*Credit belongs to others for Profile, Videos and pictures. Essentially everything..
“I began to realize that we Yeerks would have a very great advantage as we went conquering
through the galaxy. We might come across races that were smarter, more powerful, more
dangerous than the Hork-Bajir. In those cases, we could infiltrate slowly. Take one host at a
time, build slowly, never letting our victims know what was happening until it was too late.”
~Visser Three (Esplin 9466).
Yeerks are not particularly fond of open engagements until towards the end of an invasion. They are subtle, and quiet, deliberately working behind the scenes. Upon planetfall, Yeerks will seek out isolated individuals and capture them before infesting them. They will start up social groups within a target species to attract more, so that they can isolate and infest more and more victims. They will rarely act much differently than usual, as the ideal goal of a Yeerk invasion is not to let the targeted species know they are being invaded at all until it is too late.
Due to this style of invasion, Yeerks can often infiltrate enemy facilities with relative ease and remain undetected for incredibly long periods of time. In a pinch, where they cannot afford to take a slow and steady approach, it is not unfeasible that they may use users of the Escafil device to infiltrate and spy on enemies in a more direct manner (though never Canonically used, this is likely in large part due to the fact that the Yeerks did not obtain the Escafil device until towards the end of the war on Earth).
Name: Human-Controllers
Weapon-Type: Firearms/Dracon Beams
Armor Type: N/a
Mobility: 4
Training: 3
Max-Range: Rifle range
Preferred Range: Pistol range
Classification: Standard Grunt
Basic Description: By far the most numerous of the Controllers are the human Controllers. Visser Three stated that only days into the invasion of Earth, they had managed to take thousands of humans as hosts for the Yeerks, and by the time Yeerks were finally driven from Earth, that number had risen to the millions. They are not particularly well trained or quick, but there’s a saying: “Quantity has a quality all of its own.”
-Dracon Beam:
This is the Yeerk’s weapon of choice. It is a small handheld weapon that is a modified form of the Andalite Shredder weapons. It has ten settings, starting from 10 (lowest setting) to 1 (highest setting). When fired, Dracon Beams fire beams of red light that, depending upon the setting can either cause severe burns on a target, or disintegrate them on contact. These do, however, have limited effect on larger structures, but on high settings can still cause some damage to buildings or vehicles, capable of searing through up to ten feet of solid concrete on the highest setting. An advantage of the Dracon Beam is that it can be easily concealed, meaning that a Controller can hide or disguise it to avoid giving away what they are (many Human-controllers have disguised them as flashlights). They were also purposely designed to cause a great deal of pain.
-Human weaponry:
Human-Controllers have also used ordinary firearms ranging from handguns to rifles. Any modern day firearm is technically applicable here up to and including sidearms, rifles, shotguns and assault rifles, though they have never demonstrated use of explosive weapons such as missiles or grenades.
Defense: None.
Special: Host-transfer: It is possible, if a Yeerk notices a superior host-body, to leave its present host and enter the new one, after disabling the original host. This has been executed on multiple occasions, most notably by Visser Three on two accounts. Additionally, killing the host will not necessarily kill the Yeerk inside it, but it will force the Yeerk out of the host body.
Name: Hork-Bajir Controller
Weapon type: Dracon weaponry/natural weapons
Armor-type: Durable bodies
Mobility: 6.6
Training: 4
Max-Range: Rifle range
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Shock troops
Basic Description:
The Hork-Bajir are a race of fearsome looking creatures. Their large, scaled bodies, covered in razor sharp blades, with hooked claws and beaked maws full of sharp teeth, they were surprisingly a herbivorous and peaceful race. The Yeerks, seeing combat potential in the Hork Bajir, managed to enslave the entire race, and use them as shock troops in their army, as well as formidable adversaries in close combat. Now the entire Hork Bajir race is under Yeerk control, and forced to fight for the Yeerk cause.
Dracon Beam: (See human Controller)
Natural blades: Hork-Bajir’s bodies are covered in blades, and have deadly hooked claws. These claws are deadly, and Hork Bajir have been demonstrated to be able to take on a fully grown Silver-Back Gorilla in close combat and inflict mortal wounds on the beast.
Defence: A Hork-Bajir’s scaly hide is somewhat durable, and can withstand extreme climates, and can stave off minor injury, but has not been demonstrated to be able to defend the creature against Dracon Beams, or even human firearms. Hork Bajir also have fast-acting healing. Although it is not necessarily instantaneous regeneration, they can heal from severe wounds in a matter of days, meaning that Hork-Bajir Controllers are rarely out of the fight for long.
Special: Host-transfer: See Human Controller.
Excellent climbers: Hork-Bajir were originally a tree-dwelling race, and they are able to climb sheer vertical surfaces with ease, or effortlessly swing from tree to tree, in order to avoid ground based traps.
Name: Taxxon-Controller
Weapon Type: Dracon Beams, natural body
Armor Type: Durable body
Mobility: 5
Training: 5
Max-Range: Rifle
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Shock Troops
Basic Description: Taxxons are a race of carnivorous centipede-like creatures. Depicted as twice as long as a human is tall, and so wide around that you couldn't wrap your arms around one if you tried, Taxxons are horrifying to behold. Dozens of lobster-like claws flail from the upper third of their body which is held upright, the lower two thirds supported by dozens of insect-like legs, and dozens of eyes upon their face, the first Taxxon witnessed by the Animorphs very nearly caused them to cry out in horror. Even Yeerks cannot completely control a Taxxon’s insatiable instinct to feed, making them very dangerous in battle.
Loadout: Dracon Beam—(See Human Controller)
Claws and Teeth: Taxxons have circular maws of razor sharp teeth, which they can use to effortlessly tear out chunks of an adversary’s flesh. Their lobster-like claws are used to assist in this, latching onto prey, to restrict its movement before biting in.
Defences: Tough bodies—Taxxons have bodies well adapted to a variety of climates and their bodies have demonstrated some resilience to attack, requiring a fully grown Grizzly Bear, several attempts to kill one.
Special: Burrowing—Taxxons are remarkable diggers. When Tobias morphed into a Taxxon, he was able to dig a several kilometre tunnel in well under the two hour time limit of morphing.
Host Transfer: See Human-Controllers (note that due to the Taxxon’s voracious appetite this is highly dangerous for the Yeerk and should only be attempted if the Yeerk’s host is dead or unconscious).
Misc. Infantry:
Name: Gedd-Controllers
Description: Gedd’s are a species of sentient creatures native to the Yeerk homeworld, and were the original hosts of the Yeerks. They are blue monkey-like creatures with yellow eyes, three fingered hands and webbed toes. Due to a Gedd’s two legs being of different lengths, they are required to use their hands for balance, but may still use standard Yeerk weapons such as Dracon beams or stolen Andalite Shredders. Gedd’s are often the first host of a Yeerk, and are typically used for training purposes or reserve troops, as the Yeerks find Taxxons, Hork-Bajir or even humans to be more suitable for combat purposes. Nonetheless, Gedd-Controllers were used to great effect in the invasion of the Hork-Bajir home-world and should not be underestimated.
