*credit to the person who wrote this profile, and Games Workshop, and people who made the videos and pictures. I only did some edits.
Orks- Faction Profile
Ghazghkull’s WAAAGH!-Introduction
-“The Orks plague the galaxy from the end to end with their ceaseless warring and strife. They are a race rooted so deeply in war that peace is utterly incomprehensible to them. They cannot be bargained with or bought save with weapons that they will inevitable turn against those who tried to bribe them. I pray with all my faith that some great catastrophe will annihilate them but I fear that ultimately it is they, not we, who shall rule the galaxy.”-Xanthius, High Lord of Terra
The Orks are the endless green tide, which sweeps all before it away in a wave of violence and fury. Entirely made of savage muscle standing about as tall as a man when hunched over, and even taller if they stand up straight, these beasts were literally bred for war by an ancient Forerunner race to fight against powerful star-siphoning space vampires and their armies of deathless robotic underlings. The Orks are tough, strong, cunning, ruthless, crude, rude, and most of all live entirely for fighting and killing and winning. They believe might is right, love to fight, and that the weak should suffer for the sake of the strong.
Their genetic blueprint gives them innate knowledge of war and the equipment needed to wage it, and makes them hardy enough to survive a decapitation for 6 hours if the cut-off head can be sewn back onto a body within six hours or so. Their weapons and vehicles are crude and not uniform but still somehow functional, and are made to be loud, fast, and deadly. They are a symbiosis of animal and fungi, and reproduce using spores that they constantly give off in life but most prolifically release as they are about to die. This symbiosis also extends to other areas of their physiology, as every one of their multiple redundant organs is hardy and capable of regeneration because of the fungi’s existence. Where they fight and die, the entire environment is slowly changed to accommodate their presence by the spores. While they often employ a straightforward approach to combat, charging headfirst at an enemy while screaming and shooting, their cunning allows them to employ surprisingly sophisticated tactics if needed be to surprise their foe. They actually increase in strength as they fight in battles and wars, with veterans actually growing physically larger, stronger, and meaner as a conflict progresses. Most of all is the WAAAGH!, their innate racial psychic field that is powered by the beliefs of their species and grows stronger as more of their kind accumulates in an area. Ork weapons and machines require this field to function, with the influence of one individual capable of making metal tubes behave as guns. When they show up in the massive numbers they are known for, the Orks are nearly unstoppable.
Warboss Ghazghkull is one of the most infamous of his kind, and is the greatest leader the Orks have. He is one of humanity’s staunchest foes, if only because of the conflict-seeking nature of his kind, and is known for being superlatively shrewd and brutal in equal measure. In reality, he may see them as kind of a friend because they are always willing to put up a good fight. He is the prophet of the Ork gods, Gork and Mork, and his charisma and might allows him to command vast hordes of greenskins. His military acumen, which he attributes to personal training and instruction from Gork and Mork themselves, allows him to employ sophisticated maneuvers that allowed him to catch his opponents entirely off guard repeatedly. With most accounts having him stand at six metres tall, he is a formidable combatant but is best when commanding his forces from someplace other than the front and only jumping into key battles to swing the fight in his favor.
Numerous, brutal, adaptable, and strong, the Orks are one of the most powerful races in the Warhammer 40k galaxy. The only thing holding them back is their love of conflict, which causes them to fight each other if no worthy enemy is around. They are numerically one of the most prevalent species, easily outnumbering almost every race other than the Space Bugs, and if united it is said they would be able to wipe out all other factions in the galaxy - a statement the creators of 40k have themselves have acknowledged.
The Orks are also the comic relief of the setting, which says a lot. Still, they are objectively the best part of Warhammer 40k.
Orks are not known for their organized reconnaissance ability. Deffkoptas are usually said to fill the traditional reconnaissance role, but they’re also usually rickety pieces of scrap held together by hope and spit and piloted by lunatics. A few visionary warbosses might have the foresight to send out grots and see if said grots get pasted by something, or utilize kommandos as scouts once in a blue moon. There might be communications between the boss on the ground and the boys still on any roks left in orbit, who may give some intelligence to their leader if they see anything. There is also the possibility of a prescient weirdboy vision. Orks have also been known to use mekboyz and painboyz in unison to construct machines to interrogate enemies by reading a captured foe’s brain output directly, or using weirdboyz to psychically interrogate prisoners. However, the main way Orks tend to find an opponent is to disperse from their home base in all directions in a massive horde and go to where it sounds like there is fighting. Ghazghkull, being a visionary Ork like mentioned above and generally possessing more foresight than the average greenskin, will probably at least try to employ the methods described above if he lands on a new planet. There is also the slight possibility he will receive a vision from Gork and Mork themselves.
