that actually solely benefited her.
Experience: 67/100:
Her experience rating is high because she can process the sensory information of countless Zerg battles and has had a wide and diverse assortment of enemies during her many years of combat.
Discipline: 65/100:
Okay, but with noted personality issues.
Leadership: 93/100:
In most circumstances Zerg couldn't disobey her even if they wanted to. Raynor did find a way to mind control her troops, and UED could seize control of portions of the Zerg through a pasionic device, so it isn't entirely unchallenged by Outside forces.
Corruption: 63/100:
While Kerrigan isn't downright evil anymore she is brutal and heavy-handed. She was perfectly willing to kill off a entire Protoss colony in order to stave off intervention from Artanis and the Daelaam. She was not afraid to kill Dominion civilians that stood in the way of her killing Mengsk, however she was talked down by Valerian Mengsk and Matt Horner, along with Jim Raynor giving her a nasty glare. She did show rare moments of genuine mercy though, such as when she let a medivac of extremely wounded Terran Troops go.
--Additional Factors:
-Weakness: She is still impatient, as her dialogue with Valerian Mengsk shows. Also given that Narud was able to toy with her in their battle, she still seems to be somewhat vulnerable to psychological manipulation.
--Hive Mind : instantaneous communication to troops.
--Is willing to make alliances with non-Zerg factions, though these alliances might be fickle.
"I used to think that defeating the Zerg would take precise military maneuvers, clever tactics and strong leadership. I was wrong. You can't out-think the swarm, you can't out-maneuver the swarm, and you certainly can't break the morale of the swarm. I hate to admit this, but I could do my job just as well if I ordered all my men to simply shoot anything that moves."
-Colonel Ronald "Hardcore" Jackson
*Morale: 93/100: Zerg fight fanatically for their Queen in almost all circumstances. Though a few Psychic strains know despair, most do not care for anything other then killing for their queen.
Logistics: 86/100 : Zerg only require a minimum of rest and subsistence and the latter they get from their own Creep. They need minerals and some resources and biomass, but at the same time they produce most of their weapons independently. If there is no creep this goes down to 60 in rating, but so long as there is creep the Zerg have an infrastructure.
Espionage: 75/100: See Recon, surprisingly good at this. In campaign Kerrigan frequently uses infiltrations o take out key structures or for infestation purposes.
Discipline: 94/100:
Absolute and unwavering obedience to the Hive Mind. Zerg will freely and willingly kill themselves if ordered to. If a Broodmother or Hive Mind network destroyed or disrupted, this goes down to 40.
Overall Intimidation Factor: 82/100:
Pretty much a light version of the Tyranids here, but still universally feared by all Korpulu sector powers.
Reinforcement Rate: Very High:
Each Zerg hatchery is capable of reproducing by the hundreds per day, and that is only one Hatchery. The Zerg usually build clusters of Hatcheries, upgrade them to Lairs and Hives (which presumably can make more) and then build more clusters. Certain descriptions suggest that auxiliary buildings such as Spires of Spawning pools can also make units to bolster production, though only of certain unit types.In addition there are hundreds of Zerg infested worlds to pull troops from, as the Broodmothers there will do so without question.
Past Opponents:
Kerrigan has personal experience against all of the following except the last two races.
Kerrigan by far has the most experience here, as she has fought literally every major Terran Faction: The Confederacy, the Dominion, the United Earth Directorate, Raynor's Raiders, the Umojans, the Kel-Morian Combine and dozens of rebel groups, both as Pr-infested Kerrigan, Infested Kerrigan/Queen of Blades, and HOTS Kerrigan. Everyone of those factions Kerrigan has at one point or another beaten (though crafty Raynor ultimately got the better of her). Considered an adaptive and mobile species, the Terrans are noted in the lore of the series for their ability to quickly access and drain a planet's resources. Each of their units is designed to specialize in a specific niche, and they are great at defense. However they are also one of the most Fractious groups around, something Kerrigan can and has used against them.
--Protoss :
The Protoss are a highly advanced Psionic Race that are the Zerg's nemesis for control of the Korpulu sector. Though far less numerous their powerful "Golden Armada" , powers that border on mysticism, shielding that provides two layers of defense for each warrior, and their inability to be assimilated gives the Zerg immense headaches. Nevertheless the Zerg conquered the Protoss homeworld of Auir, and generally win through pure numbers more often then not. Kerrigan herself has a long history of using the Protoss to her advantage, and left such an impression that Protoss are immensely distrustful of all Terran females now.
--Zerg :
From Time to time the Zerg have been torn asunder in power crises that occur when the main leader (Overmind, Kerrigan) is killed/temporarily de-infested. This whole profile should give you an idea of what Kerrigan has had to face to regain control- twice. The second time she fought Primal Zerg, which are a Zerg faction that can copy strains very easily, lives to kill
By far her most powerful enemy, the Hybrids wield the best traits of both Protoss and Zerg. They have a mass variety of psionic attacks that can even ignore Zerg regeneration; can regenerate, even respawn rapidly, are physically more powerful then most Protoss/Zerg units and are filled with complete hatred. Kerrigan has slain many personally in both Heart of the Swarm and the Novel Flashpoint, but each battle has been a very tough fight. When she killed one of the leaders of the hybrids she nearly died in the confrontation.
--Xel'Naga: The Zerg somehow killed the Xel'Naga, the ancient and advanced precursor race that created both and the Protoss. Far more advanced and powerful then either.
--Other Races: It is mentioned that the Zerg spent thousands of years burning through the galaxy, assimilating or destroying many races before reaching the Korpulu sector.