Loadout: Dracon Beams (See Human-Controller)
![]() |
Andalites with Shredder |
Shredder: This is the weapon from which the Yeerk Dracon Beam was devised. It was developed by the Andalites, but the designs were stolen by the Yeerks. Although Yeerks prefer Dracon Beams to the Shredder, they nonetheless keep the weapon in circulation. The shredder, like the Dracon beam, has settings of power from 1-10, 1 providing a nonlethal shock, capable of stunning a human for several seconds, and 10 creating instant disintegration. Compared to the Dracon Beam, the Shredder is a more “humane” weapon as it kills as painlessly as possible, while Dracon Beams were designed to inflict as much pain as possible. As opposed to the Dracon Beam’s beams of red light, the Shredder fires blue laser bolts at a target.
Host-Transfer: See Human-Controllers.
Unit: Yeerk
Weapon Type: Mind Control
Max Range: N/a
Preferred Range: N/a
Mobility: 1/variable
Training: 5
Classification: Mind Control/Infiltration
This is the regular form of the Yeerk. A relatively large sluglike creature a few inches in length. Yeerks are almost helpless in their natural state. However, they can infest the body of virtually any sentient through the ears, or any other orifice that provides access to the brain. Once inside the head of their new host, the Yeerk takes complete control of them, and is able to control of all of their actions. Facial expressions, words spoken, movement. All of it is controlled by the Yeerk. The Yeerk can maintain telepathic communication with its host, and has access to all of its host’s memories. In effect, a Yeerk infested individual is capable of moving completely undetected, and capable of mimicking the mannerisms of their host with absolute perfection.
Ranged Weapons: None
Melee: None
Defense: None
Special: Mind Control: By entering the body of a host through the ear, a Yeerk can literally settle into its target’s brain and take complete control of the host. The host jumps when the Yeerk wants it to, says what it wants it to, and cannot so much as blink without the Yeerk allowing it. There has never been an instance in which a host has overpowered its Yeerk controller beyond a split-second facial expression that is often due more to a relaxation of the Yeerk’s control than a display of willpower on the host’s.
Additional Factors:
Weaknesses: Yeerks do have several weaknesses. Some Yeerks can be distracted by their host, as demonstrated in “The Capture”, in which Jake was able to irritate and annoy the Yeerk controlling him. Additionally, surprise can be a Yeerk’s downfall, as in the same book, the Yeerk controlling Jake was unable to contain his look of hatred when he beheld Ax—an Andalite, alerting the alien to the fact that Jake had been taken over. The biggest weakness of any Yeerk, however, is the three day limit. Every 72 Earth hours, a Yeerk must return to the Yeerk pool to absorb life-giving Kandrona Rays. If it does not, the Yeerk will die, in a moment called “The Fugue” in which it imparts all of its memories of all of its hosts onto its current host, before falling out of the host and disintegrating. It is apparently possible to overcome this weakness by regularly ingesting ginger, but this appears to cause some level of insanity in the Yeerk.
Role: Infiltration
Unit: Escafil device user
Weapon Type: Morphing
Max Range: Various
Preferred Range: Various
Mobility: Various
Training: 3
Classification: Shock Troops/Infiltration/Front Line fighters
The Escafil device is a powerful device that serves as the central MacGuffin of the Animorphs series. It is a small blue box, that can bestow the user with the ability to acquire the DNA of animals through touch, and morph into any animal that they touch. Towards the end of the series, the Yeerks were able to claim this technology, and it was employed by a select few. Without exception, all users of the Escafil device are Human-Controllers, and they appear to primarily use this device in their host-bodies, although the possibility of a Yeerk without a host using the device is not impossible (though it would prove difficult for a Yeerk with no host to acquire a morph).
Ranged Weapons: Various
Melee Weapons: Various
Defence: Various
Special: Morphing—As mentioned above, users of the Escafil device are capable of acquiring the DNA of any organic lifeform through touch. When being “acquired” the target becomes complacent and calm, almost lethargic, allowing the user to remain safe while acquiring. This stupor remains for several seconds after acquiring. After this, the user can morph into the animal at anytime. Whenever one morphs or demorphs they are healed of all injuries in their new form. Any injuries on the animal acquired are not transferred to the user. For example if you acquired a Grizzly Bear that had lost an arm fighting another Grizzly, then your Grizzly morph would have a fully functioning arm. All morphs come with the appropriate instincts of the animals to help the user better survive the first little while in their new form. There are few limitations to what can be morphed into, including individuals, as the Animorphs have done so. Using this technology, a user of the Escafil device can fulfill a variety of roles, using smaller insect morphs to spy on adversaries, morphing into large ferocious creatures to battle on the front lines, turn into birds to scout ahead, or really, however the user wants to use the form.
Additional Factors:
Weaknesses: There are several severe limitations to the use of the Escafil device and even risks in morphing. The first limitation is that plants, fungi and inanimate objects cannot be acquired—this includes dead matter. Deceased organisms cannot be acquired (although dying organisms can with no penalties). A much more palpable limitation is the 2-hour limit. A being cannot remain in a morphed form for any longer than 2 Earth hours. If they do, they become trapped in their new form, and are unable to regain their original form, or morph ever again. This limitation can be overcome under rare circumstances. The only one that would apply to an Escafil user, however, is that this clock is reset if their body undergoes a natural change, such as metamorphosis. One of the Animorphs, who became trapped in a Caterpillar morph was able to morph back after becoming a butterfly. Morphs cannot be acquired from another morph, or in morphed form.
Now come the drawbacks. The biggest danger of morphing is losing oneself to their morph’s instincts. Animals have varying instincts, and in some cases (notably insect morphs) these instincts can be overpowering and overpower the user’s will, causing them to act as the animal and not themselves. In rare cases, one can also be allergic to the DNA acquired, resulting in “hiccups” of morphing, in which the user will suddenly partially morph. This will last for several days, before the user’s body sorts itself out and purges the offending DNA.
Role: Varies according to morph.
Unit: Executioners
Weapon Type: Chemical
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Mobility: 3
Training: 3
Classification: Crisis control
Although never Canonly named as such, Executioners are Controllers who have been picked for the specific purpose of preventing the Yeerk presence from being known, in the event that a Kandrona Ray generator is destroyed. They settle in with the regular populace like regular Controllers, and follow similar procedures, but often outrank other controllers, having access to Kandrona facilities that other Controllers would not, enabling them to do their job in relative safety. Their job is simple. Eliminate any Controllers that risk giving away the Yeerk presence. If a Yeerk begins to die of Kandrona starvation, these individuals execute them as subtly as possible, often posing as doctors or other medical professionals and inject the host body with a chemical that kills both it, and the Yeerk instantaneously, causing the Yeerk inside to instantly dissolve, rendering the Yeerk presence continuously undetectable. Dead hosts don’t live to tell of their horror stories afterall.
Ranged: Dracon Beams—Like all Controllers, an Executioner would likely carry a Dracon Beam whenever possible, concealed on their person.
Various weapons: Like other Human-Controllers, an Executioner will carry any weapons they believe will not make them appear suspicious but still remain able to defend themselves, including most civilian-legal firearms.
Melee: Cylinder—Although this device is never named, it appears to be a means of delivering a lethal injection of chemicals into a host’s body, killing both the Yeerk inside and the host near-instantaneously, and causing the Yeerk to dissolve.
Special: Host-Transfer (See Human-Controller).