-Every Ork, ever
Name: Ork Boyz
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Various
Mobility: 6
Training: 5
Max Range: 500 m? (However, Ork aim is notoriously terrible)
Preferred Range: Melee Range (Or close to it)
Classification: Standard Grunt
Basic Description:
The lifeblood of any WAAAGH!, these boyz are the rank-and-file. Each of them is bigger and stronger and tougher than any unenhanced human, are extraordinarily bloody-minded and savage in combat, and have multiple redundant organs, insane pain tolerance, and an innate knowledge of how to effectively fight. The basic organizational unit of Ork Boyz is the mob, comprised of ten to thirty individuals with similar ideas on how to fight and each and led by a Nob hat is an expert in that form of combat, but the Boyz often simply form a large raucous horde charging the enemy at full tilt. To get to a scrap quicker, they and nearly every other kind of Ork can also enlist vehicular transport. They can use a wide variety of weapons, although specialist weapons may be rarer than the more common slugga and choppa, but are equally comfortable using their fists, teeth, and nails to rip an enemy apart. ‘Ard Boyz are Ork Boyz in possession of ‘Eavy Armour, and are tougher to kill because of this protection.
Most Common Weapons:
Sluggas: Sluggas are loud, massive, and unsightly large-calibre mostly fully automatic pistols carried by Orks to either shoot things with or hit things with. They are probably equivalent to bigger Desert Eagles, with all the accuracy problems and power that comparison comes with. As Orks have terrible aim from anywhere but point-blank range, these crude guns are sometimes more effective as bludgeons than as projectile weapons. Jams and misfires are also common. Still, the Orks field lots of them, and sooner or later a shot will find a mark. The boyz who wield these weapons are often called Slugga boys, and, since they generally favor close combat, will often use this weapon until they close into close quarters. Then they pull out their Choppas, or wack their foes with this large weapon.
Shootas: A general name for larger Ork guns, a shoota tends to be chosen first and foremost for the size of the bullet it fires, how much noise it can make, and the size of the gun itself. They tend to be equivalent to .50 calibre rifles, but can be weapons as strong as Space Marine bolters. Sometimes, they are just looted Space Marine bolters. Far more reliable in terms of ranged damage than the sluggas, as their wielders at least tend to aim in the general direction of the enemy before holding down the trigger full bore. Shootas are uniformly loud and fully automatic, as well as deadly, but that is as far as they go in terms of consistency.Indeed shotgun, minigun, and even hand-cannon variants of this weapon exist, with the ammunition being either massive or explosive (or both). The loud noise factor is psychologically due to Ork belief that a firearm won't cause any real damage unless it makes a loud, terrifying noise. Users of shootas tend to form into their own mobs separate from Boyz using the usual choppa and slugga combo, called Shoota boyz.
Uncommon (but not rare) variants:
Big Shootas: Even larger, louder, heavier, and more deadly than their smaller cousins, Big Shootas fire massive-calibre bullets and are generally described as contraptions that “bucks and sparks like crazy” when the trigger is pulled. These guns are often fired pointing in the general direction of a foe on full automatic, and as a bonus are often inoperable by enemy forces because of their dependence on the WAAAGH! to work. These weapons are often "kustomized" to have multiple barrels, big crosshair sights, longer ammo belts and such. There tends to be one of these for every ten Ork Boyz in a mob.
Rokkit Launchas: Little more than crude and easily assembled tubes, these weapons are designed to be simple enough to even be operated by the mentally slowest of boyz. They possess a simple trigger mechanism that allows the Ork at the hopefully “safe” end to fire a rokkit of dubious manufacture in the general direction of the enemy. And maybe it’ll hit something, too. There tends to be one of these for every ten Ork Boyz in a mob.
"Hold on to da pin, throw da uvver part."