===Additional Factors===
-- Zerg Hierarchy: At the very top of the Zerg Hierarchy would be Sarah Kerrigan herself, who commands the entire Swarm, followed by her appointed second in command Zagara. After that would come the named lieutenants Stukov and Dehaka and possibly Abathur. Broodmothers would appear next on the list, since they command entire broods, followed by Queens,who command Hives, and finally overlords would be the bottom of the Zerg Hierarchy. Overlords can only control a small horde of Zerg Units.
--Psionic Sensory: The Zerg are masters at detecting and finding psionics, being able to sense psionic power from many planets away and being mostly naturally perceptive to it due to their Hive Mind nature. They are so good at this in fact that the Dominion lobotomizes Zerglings This is a bit of a double edged sword, as some psionic devices (particularly Xel'Naga, but also Terran constructs) have been shown to have extra effectiveness against the Zerg barring the Primal Zerg, who are immune to it.
--Capable of Terraforming a World to their liking.
--Hive Mind: The Zerg are a mass Hive Mind, capable of communicating to each other seamlessly and allowing for a extremely easy relayment of orders.
--Weaknesses: The Zerg have several weakness, the most notable being that if the hierarchy (such as a Broodmother) is taken out then the entire portion of the Zerg Brood becomes feral and attacks each other and everything around them until Kerrigan or another Broodmother regains control (for both have the power to mentally enforce their will over Zerg). Individually Zerg are stupid and need this hierarchy in order to do more then Feral and Crazed charges. Oh and Psionic Weapons are great to use against them, though Mind Reading is apparently impossible.
--Overall Intelligence: It has been difficult for observers to determine the full extent of the zerg intelligence, but it is clear that they are a very cunning species, and they are capable of higher reasoning. Although they do not utilize technology, they demonstrate a clear understanding of it, and have been known to open airlocks and doorways in colonies that they have raided. As a group they also react intelligently to attacks and are adept at tactical combat.
--The Hyper Evolutionary Virus:
The zerg hyper-evolutionary virus is an infectious disease through which infestation of living organisms is carried out.Terrans and dogs and are susceptible to its effects, becoming infested terrans and roverlisks respectively. The virus mutates extremely rapidly, making the possibility of a cure seemingly impossible. It can be spread through water or Air in Microscopic spores, though apparently there is a side-effect in which those infested become vulnerable to UV radiation. The vast majority of those caught in its effects become mindless, though a few examples of intelligent infestation exist. Psionic fields that cover huge masses such as the Khala and the Nerazim's Void powers are shown to be effective at resisting it, and a cure could be developed by a sufficiently advaced faction. Still its just one of the Zerg's more effective weapons.
--Purity of Essence- Guiding Philosophy:
Purity of essence is a concept first pioneered by the xel'naga. Standing in contrast to purity of form, the xel'naga applied this concept when choosing a species to uplift to merge with another with purity of form, in order to rejuvenate their race in their cycle of reproduction.In the case of the Milky Way, it was the zerg that were deemed to have this trait and over the course of their evolution on Zerus, were deemed to retain it.
The quest for 'purity' was retained in the zerg psyche, becoming a pseudo-religions concept to them. Through the quest for 'perfection' (at first by the Overmind and then the Queen of Blades), the zerg were set on a steady state of evolution and conflict. The core idea of this 'religion' was that there was a state that the zerg could reach where they no longer needed to evolve, that their evolutionary form would never have to change again because they could already adapt to any situation. Abathur, the evolution master, doubted that this was possible, but reasoned that chasing perfection was tactically sound regardless.
-Motivation: Purity of Essence, Self-evolution (primal Zerg), making themselves stronger to fight Amon:
Kerrigan is currently trying to lead her forces against Amon, the main big baddy in Starcraft now who can apparently rip worlds apart. The Zerg meanwhile want to collect Essence as they have obsessively done for thousands of years.
--Zerg can swim, despite not having any specific breeds devoted to doing so.
===Victory Gains====
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Infestation |
--Technology Gain: Negligable: Other then weapons infested ____ may be carrying, basically nothing will be assimilated into the Swarm. According to Abathur complex machinery and Zerg are utterly incompatible.
--Biological Gain: Very High: Zerg consume the essence of others (both enemy and environmental) and adapt new traits and sometimes entirely new strains from that. Also According to Project Blackstone, the Zerg can assimilate a psionic species, it will just be tricky and with far less modifications then most species.
--Infestation: See Hyper-Evolutionary Virus, the only being proven that it can't effect are the Protoss.
--Mind Control: They might be able to mind control other units through parasites and retain them into their armies, though this would only be a slight gain.
--Greater Numbers: The more biomass they collect the more numbers they add to their horde. They can collect Biomass from anything INCLUDING the Protoss (though this is hard to do and they can't use the DNA at all, only use the biomass to build more)
--Copy-cat: They might be able to copy enemy biological strains and retain them into their horde, like they did with the Hydralisk and Roach and possibly Mutalisk.
-- Primal Zerg evolve new abilities and get stronger the more they fight.
--Kerrigan has the same traits and might also gain a power or two from beating foes.
Irrelevant Side Fact : Zerg Play sports, according to the SCC :"Most people assume that the Zerg are a malicious species with no sense of humor or fun. While they are quite malicious, some Cerebrates have demonstrated both humor and a desire for pure recreation. The recent popularity of soccer among the Swarm is a prime example. Besides sporting a name even a Hydralisk can pronounce, it gives opposing Broods an opportunity to safely compete, and has recently surpassed "Pin your tail through the Terran" as the Zerg sport of choice."
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