Additional Factors: N/a
Unit: Leeran-Controllers
Weapon Type: Dracon Beam
Max Range: Sniper rifle
Preferred Range: Pistol
Mobility: 2 (on land), 4 (underwater)
Training: 3
Classification: Interrogation/Amphibious Warfare
While launching their crusade on earth, the Yeerks launched a second attack on the planet Leera. Although they were ultimately defeated when the Animorphs destroyed the entire Leeran continent (leaving the Yeerks with no base to operate from), they still managed to infest a good number of Leera’s sentients. Leerans are bloated yellow squidlike creatures with hands that can grasp Dracon Beams. They are an amphibious race that spends most of their life underwater. Leerans are powerful telepaths and are capable of reading minds with ease. This makes them excellent at uncovering spies, or interrogating prisoners that cannot be immediately infested.
Ranged: Dracon Beam (See Human-Controller)
Melee: Tentacles—Leerans have several tentacles that they can use to strangle enemies.
Special: Telepathy—Leerans can communicate telepathically, and can both detect and read minds. It was for this reason the Animorphs could not allow the Yeerks to take Leera, as a steady supply of Leeran-Controllers on Earth would have been able to unearth all of their secrets in a matter of hours.
Regeneration: Leerans are capable of regenerating virtually any body part, as long as its removal does not kill them, although it has been stated that this takes some time, and is not instantaneous. However, they seem to be relatively durable in this situation, as during the events of “The Decision” four Leerans managed to survive having half of their heads bitten off by Hammerhead Sharks, and retain full conscious thought, and actions.
Additional Factors: N/a
Unit: Blue Band Hork-Bajir
Weapon Type: Dracon Beam
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Melee
Mobility: 5
Training: 6
Classification: Special-Forces/Bodyguards
The Blue-Band Hork-Bajir are a group of especially well trained and conditioned Hork-Bajir controllers, differentiated from their peers by wearing a blue band around their arm. Both Yeerk and Host have been remarkably well trained and conditions and are far more fit and powerful than a normal Hork-Bajir, and much better at combat as well. The best of the unit serve as Visser Three’s personal bodyguards.
Ranged: Dracon Beam (see Human-Controllers)
Melee: Blades and claws—The Blue-Bands are highly adept at melee combat even for a Hork-Bajir and were able to decimate an entire colony of free Hork-Bajir in a fair fight.
Special: Host-Transfer
Additional Factors: The Blue-Band squad number fewer than normal Hork-Bajir Controllers but there are at least several dozen of them, if not over a hundred.
Esplin 9466 (Better known as Visser Three)
Height: A few inches in his natural state, well over 7 feet in his Andalite host.
Weight: A few ounces in his natural state, over two hundred pounds in his Andalite host
Age: Over fifty years old
Type of Hero bonus: Leadership/Combat/Espionage
Classification: Leader
Visser Three was the leader of the invasion of Earth (after the duty was passed to him from Visser One), and the third highest ranking Yeerk in the Yeerk Empire. Due to his exploits on Earth, he was promoted to Visser One. Visser Three is the only Yeerk to ever claim an Andalite body as his host, and with it, the devastating Andalite morphing technology. Visser Three has a confirmed 27 different morphs that he can achieve, almost all of them incredibly deadly.
Shredder: Esplin 9466 made use of Andalite Shredders (See Gedd-Controller) on the Hork-Bajir homeworld, however he generally prefers to use his morphing abilities to fight.
Morphing: Alloran’s body is morph-capable and Visser Three has obtained a variety of morphs to engage in long range combat. Among these is an unnamed, 8-headed behemoth between 20 and 30 feet tall, which can breathe fire or launch fireballs from any of its eight hands. For amphibious long range combat, he can morph a Lebtin Javelin Fish, a large yellow stingray like creature that launches poisonous spearlike projectiles from its mouth. By morphing a Kaftid he can morph into a flying Sea-horselike creature with large leathery wings and the ability to shoot a quick-dissolving acid from its mouth. One of his most dangerous morphs is the Luminar, a seven foot tall humanoid creature that crackles with electricity. Its body emanates such heat that anything it touches is instantly incinerated and it can launch blasts of heat from its hands, though it is weakened by water.
Tail Blade: Like any Andalite, Visser Three sports a deadly tail blade. Not unlike a great curved scythe, Andalite tail blades are easily capable of removing the head from a human body with one swing, and can strike at such speeds as to be invisible to the human eyes.
Morphing: Again with the morphing. In addition to his Andalite body, Visser Three has a host of morphs well designed for melee combat, one of his most notable being the Antareon Bogg—the morph he used to end Elfangor’s life. This morph is immense in size, standing at the height of a small building, with razor sharp teeth longer than a human arm, and massive twisting tentacles thicker than a fully grown redwood tree. He also possesses a Hork-Bajir and Taxxon morph, should he require one. He has also acquired several sea creatures for underwater combat, including a giant squid, an unnamed alien creature that resembles an especially large squid with hard, black, armor plates, and a Mardrut—a creature the size of a large whale, with an immense maw for devouring people. He also has a large sea-serpent like morph with razor sharp fangs, and a mouth large enough to devour an Andalite whole.
Morphing: Many morphs, like that of the Antareon Bogg are highly resilient to damage. Prince Elfangor’s attacks on Visser Three’s morphed form (and blows that would have outright sliced a human in half) were “like pinpricks to such a creature.” He also possesses a morph that transforms him into a golem-like creature with immense durability.
Additional Factors:
Visser Three has all the powers of an Escafil device user, being one himself. He also possesses several human morphs, should he wish to engage in espionage activities. It is given that Visser Three has completely mastered all of his morphs, as he is never shown to struggle with a morph’s instincts, unlike the Animorphs.
* Some specific morphs (courtesy of Monster-Man-08 on DeviantArt)
(Best picture I could find of the Luminar or something like it) . It is seven foot tall humanoid creature that crackles with electricity. Its body emanates such heat that anything it touches is instantly incinerated and it can launch blasts of heat from its hands, though it is weakened by water.
Lebtin Javelin Fish
Described as an acid sweating beast, this naturally looks to have a durable body and sharp claws.
Described as a living stealth-bomber, this morph has a row of razor stealth teeth and can fly.
The Kaftid:
A Kaftid is an alien creature with eight legs, a seahorse-like head with leathery wings located on its head, slimy green frog skin, and is able to spit a quick-dissolving acid from its mouth
Some other forms
Some sort of acid goo monster that burns everything it touches, and can fling acid from afar with
its short tentacles.
The last is the Mardut
Sub-Visser 51 (a.k.a. Taylor)
Height: A few inches in her natural state, slightly under six feet in her host.
Weight: A few ounces in her natural state, likely around 120-150 pounds in her host.
Age: Unknown (hosts age is likely around 17-19).
Type of Hero bonus: Sabotage/Research and Development
Classification: Scientist
Sub-Visser 51 served as a lieutenant to Visser Three during the invasion of Earth. She was a Human-Controller who supervised the production of the “Anti-morphing Ray”, a weapon designed to flush out the Animorphs, and proved highly intelligent and scheming. She was also highly skilled at negotiations and sabotage, deceiving the Animorphs into attacking a rebel group of Yeerks for her.
Dracon Beam—Sub-Visser 51, like most Yeerks, favoured a Dracon Beam as her weapon of choice.
Explosives—Sub-Visser 51 also used explosives frequently in sabotage missions. The exact kind of explosive is never revealed, but they were powerful enough to collapse a several kilometre long tunnel.
Defences: None. Sub-Visser 51 rarely took on combat roles, and so seeing her on an actual battlefield would be very unlikely.