Stikkbombs: Ork hand-held fragmentation grenades, which can be detonated by pulling the pin and throwing it at the foe. If this does not work and the grenade does not go off or, if the Ork user in question sees this as an un-Orky method of delivery, the stikkbomb can be used as a club until it finally explodes. Every boy in a mob may carry one, though not every boy knows how to throw it correctly (some boyz really do throw the pins instead of the grenades). This is why there are sometimes specialized boyz called Stickbombers, who know which end to throw and which end makes a boom. Though far less common, there are several variants of these stikkbombs including :
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Ork Grenade advice |
--Krak Stikkboms - Rarer version analogous to Imperial krak grenades and used against enemy vehicles.
--Stunbombs - Orks use these to stun enemy infantry units. They are usually used by Ork Kommandos.
--Stinkbombs - These are made from cultured fungus and other unsavoury substances and release clouds of noxious green vapour. Its stench is beyond description and they have great effect on any non-Orkoid creature with a sense of smell.[
--Fungus Gas Bombs - These stikkbombs contain gas made from very old fermented fungus. It is not harmful to Orkoids, since they are symbiothic with fungus but all other living creatures absorb harmful fungal poisons inside their bodies.
--Firey Stikkbombs - Filled with flammable liquids, these stikkbombs are used to cover target area in flames. They are usually used by Ork Kommandos.
--Smokey Stikkbombs - On detonation these stikkboms cover area in clouds of smoke, reducing visibility. They function similarly to Imperial smoke grenades. They are usually used by Ork Kommandos.
--Goo-bombs - This bomb contains a sticky green ooze derived from the old fermented leftovers of some Squigs. After bursting it creates a slick of sticky black squig goo. Anyone trying to pass it risks th be gummed up, though it dries after a while, allowing the victim to break free.
--Buzz-bombs - This unusual bomb contains a swarm of trapped carnivorous Buzzer Squigs. It bursts releasing a swarm of hungry buzzing creatures which devour anything unfortunate enough to be caught in the swarm area.
Choppas: A term used to refer to a wide variety of large Orky weapons made of scrap or looted from dead enemies meant to stab, bludgeon, or chop an enemy into a quivering jelly. These include axes, large knives, saws, barbed sticks of wood, large sharpened slabs of metal, and even chainsaws. The average Ork is large enough to swing these weapons with considerable force, and can even get through power armour in close quarters. While lacking the refinement of the close-quarters weapons of the races the Orks tend to face, choppas make up for it in sheer mass and strength. Some Ork boys can use big choppas, which are enormous two-handed axes with jagged metal teeth.
A few scraps of flak jacket and a shoulder/back plate with the Ork's insignia make up the poorly maintained armour of most of these boyz. This is in combination with their biology of course, but most boyz probably aren't going to have the defense of other, mightier variants. There are exceptions of course, and some orks might have the following.
Cybork Body: Orks with enough teef to spare can sometime pays Meks and Painboys to add bioniks and other cybernetic enhancements to the already naturally tough body of the Ork. These additions often improve all of an Ork’s physical attributes, and make them even hardier and deadlier killing machines than before. These tend to be rare in the rank and file Boyz, and are more common in the elites.
‘Eavy Armour: Armour made from scrap taken from defeated enemies and battered into shape to almost fit their intended wearer, this ramshackle defence increases the already amazing survivability of the common Ork boy. While little more than plates of junk, it is rather effective because of its sheer bulk. These tend to be rare in the rank and file Boyz, but are seen more frequently than cybork bodies, and are more common in the elites. Every ‘Ard Boy wears a set of this armour.
Additional Factors:
- It seems to me that Shoota Boys (who use Shootas) and Slugga boys (who use Slugga pistols and Choppas) are by far the most common type of boyz, however the nature of ork culture means that the other variants will be far more popular then on other profiles.
- Generally Ork mobs number from 10-30, with variations within, however this certainly doesn't always apply, or perhaps even most of the time.
-WAAAGH!: Simultaneously the battle-cry of the race and the driving force behind Ork might, the WAAAGH! is the Ork word for war. Orks yell this word as they charge towards their opponents, which have the dual results of pumping them up and terrifying their foes. The WAAAGH! is also the name of the psychic reality-warping field generated by all Orks, which allows their weapons to function and allows them to impose their worldview on the world. The more Orks in a given location the more reality will bend to accommodate their race’s shared cultural beliefs. Red will go faster, blue will be luckier, yellow ordinance will produce larger explosions, and green will be the best.
--Ork Physiology: See Additional Factors at the end of the second page
Name: Tankbustas
Weapon Type: Explosives
Armor Type: Light Armour (Plates fashioned from destroyed vehicles), Various
Mobility: 6
Training: 5
Max Range: 1100 m?