Additional Factors: Sub-Visser 51 was incredibly intelligent, and capable of using her environment to her advantage, as noted as when she attempted to kill the Animorphs with a gas explosion. She was also highly pragmatic, freely killing her own host when it had outlived its usefulness, to escape the Animorphs, knowing that she, the Yeerk inside, would continue to survive.
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
Age: Unknown
Type of Hero Bonus: Intimidation/Combat
Classification: Monster
The Veleek is an alien lifeform, that resembled a gigantic cloud of dust, consisting of thousands of tiny organisms. It could form sharpened limbs or teeth at a whim, to attack prey. Although the Yeerks could not infest it, they managed to tame it and use it against their adversaries.
Ranged: None
Melee: Shapeshifting—The Veleek could alter its shape to suit its purposes, transforming into a mass of thick tendrils to constrict its prey, or sharpened limbs or teeth to bite its prey with.
Defences: Intangible—The Veleek was virtually impervious to attack, due to being constructed of billions of flea-sized creatures. Weaponfire and attacks would simply pass through the creature without harming it.
Energy Absorption: The Veleek fed on energy, making most conventional energy weapons useless against it.
Additional Factors: The Veleek did, however, have two major weaknesses. The first was that it was uniquely attracted to the energy given off by morphing to the point of suicidal actions to pursue someone in mid-morph. Secondly, water could dissolve the Veleek in large quantities, as its individual parts would not be able to combine together, effectively destroying the creature.
Flight: The Veleek was fully capable of flying at high speeds, and could catch a Falcon in flight.
Tracking: The Veleek was a highly skilled tracker that could follow energy signatures to the source.
Height: Over 7 feet tall
Weight: Unknown, likely over 200 pounds
Age: Unknown
Type of Hero Bonus: Airforce commander
Classification: Andalite Captain
Captain Samilin is a traitorous Andalite Captain. He was pronounced Captain of the Andalite cruiser “Ascalin” and was supposed to provide reinforcements to the Andalite forces, battling on the planet Leera. However, his true alliance was to the Yeerks, and he deliberately sabotaged the ship’s course, slicing off his lieutenant’s tail, and attempting to land the Ascalin in Yeerk lines, to provide the Yeerks with a massive number of Andalite hosts, only prevented by the Animorphs, who happened to be on the ship at the time.
Ranged Weapons: Shredder— (See Gedd-Controller) Samilin uses a handheld shredder as his weapon of choice, and appears to favor the highest setting, causing instant disintegration of the target struck.
Melee: Tail Blade—Captain Samilin’s tail blade is his pride and joy, like any Andalite, and he is very skilled in its use, slicing the tail off of his lieutenant in a single swipe. Tail blades can striking with lightning speed, too fast for the human eye to track, and are like large scythes, easily capable of slicing a human clear in half.
Special: Morphing—Captain Samilin, like almost all Andalites, has used the Escafil device and is capable of morphing. However, it is stated that very few Andalites actually use their morphing abilities, seeing it as more of a domestic use sort of thing, and so very few Andalites bother to acquire morphs. It is assumed that Samilin is among these, and as such he possesses no usable morphs, and must acquire them in the field.
The Ascalin—This is the cruiser that Samilin captains. It requires more than just himself to captain, requiring a minimum of at least ten people to crew, with many more on standby. The Ascalin is an Andalite assault cruiser—a one ship army. It is larger than a Yeerk Bladeship, and has comparable shields. It uses a vast number of Shredders as its primary weapon systems, capable of disintegrating virtually anything it hits, instantaneously, whether it be organic or synthetic, and can even obliterate entire ships. When launching concentrated fire, it can create such immense explosions that they can be seen for miles away. Its shields can withstand considerable firepower, and, like Yeerk shields, disintegrate all unshielded physical matter on contact.
Defenses: Ascalin shields—As mentioned above, Captain Samilin will mainly be employed aboard his cruiser, and therefore have a powerful shielding system to protect him. The Ascalin shields disintegrate all physical matter, and can withstand energy blasts that can destroy a target the size of earth’s moon.
Additional Factors:
Name: Garatron-Controller
Type of Armor: None
Speed: Very fast (no exact numbers, but are fast enough to run on the surface of water without sinking and several times faster than a cheetah at full sprint).
Cavalry Purpose: Scouting and raiding
Basic Description: The Garatron’s are a centaur-like alien race with domed heads, four legs, two arms and long tails. They have been completely enslaved by the Yeerks. They are incredibly fast hosts, capable of easily outstripping an Earth’s cheetah in speed, and indeed, being too fast to see with regular human eyes.
Dracon Beam: See Human-Controller
Hooves: A Garatron can easily run down and trample an adversary to death under its hooves.
Special: N/a
Additional Factors:
Garatron-Controllers are capable of moving at such speeds they can literally run on water making them easily capable of crossing moderate sized bodies of water (though something like crossing an ocean or sea would, naturally, be risky).
Weaknesses: The Garatron species have an incredibly fast metabolism. This has worked against them in the past, as it renders them highly susceptible to poison, which will spread through their bodies to the full effect before help can arrive. One dose of cobra venom was able to kill a Garatron-Controller in seconds because of this.
Name: Water-Jet
Type of Armor: Metal plating
Speed: Faster than a top-speed Hammerhead Shark underwater, no exact numbers known.
Cavalry Purposes: Aquatic combat
Basic Descriptions: This is Leeran technology, taken and used by the Yeerks during the Battle for Leera. Designed for high speeds underwater, it is equipped with dangerous harpoon launchers for combat. They are ridden similarly to underwater bikes, with a jet propulsion system.
Haru-Chin Spear launchers: These are launchers on the underside of the water-jet, that travel slightly slower than a bullet, underwater. They fire long, thin spears that are capable of piercing through a shark’s body and passing through the other side. However, while fairly deadly to humans or the various fauna on Leera, they are not particularly dangerous to more durable life forms. Ax was able to survive and continue fighting after being punctured by three of these spears, while in Hammerhead Shark morph.
Special: N/a
Additional Factors:
Weaknesses—Despite their relative speed, it appears that the water-jets are incapable of sharp turns, as the four Leeran-Controllers the animorphs fought on Leera were incapable of turning their water-jets in time before the Animorphs in Shark morph caught them.
Sea Blade
Weapon Type: Dracon weaponry
Armor Type: Shields and armor plating
Speed: Fast enough to reach atmospheric escape velocity.
Classification: Submarine/Battle Cruiser
Basic Description: The Sea Blade is a modified Blade Ship, designed for aquatic environments and combat. It is capable of hovering in the lower atmosphere above sea level, and even land, but is not capable of reaching the same levels of altitude as the original Blade Ship.
Dracon Cannons: This is the ship-mounted variant of the Dracon Beam, possessing far more firepower than a normal one. It is capable of obliterating a capital starship in only a few blasts, though has also proven less effective on organic targets. Jake stated that being hit by a Dracon Cannon would cause slow disintegration, with your brain frying all the while. It was designed for ship-to-ship combat or for bombarding fortified locations.
Dracon Assault Cannon: This is an incredibly high powered Dracon Cannon, with impeccable accuracy. Normally used for planetary bombardments, they resemble long tubes. Their purpose is to assault hardened and heavily fortified ground facilities, firing tremendous blasts of green light, capable of annihilating even heavily fortified and shielded defences.
Armor: The Sea Blade is built of alien alloys, that are highly durable, making it virtually immune to conventional projectile weaponry. It is also capable of withstanding high pressures underwater.