Preferred Range: Tens of Metres
Classification: Anti-Vehicle
Basic Description:
A subculture of the mainstream Ork Boyz, the Tankbustas specialize in hunting tanks, other large vehicles, and large monsters. Driven by the elation of killing things much bigger than they are, these Boyz utilize a variety of explosive weapons to bring their prey down. They often also take trophies from the shattered remains of what they destroy, and sometimes get “tanked up” by eating the crew and drinking the engine oil from the shattered remains of the wrecked vehicle after the battle. Or they might eat the large monster they killed, it depends.
Rokkit Launchas: See Ork Boyz, but more accurate and better trained and every Tankbusta has one that doesn't have a tankhammer.
Tankhammers: A rokkit strapped onto a pole, hopefully a long one. Tankbustas swing these directly into what look like the weak bits of enemy armour. Presumably these are single-use, and are used as two-handed weapons. About two of these are found in every mob of five to fifteen Tankbustas.
Choppas: See Ork Boyz
It is common for Tankbustas to wear armour fashioned from pieces of a destroyed tank or spot nuts and cogs as crude jewellery. Veteran Tankbustas often carry around some parts of the vehicles they destroyed or equipment of its drivers to show their victories.
Cybork Body: See Ork Boyz but not very often.
‘Eavy Armour: See Ork Boyz, but more common and made from busted vehicle bitz
Tankbusta Bombs: Armour-piercing anti-vehicle explosives that the Tankbustas attach by hand to their unfortunate quarry. They pack an impressive explosive payload and deadly shrapnel. Every Tankbusta tends to carry at least one of these heavy magnetized disks.
Bomb-Squigs: Exploiting the natural squig tendency to chase moving objects, Tankbustas strap a bomb to a squig and let it loose. Most of the time the squig will run to an enemy vehicle and the bomb will detonate and deal massive damage, but rarely the squig will chase a friendly vehicle and still deliver its explosive payload. Mobz of five to fifteen Tankbustas tend to be accompanied by three of these.
Stikkbombs: See Ork Boyz
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
-Ork Physiology: See Additional Factors (the one right before victory gains)
Name: Lootas
Weapon Type: Unpredictable Gun
Armor Type: Various
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: 500 m?
Preferred Range: Tens of Meters
Classification: Wild Card
Basic Description:
"Wot, this? Naw, I've had this fer ages. Of course the paint's still wet, it's me favourite. Sell it to ya if you like. One careful owner."
Another subculture of the Ork Boyz, Lootas are kleptomaniac Orks that use weapons stolen from enemies as well as other Orks. They are some of the most heavily-armed Orks as a result of their thievery, as they trade stolen items for powerful guns. Lootas pay Meks in teef and salvaged scrap to create Deffguns, massive shoulder-mounted kustom shootas. However, while these guns are all loud and deadly, they tend to be rather unpredictable in terms of exact effects. Lootas also sometimes aid Meks outside of battle by heading salvage operations that Meks and their Grot assistants alone cannot handle. Sometimes, Lootas with Deffguns can be used to cut off a choke point due to the sheer volume of fire their guns produce.
Deffguns: Made by Mekboys persuaded by handsome sums of teeth and salvaged scrap, these massive shoulder-mounted guns are often each unique pieces of destruction. They are cobbled together from heavy weapons the Loota himself has salvaged from battle, and assembled by the Mek according to instinct and whimsy. Some have added bitz such as viewfinders and recoil compensators, and others were built from scratch if the Mek smashes all the salvage he was given to start anew. Although often a lottery in terms of effect and function, each being crafted individually by a Mek as a prized work of practical art, Deffguns are uniformly deafening to their wielders and deadly to anyone foolish to be in their way. There are two types; the standard solid slug variety and the beamy deffgun, which fires lazors!
Cybork Body: See Ork Boys, but probably slightly more frequent because Lootas tend to be a bit richer
‘Eavy Armour: See Ork Boys, but probably slightly more frequent because Lootas tend to be a bit richer
Additional Factors:
- Note: There is a chance of the lootas being able to hijack enemy vehicles, with one particularly famous boy even managing to do so with Imperial Titans.
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
Ork Phsiology: See Additional Factors
Most Lootas are affiliated with the Death Skullz Clan.
Name: Burna Boyz
Weapon Type: Flamethrower
Armor Type: Various
Mobility: 6
Training: 5
Max Range: 20 m?