Shields: A Sea Blade’s shields are considerably more potent than almost any other ship in the Yeerk armada. Their shields can easily withstand Andalite fighter attacks at point blank range. Its shields disintegrate any non-shielded physical matter they come into contact with, whether it be organic, mechanical or otherwise (see Bug Fighter and Blade ship below).
Special: Cloaking Device—A Sea Blade is capable of becoming invisible both to the eyes and detection equipment, cloaking itself completely, though it can still be detected by a wary watcher by its interaction with the world around it.
Additional Factors: N/a
Stolen Enemy Weaponry
-Yeerk technology mirrors their parasitic nature, as much of their technology is based on technology stolen from other races. Though they have little armoured vehicles designed for ground assault presently, if it is determined they require them, they will likely steal enemy weaponry to employ it against them, and may even equip the stolen weaponry with Dracon Beams or Dracon Cannons, or reverse engineer them to their own purposes-
Bug Fighter
Type of Aircraft: Fighter
Weapon Type: Energy weapons
Armor Type: Shields
Classification: Fighter/Scouts
Basic Description: The Bug Fighter is an all-purpose fighter in the Yeerk Empire. Boasting twin Penentrator class Dracon Cannons, the Bug Fighter is a small craft piloted by a single Hork Bajir and a single Taxxon, designed for ship-to-ship combat as well as scouting. A naval variant was developed during the battle for Earth.
Penetrator Class Dracon Cannons—These are Dracon beam weapons that far surpass the power of the handheld variant, designed to pierce Andalite shields. During “The Invasion” a Bug Fighter managed to completely disintegrate an Andalite fighter with a single burst from its Dracon Cannons, and could do the same to an organic lifeform. Each Dracon Cannon is located on either side of the Bug Fighter and resemble long serrated spears.
Armor: Although lightly armoured, Bug Fighters are constructed of a stolen Andalite alloy rendering them functionally immune to small-arms fire like pistols or rifles.
Shields: A Bug Fighter is protected by an internal shield generator, protecting it from both energy and projectile attacks. These shields were designed to deal with energy based attacks, dispersing shots across the shields, but can be overpowered with suitably powerful blasts, such as the like from their own Penetrator Class Dracon Cannons. However, the shields also are highly effective at dispersing physical weapons. Any physical, unshielded object that comes into contact with Yeerk shields is instantly disintegrated on contact. Bullets, individuals, grenades, etc. This renders a Yeerk Bug Fighter completely immune to conventional projectile weaponry. Even high powered energy weapons struggle to pierce these shields at long ranges.
Special: Cloaking Device—It was revealed in “The Suspicion” that Bug Fighters possess low level cloaking abilities, being completely invisible to the naked eye, but could still be detected by suitably high level detection equipment, such as that used by the Helmacrons.
Additional Factors: Bug Fighters are incapable of handling the task of atmospheric entry or departure and must be housed in transports to accomplish this. They have been adapted to submersibles, and thus there is a naval variant of the Bug Fighter that can function underwater.
A Bug Fighter’s Penetrator class Dracon beams have an effective range of at least twenty kilometres, possibly more.
Blade Ship
Type of Aircraft: Strike Ship
Weapon Type: Energy Weapons
Armor Type: Shields
Classification: Capital Ship
Basic Description: The Blade Ship is a Yeerk capital ship, originally designed for Space Combat, but demonstrated remarkable skill at combat within the atmosphere of Earth. They are approximately the size of a passenger plane, and are capable of atmospheric entry and exit. They are prided within the Yeerks for their maneuverability. A Blade Ship is singlehandedly the most devastating piece of technology in the Yeerk Empire. A single Blade Ship was used by Visser Three to annihilate an entire Andalite Fleet.
Dracon Cannons: This is the ship-mounted variant of the Dracon Beam, possessing far more firepower than a normal one. It is capable of obliterating a capital starship in only a few blasts, though has also proven less effective on organic targets. Jake stated that being hit by a Dracon Cannon would cause slow disintegration, with your brain frying all the while. It was designed for ship-to-ship combat or for bombarding fortified locations.
Dracon Assault Cannon: This is an incredibly high powered Dracon Cannon, with impeccable accuracy. Normally used for planetary bombardments, they resemble long tubes. Their purpose is to assault hardened and heavily fortified ground facilities, firing tremendous blasts of green light, capable of annihilating even heavily fortified and shielded defences. It is so powerful, that a blast from this weapon once obliterated an entire mountain, leaving no trace of it behind.
Armor: See Bug Fighter
Shields: A Blade Ship’s shields are considerably more potent than a Bug Fighter’s due to possessing a larger shield generator inside the ship. A Blade Ship’s shields can easily withstand Andalite fighter attacks, and even withstand blasts from Andalite Cruisers, as evidenced in “The Beginning” where Jake was forced to ram a Blade Ship. Like the Bug Fighters, its shields disintegrate any non-shielded physical matter they come into contact with.
Special: Cloaking Device—A Blade Ship is capable of becoming invisible both to the eyes and detection equipment, cloaking itself completely, though it can still be detected by a wary watcher by its interaction with the world around it.
Additional Factors: Like Bug Fighters, a Blade ship was redesigned for aquatic environments, offering the Yeerks a naval alternative (see Sea Blade). Blade Ships are relatively (and mercifully) rare, and so it will be unlikely to see more than one or two in any given battle, and if seen in multiple battles it may well be the same Blade Ship!
Skrit Na Saucer
(From Doctor Who but all Flying Saucers look the same)
Type of Aircraft: Fighter
Weapon Type: Energy weapons
Defence: Armor plating
Classification: Scout/Fighter
Basic Description: The Skrit Na Saucer is pretty much your standard flying saucer. The traditional UFO. Although not of Yeerk design, the Skrit Na have traded with the Yeerks in the past, and provided the Yeerks with examples of their Saucers. Designed for atmospheric combat, Skrit Na Saucers are fast and durable enough to survive atmospheric entry and re-entry, and are primarily used for scouting, but have demonstrated the ability to go toe-to-toe with Andalite fighters in the past.
Lasers: Skrit Na Saucers fire green energy beams from them. They appear to be capable of severely damaging if not destroying Andalite fighters in a single burst, but may not be as powerful as Dracon Beam or Shredder fire.
Defence: Skrit Na Saucers have reinforced plating, and sturdier armor than Bug Fighters, designed to survive the pressure of travelling through a planet’s atmosphere, while other races rely on shields. This also allows them to accelerate to incredibly fast speeds that would cause most other fighter-class ships to retain damage. This renders them more durable against projectile attacks, but they have little defence against laser weaponry.
Special: N/a
Additional information: Skrit Na Saucers, due to their speed in atmospheric flight are commonly used as scout-ships.
Andalite Fighter
Type of Aicraft: Fighter
Weapon Type: Energy weapons
Defense: Shields
Classification: Fighter
Basic Description: The original fighter ships piloted by the Yeerks, Andalite fighters were the template used to design the Bug Fighter. They are rare and few amongst the Yeerks, but still in use, and were used to great effect during the battle for the Hork-Bajir.
Shredder Cannons: The Shredder Cannon is the ship mounted equivalent of the Andalite Shredder. Unlike Yeerk Bug Fighters which have twin Dracon Cannons on either side of the ship, the Andalite fighter has a single Shredder Cannon located above the ship itself, mounted on a structure not unlike a Scorpion’s stinger. The firepower of the Shredder Cannon is sufficient to overpower most shields at close ranges, though has difficulty penetrating Yeerk shields at distances greater than five kilometres.