Preferred Range: Right in your face
Classification: Anti-Infantry, Anti-Heavy Infantry
Basic Description:
Yet another subculture of Ork Boyz, Burna Boyz are Orks whose love of setting things aflame is far above and beyond even that of other Orks. A burning thing is a beautiful thing to a Burna Boy, whether that thing is a tree, a building, an enemy, or a fellow Ork. They are equipped with Burnas, powerful flamethrowers that incinerate all flammable things their fires touch. Burna Boyz are used to flush out enemies hiding in a building or plant-covered area, and are also useful out of battle in the assembly of massive Ork war machines when supervised by Meks.
Burnas: The pyromania of the Ork race made manifest in a rickety apparatus, these squig-oil and gas-fuelled flamethrowers spray great blasts of greasy fire. However, they are vulnerable to attack, and damaging the tank will most of the time result in the Burna Boy being the epicentre of a hellish conflagration, as well as incinerating everything around them. However, they are still far more robustly constructed than they would first appear. These weapons have two modes, one that unleashes relatively normal gusts of orange fire and a mode requiring a special nozzle that causes the burna to expel tongues of blue “cutting’ flame” instead. The orange fire is ideal for flushing out enemies in fortified positions, especially if several Burnas Boyz work together, and the blue fire is best used to slice through the armour of heavily armour opponents. The cuttin’ flame of the Burna Boyz is often recruited by Meks to aid in salvage and construction operations, being capable of slicing objects up to a metal bulkhead. These flamethrowers have been even known to cut through the ludicrously tough ceramite armour of Space Marines. Equivalent Imperial flamethrowers have been known to be hot enough to turn bone into ash, which makes them stronger than modern correspondents.
Some enterpirsing Burnas have been known to carry Choppas. Others use the flamethrower itself as a bludgeon, once the fuel runs out.
Basic Armor: See Boyz
Cybork Body: See Ork Boys
‘Eavy Armour: See Ork Boys
Additional Factors:
Orkoid Physiology: See Additional Factors
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
Name: Stormboyz
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Various
Mobility: 8
Training: 6
Max Range: 100 m?
Preferred Range: Metres
Classification: Jetpack Shock Troops
Basic Description:
"I dunno wot you been told,
Stormboy mobs is mighty bold,
We're da hardest of da lot,
We make you lot look like Grots. "
Stormboy drill-chant
The last of the major Ork Boy subcultures, the Stormboyz are Orks that claim to adhere to an Ork version of military order and discipline. To their credit, they are more efficient and disciplined than most Boyz and do dedicate a lot of their time to drilling and marching and training. They have actual respect for authority, instead of fear, which is rather rare. They are also much more likely than other Boyz to want to know such things as “where the enemy is” and “how many there are”. But, mostly they’re special because they have jetpacks. They are shock troops of many warbands, and are often the first to get stuck into a fight. They are often used to attack bastions and defence lines by landing in less well- or easily-defended positions and working from there. A Stormboy mob landing behind the outwardly pointed weapons of an enemy entrenched line is very useful thing to have.
Sluggas: See Ork Boyz
Stikkbombs: See Ork Boyz
Choppas: See Ork Boyz
Rokkit Pack: Allowing their wearers to get into the thick of the fight first, assault positions that are normally unassailable on foot, and sometimes turning the Stormboy into a living weapon, the rokkit pack is an indispensable tool for any WAAAGH!. However, they are sometimes prone to exploding and killing the unfortunate Stormboy unlucky enough to own that particular unreliable piece of grot manure. However, their overall utility as jump packs far outstrips the hazard of the occasional amusing malfunction and so Stormboyz continue to use these things.
Additional Factors:
Orkoiad Physiology: See Additional Factors
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
-Alone among the basic infantry, the Stormboyz devote significant amounts of time to basic planning.
Name: Nobz
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Heavy Armour at Minimum
Max Range: 100 m?