Defence: Shields: (See Bug Fighter). Andalite shields have been demonstrated to be incredibly effective at long range, completely dispersing Yeerk weapons-fire at distances greater than five kilometres, but began to sustain damage at ranges closer than that.
Armor plating: (See Bug Fighter)
Special: Andalite fighters are commanded telepathically from the cockpit, and have no controls of note, but require two pilots to both fly and operate the weapon systems at once, otherwise only one of the two can be accomplished.
Additional Factors: The Yeerks are incapable (or unwilling) to continue production on Andalite fighters and have no real access to other models. Therefore, they only possess a handful of these fighters and will not be able to replace those destroyed.
====Misc. Air====
Truck Ship
(Truck Ship not shown, but cool picture)
Type of Aircraft: Transport
Purpose of Aircraft: Transportation of personelle and supplies
Classification: Transport
Basic Description: Truck Ships are large transport vessels designed to transport Yeerk personelle and supplies/resources between a Yeerk Pool Ship and their ground facilities.
Armament: Truck Ships possess no weapon systems of any kind, though that may not hold true for their cargo.
Defences: Cloaking device: Truck Ships, unless docked inside a Yeerk facility or Pool Ship, are almost always permanently cloaked, to avoid detection, and prevent knowledge of the Yeerks from spreading.
Armor plating: Truck Ships are better armoured than most Yeerk fighters, and have thick armor plating to protect them from heavier projectile fire than Yeerk fighters, but do not appear to possess shields.
Detailed purpose: As mentioned above, the Truck Ship is designed as a cargo and personelle transport. This allows the Yeerks to steadily replenish their losses in battle, by bringing in the millions, if not billions of reinforcements onboard the Pool Ships, and also to transport Yeerks to the Pool Ship, so that they may absorb Kandrona Rays there, should any portable Kandrona Generators be destroyed. They are also known to transport supplies. It may, on occasion, even transport replacement Kandrona Generators.
Additional Factors: This is a logistical vehicle, allowing units to ressuply in the field.
Pool Ship
Type of Aircraft: Mothership/Transport
Purpose: Life Support (sort of)
Classification: Mothership
Basic Description: The Yeerk Pool Ship is a Yeerk mothership, containing an immense Yeerk Pool with portable Kandrona generators onboard. It is immense enough to be used as a base of operations, and is nearly the size of a moderate-sized city. It is said to resemble an immense bloated spider, with a fat spherical body, three leglike engines and several tendril-like structures at the bottom which act as sensors.
Dracon Cannons: (See Blade Ship) A Pool Ship is HEAVILY armed, with many, many more Dracon Cannons than a Blade Ship.
Dracon Assault Cannon: A Pool Ship has a Dracon Assault Cannon just like the Blade Ship. It possesses sufficient power to wipe an entire city off the map, as it demonstrated towards the end of the Animorphs series.
Cloaking Device (see other Yeerk aircraft)
Shields: A Pool Ship possesses far stronger shields than a Blade Ship, easily capable of withstanding fire from even a Dracon Assault Cannon at close to point blank range.
Armor Plating: See Blade Ship
Detailed Purpose: Despite its heavy shielding and devastating arsenal of weapons a Pool Ship is not intended as a warship, and is slower than a Bladeship or Bug Fighter. Its actual purpose is to serve as an immense, mobile Yeerk Pool. A single Pool Ship is capable of carrying at LEAST seventeen thousand Yeerks and their hosts at any given time, and may be capable of carrying more. It is also utilized as a transport and even base of operations in some circumstances.
Additional Factors: Pool Ships will NOT likely be present unless a ground-based Yeerk pool is destroyed. Unless such an event occurs, Pool Ships will remain in orbit around a planet, and serve only as a source of reinforcements, or as a logistics center where Yeerks might have access to Kandrona Rays. However, IF such an event occurs, it will become likely that a Pool Ship will enter orbit to better support the Yeerks who will be lacking an easy source of Kandrona Rays, and allow easier access, as well as battlefield support, or defensive reinforcements.
Hawjabran Freighter
Type of Aircraft: Transport
Purpose: Transport
Classification: Transport
Basic Description: The Yeerks stole these vessels from the Hawjabran’s not long after leaving their home world. They possess no weapon systems, but are heavily shielded and very fast, and have a very large transport capacity. They are said to resemble the Enterprise from Star Trek.
Armor plating—These ships have durable armor plating rendering them difficult to damage with infantry weapons.
Shields—Hawjabran transports have potent shields, much stronger than a fighter’s shields, and capable of withstanding close range Shredderfire, but their shields are still weaker than a Blade Ship’s.
Detailed purpose: Hawjabran freighters are extremely fast, well defended transports, designed to rapidly redeploy Yeerk forces. They are capable of atmospheric and vacuum flight, and so can transport personelle between a Pool Ship and a planet’s surface. Yeerks are capable of constructing these on their own, as well as reverse-engineering their technology.
(essentially this but more alien looking)
Armor Type: Armor plating
Type of Support: Transport/Logistics
Classification: Transport
Armament: None
Armor plating: Mag-Lev trains are made of an unknown metal alloy that makes them highly resilient to projectile weapons.
Special/Detailed Purpose: Mag-Lev trains are not unlike monorail trains or subway systems. They travel through sealed glass tubes which can be set up above or below ground, at high speeds to deliver troops or supplies across great distances.
Additional Factors:
Speed: According to Ax, Mag-Lev trains are capable of reaching speeds of three hundred miles per hour.
Stealth: Due to the Yeerk’s preference to conceal their presence on a planet, it is likely that most of the Mag-Lev trains and their tunnels constructed will likely be prepared underground until towards the end-stages of the war, where Yeerk presence becomes common knowledge.
Name: Shredder Cannon
(best picture I could get of a similar type of Cannon)
Type: Anti-Infantry/Anti-Light vehicle
Basic Description: The Shredder Cannon is a small energy cannon constructed with stolen Andalite technology. It fires high powered energy blasts, considerably stronger than that of a handheld shredder that disintegrate virtually any matter on contact. It can instantly disintegrate standard infantry, and cause significant damage to light armoured units.
Name: Gleet Biofilter
Type: Security System/Anti-Infantry
Basic Description: The Gleet Biofilter is a potent security measure that is installed at the entrances to any major Yeerk installation. It is capable of scanning any organism that passes through, no matter how big or small, right down to the DNA. If the DNA matches its programming, the organism may pass through unharmed. If the DNA does not match its list of permitted DNA samples, it will set off a blaring alarm, and fire wide-range energy blasts that can instantly obliterate a human, and produce enough light to blind nearby humans for several minutes. It can be programmed to specific individual or entire races, depending on the scale of security.
Name: Hunter-Killer Robots
(Sort of like this, from Star Wars)
Type: Security force
Basic Description: These are machines designed to patrol Yeerk facilities. They are spherical in shape, with a single optical receptor that circles their body. The optical receptor houses a Dracon Beam which is fired at any intruders within the facility.
Name: Holograms and forcefields
Type: Concealment and defense
Basic Description: Yeerks have developed incredibly potent holographic projectors and forcefield systems, which they use to disguise structures they do not wish to be stumbled upon. The holograms can be of anything the Yeerks want, allowing their structures to blend in perfectly. Visser One used such technology to make an underwater base resemble a large coral reef. Yeerks are, if a sufficiently large power source is acquired, able to bolster these holograms with forcefields, to perfect the illusion, as well as defend against incoming attacks on Yeerk structures.
Name: Controlled animals
Type: Security Force
Basic Description: Although the Yeerks are incapable of taking over most animals as hosts (they are only capable of taking over sentient species), they have developed a means of mind controlling animals. They can surgically place an implant into a species brain, and influence its actions, or, over sufficient amounts of time (several months), modify the target species brain to make it more suitable for infestation. During the intermediate stages however, they use the modified behaviour of these creatures to serve as security forces for Yeerk bases, influencing them to attack anything that does not belong. Furthermore, if the animal is killed, the implant dissolves instantly, leaving no evidence of Yeerk technology.
===Faction Leader===
Name: Esplin 9466 (Better known as Visser Three).
Notable Achievements: Visser Three was among the highest ranking Yeerks during the battle for the Hork Bajir. He prides himself an expert on analyzing his adversaries—most notably the Andalites, and was personally responsible for shooting down two Andalite fighters during the first major Yeerk-Andalite battle for the Hork Bajir. Visser Three is the only Yeerk to ever claim an Andalite as a host— the War Prince Alloran. He is a highly skilled strategist that can analyze an adversaries preferred strategy and develop countermeasures.
Visser Three was in charge of the invasion of Earth, and the destruction of the Andalite fleet sent to stop them. He accomplished the latter feat with ease, obliterating the Andalite fleet with a Blade Ship, and would have successfully conquered the Earth in less than a year, without the humans ever becoming aware of it, had it not been for the Animorph’s intervention. Even so, Visser Three successfully conquered most of the planet Earth and was never defeated by the Animorphs in direct combat, his adversaries always opting to flee from him rather than fight. Visser Three’s most notable accomplishment was the slaying of Prince Elfangor, one of the most decorated soldiers in Andalite history, in single combat. His success on Earth, although impeded, was notable enough to see him promoted to the rank of Visser One, by the end of the invasion.
The Good: Visser Three is highly analytical, and not afraid to lead his forces from the front lines if he must. He can dissect an enemy’s strategy, and easily devise countermeasures as he demonstrated against the Andalites on multiple occasions, as well as against the Animorphs. He proved highly adaptive, and the Animorphs never managed to fool him the same way twice. With his massive variety of morphs, he is an immensely dangerous adversary in direct combat, and capable of effortlessly slaughtering Prince Elfangor in single combat, and repeatedly defeated all six Animorphs at once with little effort. He is a highly skilled fighter pilot as well, having shot down two Andalite fighters with his own Bug Fighter during the battle over the Hork Bajir worlds.
He has considerable experience, having taken place in at least two planetary invasions, and has demonstrated considerable intuitive skills and the ability to assess situations and take the solution best fitted to it. Visser Three is incredibly ruthless and willing to go to any lengths without consideration of moral values in order to achieve victory. He is very pragmatic and quick to cut off any weak links in the chain. If someone is expendable, he will immediately cut them off over a more valuable member with little guilt.
The Bad: Visser Three is highly feared by his subordinates, and he dislikes it when things do not go according to plan. This led to theories of the “Andalite Bandits” that plagued him on Earth actually being humans being suppressed to avoid his ire at the idea. Visser Three is arrogant, and dismissive of dissenting opinions, meaning that if he is wrong about something, he will rarely realize it until it bites him in the flank. He is also prone to becoming overly confident when a plan is on the verge of success, to the point of overlooking serious flaws, as demonstrated on the Hork-Bajir homeworld in which he attempted to transfer from one host to another without binding down his original host first.
Style of Leadership: Authoritative. Visser Three is the third highest ranking Yeerk in existence outside of the Council of Thirteen (highest ranking Yeerk outside of the council by the end of the invasion of Earth). He uses this rank to its full effect, forcing the Yeerks under his command to obey him, or face being court-marshalled, or executed by him personally.
Adaptive Creativity: 63/100
Intuition: 70/100—In part due to his skill at analysis, Visser Three has incredible intuition, often able to perfectly anticipate the strategies and tactics of his adversaries.
Tactics: 60/100—Visser Three demonstrated some tactical skill during the invasion of the Hork-Bajir homeworld but….
Strategy: 84/100—Visser Three’s strategic mastery however, is excellent. It was no secret to the Animorphs that despite their tactical victories against the Yeerks, they were losing the war on Earth. Visser Three’s skill at adaption allows him to freely use the Yeerk’s strengths to their fullest, regardless of the situation, although he prefers to use quiet infiltration strategies.
Audacity: 78/100
Psychological Warfare: 59/100—Visser Three has never put too much stock in psychological warfare, but is fairly skilled at it nonetheless. He is very adept at picking at a target’s psychological weaknesses, evidenced by his brief conversation with Elfangor prior to the Andalite’s death. Additionally, using Andalite thought speak, Visser Three can forcibly implant images into his target’s brain, or the brains of hundreds if necessary, crafting horrific images to demoralize the enemy.
Intelligence: 68/100
Experience: 75/100—Visser Three has fought in at least two full-out wars, and is considered one of the most experienced Yeerks alive.
Discipline: 52/100 He'll follow orders from his superiors, but he's obsessed with personal gain, and constantly bickered with Visser One. He doesn't react well to sharing leadership. He often lets his desires get the better of him ie. Aldrea during the battle with the Hork-Bajir, which arguably cost the Yeerks a pyrrhic victory. He could have easily killed Aldrea, taken an Andalite fighter and obliterated the Hork Bajir rebels, but, because of his desire for an Andalite host, he merely immobilized her, giving Aldrea time to morph and forcibly eject him from the cockpit, and using the fighter's main guns on the Yeerks instead.
Leadership: 76/100—Visser Three’s orders are not questioned. Period. Yeerks are completely devoted to their system of command, and so no Yeerk would dare disobey Visser Three’s orders. With that said, Visser Three is not exactly popular amongst the Yeerks due to his callous and pragmatic nature, and he has been forced to put down a few insurrections and mutinies from time to time.
Corruption: 60/100—Visser Three has been corrupted by power and although he is strong minded, he is easily influenced by visions of grandeur, which nearly proved to be his undoing on two separate occasions during the battle for the Hork-Bajir. He aspires to be a member of the Yeerk’s Council of Thirteen and will not stop at anything to accomplish his goals. Indeed, he even attempted several times in the past to kill the original Visser One, to take her rank.
Morale: 93/100—Yeerks are INCREDIBLY confident in their abilities, and bordering on arrogant. Yeerks cannot perceive the concept of defeat unless it is completely inevitable, and staring them in the face, and even then they tend to be disbelieving. All Yeerks take great pride in the Yeerk Empire, and gladly fight for the glory of the empire, and personal glory as well.
Logistics: 63/100
Espionage: 94/100—Even with an invasion in full force, Yeerk presence on a planet is virtually undetectable, to those who do not know what to look for. Even the Animorphs, who fought the Yeerks for nearly a year, could never be completely certain of whether or not someone was a Controller or not, and it was generally only through following known high ranking Controllers in morph that they were ever able to discern the locations of Yeerk bases. All in all they score one of the highest ratings here in the tournament.
Discipline: 57/100—Two sided coin here. On the one hand, Yeerks are complete slaves to the rules of hierarchy and any Yeerk will obey an order from its superior without question, whether or not it agrees with the decision. With that said, Yeerks tend to value their own lives over those of others, and will not hesitate to abandon their posts if the battle seems unwinnable.
Overall Army Intimidation: 59/100—While many of the Human-Controllers are not particularly intimidating, the Hork-Bajir and Taxxons are plenty terrifying to behold, and the Blade Ship was designed with visual intimidation in mind.
Reinforcement Rate: Moderate-High—Depending upon the stages of the invasion, Yeerk reinforcement rates will vary, often being incredibly high towards the end of an invasion, during which most of the planet’s populace has been enslaved. Towards the end of an invasion, a Yeerk force can number well into the realm of a comparable population of the planet itself. However, earlier on, they tend to be fewer in number, though still numerous.
Past opponents: The Andalites, the Hork-Bajir, the Leerans, the Animorphs
The Andalites: The Andalites are the Yeerks greatest adversaries, despite ironically being the beings that set the Yeerks upon the universe to begin with. They despise each other with utmost hatred and have been at war for at least a hundred years, with the Andalites beginning to eventually lose the war, due to becoming stretched too thinly over the course of their many battles, and the Yeerks even having made landing on the Andalite home world, towards the end of the war. Andalites are powerful telepathic beings, with highly advanced technology. The main weapons on their Dome Ships are potent enough to destroy Earth’s moon, and render planets incapable of sustaining life.
The Hork-Bajir: During the battle for the Hork-Bajir homeworld, despite Andalite reinforcements, the battle was largely fought by the native populace, who took up arms against the Yeerks. This campaign proved an easy victory for the Yeerks, taking the planet in slightly over three months, under the leadership of Visser Three. The Hork-Bajir proved formidable guerrilla fighters, who used hit-and-run tactics, and employed stolen Yeerk technology against them as well as their own deadly bladed bodies, however, within the space of two months, the opposing Hork Bajir forces were reduced to only a few dozen, and the Andalites ultimately fled the planet, granting the Yeerks millions of hosts to use as shock troops in the war with the Andalites
Leerans: The Leerans proved a slippery adversary of the Yeerks, as their telepathic abilities meant that the Yeerks could not use their standard infiltration tactics against the natives of the planet. Furthermore, due to the planet’s species amphibious nature and underwater cities, the Yeerks were forced to construct their bases on land, limiting the effectiveness of their attacks. To make matters worse, a fleet of Andalite ships arrived to assist the Leerans, resulting in the Andalites contesting the Yeerks on the surface of the planet. However, despite these drawbacks, the Yeerks still managed to successfully infest enough Leerans to lay siege to the entire planet, and butchered the Andalites on land. With the betrayal of the Ascalin’s captain, the Yeerks nearly took Leera, had the Animorphs not arrived and destroyed the entire Leeran continent, leaving the Yeerks without a base of operations, and resulted in their inability to launch further attacks against the Leerans. Even so, the Yeerks left the war with the Leerans with an immense number of Leeran hosts, with stolen Leeran technology.
The Animorphs: While far more a “nuisance” than a full-on threat, the Animorphs were nonetheless a key factor in the eventual fall of the Yeerk empire. The only force on Earth to directly oppose Visser Three, the Animorphs held several key advantages over the Yeerks, the first being the Yeerks’ complete lack of knowledge of their true identities until the end of the war. Due to Andalites being the only known possessors of morphing technology, it was mistakenly believed for most of the war on Earth, that the Animorphs were a band of “Andalite Bandits” that had survived the destruction of the Andalite fleet above Earth, greatly impeding the Yeerks’ ability to locate them, this lie further enforced by the joining of Ax, an actual Andalite, who helped reinforce this charade. The secondary advantage of the Animorphs was their morphing powers, with which they were able to spy on the Yeerks with impunity, and devise methods to obstruct their invasion of Earth. Despite this, even the Animorphs confessed that they lost at least as many battles as they won, and their best attempts merely slowed the invasion of Earth, much of the population being enslaved by the time the Andalite main fleet arrived to drive off the Yeerks, giving the Yeerk Empire billions of Human-Controllers.
Quantity vs Quality: Quantity. The Yeerks fight battles and wars of attrition quite often, and used such tactics to considerable effect against the Andalites on Leera and the Hork-Bajir homeworld, to such an extent that a 12-7 loss ratio actually proved in favor of the Yeerks!
===Additional Factors====
Kandrona Rays: So, after all of this, you may be wondering what these Kandrona Rays are. Kandrona Rays are artificially created rays produced by a Kandrona generator to mimic the radiation found in the sun of the Yeerk homeworld. Kandrona Rays are vital to a Yeerk’s life, and they must expose themselves to these rays once every 72 Earth hours, in a location called a “Yeerk Pool” (see below), or they will die. This amount of time can be extended virtually indefinitely through the host’s ingestion of ginger, though this method will gradually cause insanity in those who try to prolong their time, and therefore is unadvised unless the Yeerk in question would desire to meet with an Executioner (see above). Kandrona Generators are often placed in well protected facilities, often placed in high locations, to beam the radiation down to a Yeerk pool. This form of radiation is virtually undetectable to sensors, so most radiation detecting equipment will fail to notice Kandrona Rays being beamed to any particular location.
Yeerk Pools: This is where a Yeerk can absorb the nutrients needed in Kandrona Rays. A Yeerk pool is said to look little more than a pool of molten lead, within which thousands, if not millions of Yeerks swim about. While a Yeerk absorbs Kandrona rays, their host is kept imprisoned for awhile, unless the host was voluntary, in which case they have some freedom (and as Yeerks are capable of having complete and total access to their hosts thoughts and memories, and even memories of their thoughts, faking being voluntary is a process doomed to failure). Yeerks need only spend a short amount of time in a Yeerk Pool, before they return to their host, often accomplished by Hork-Bajir guards splashing the hosts head down into the pool until it is recorded that the Yeerk has returned. Falling into a Yeerk pool means almost instantaneous enslavement, as it is virtually impossible to keep a Yeerk from entering a subject, as found out firsthand by Jake.
Technological mastery: Yeerks are so good with technology that it’s insane. Or rather, it’s more that we, poor humans are so ungodly primitive compared to them, that comparitively, we’re still figuring out how to make fire. To put into perspective how advanced Yeerks are with technology, a single, low ranking Yeerk was able to convert an ordinary radar dish into a cross-Galaxy communications array in a matter of SECONDS. They are also the equals of the Andalites in terms of the ability to hack, and, as an Andalite highschool dropout was able to hack into United States government classified files, steal and replace them, and then get back out without ever being detected or so much as leave a trail, in less than two minutes? This means the Yeerks are pretty damn good at hacking.
New troops: Yeerks, as a parasitic race, take over the bodies of those they conquer. Any sentient, organic faction that falls to the Yeerks will find its members taken and transformed into Controllers, to be used in future Yeerk conquests. This will often begin mid-battle, with the planets populace, and enemy soldiers being taken over and forced to fight against their own people.
Technological Gain: High. Yeerks are incredibly good at innovation and can easily reverse-engineer almost any technology they acquire to suit their own purposes. They can do so incredibly quickly, and so any enemy technology that falls into Yeerk hands, will very likely be seen on the battlefield, being employed against its creators within a matter of battles.
Biological: Low, besides the acquiring of morphs for Escafil device users.
Wow. That's a lot of info.
ReplyDelete^Right? Love this page though.