Preferred Range: Melee Range (or close to it)
Mobility: 6
Training: 7
Classification: Elite Veterans
Basic Description:
The ruling caste of the Orks, Nobz are Orks that have lived long enough through enough fights to become large enough and mean enough to be recognized as a figure of authority. As they are Orks, they lord over and abuse those smaller than them at every opportunity. As their underlings are also Orks, this dominance is commonly accepted under the “might makes right” philosophy unless a lad feels uppity enough to challenge authority and consequently get krumped. They can be found leading mobs of lesser Boyz, or in elite mobs of their own comprised entirely of tough battle-hardened veterans. They tend to also form formidable bodyguard units for Warbosses. In combat they lead by example by being the first to plunge in to the thick of fighting and krump ‘eads left, right, and centre. They are Ork champions, sergeant-at-arms, oppressors, and role models for all smaller Orks. There is a different form of Nob for each subculture, such as Burna Boy Nobz, Stormboy Nobz, even for elites such as Kommando Nobz, and they each possess weapons signature to their classes. However, the one portrayed here is a stereotypical Ork Nob. They also tend to “confiscate” the most interesting salvage after a battle or if they see a lesser boy with a more impressive piece of wargear, which causes them to have interesting collections of weapons.
Sluggas: See Ork Boyz
Kombi-Weapons: Essentially two weapons, usually two different projectile weapons such as a shoota and either a skorcha ( a usually vehicle-mounted flamethrower) or a rokkit launcha or another shoota, that have been nailed, wired, welded, or otherwise stuck together. Both parts of the weapon are functional, and give the wielder more flexibility in combat. Twin-linking shootas essentially doubles a given Ork’s rate of fire. To the Orks, increased flexibility generally means above all else more ways to krump an unfortunate foe.
Shootas: See Ork Boyz, but often bigger as befitting their larger wielders.
Stikkbombs: See Ork Boyz.
Choppas: See Ork Boyz, but often bigger as befitting their larger wielders, the two-handed variety is almost frequent to the point of being standard among Nobz.
Power Klaws: A giant, powered, armoured claw equivalent to an Imperial Power Fist in most respects. These are used to tear apart even the most sturdy vehicle or personal armour in close combat. The combination of the Ork’s natural might, pistons, and the energy field generated by the mechanisms of the weapon itself creates a formidable attacking force.
Cybork Body: See Ork Boyz, but more frequent as Nobz are the elite.
‘Eavy Armour: See Ork Boyz, but more frequent as Nobz are the elite.
Bosspole: A sign of status Ork Nobz have, such as a trophy pole or metal jaw, which displays their authority. Nobz use them to restore order and “dissaplin” when the going gets tough. Not all Noz have these, and they are more likely to be found on Nobz leading a squad.
WAAAGH Banner: A banner decorated with glyphs, trophies, and blood of dead enemies. These banners show how dangerous their wearers are, and are carried by Nobz that have earned the respect of the Warboss. These banners have a near-religious significance to the Orks, and inspire nearby Boyz to fight harder.
Additional Factors:
-WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz.
-Orkoid Physiology: See Additional Factors, more pronounced then Boyz
Name: Kommandos
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Various
Max Range: 100 m?
Preferred Range: Melee (or close to it)
Mobility: 6
Training: 7
Classification: Commandos
Basic Description:
Half-glimpsed shadows? Ork wearing camouflage? Do you take us for imbeciles? Orks are barbaric and entirely single-minded. Army dogma, which has served us well for ten thousand years, teaches us this. Greenskins come on in a great horde, they do not slink and sneak in the shade. Guards! Take the prisoner to the holding cells to await execution for cowardice and incompetence.
-Provost-Major Kyne, at the court-martial of Lt Gordo
The black sheep of the Orks, these elite Boyz represent the Ork virtue of low cunning to its fullest extent. They take joy in launching perfectly timed ambushes, enjoy slitting throats and spreading panic and seeing horrified looks on the face of their prey, prize initiative and intelligence, and some of them are even able to read. In battle they are used to assassinate enemy sentries and destroy fortified emplacements, and are also capable of acting as scouts for a willing Warboss. They are often Stormboyz who have grown to prize un-Orky methods even more over time. In their squads they also often have specialized roles, and sometimes employ heavy weapons to sow greater chaos. They are the spec ops of the Orks, made even more effective and unexpected by the behaviour of the rest of their race.
Shootas: See Ork Boyz, but more stealthily and skillfully applied to kill and cause havoc
Big Shootas: See Ork Boyz, but more stealthily and skillfully applied to kill and cause havoc, about two if these are found per squad of five to fifteen Kommandos.
Rokkit Launchas: See Ork Boyz, but more stealthily and skillfully applied to kill and cause havoc, about two if these are found per squad of five to fifteen Kommandos.
Burnas: See Burna Boyz, but more stealthily and skillfully applied to kill and cause havoc
Stikkbombs: See Ork Boyz, but probably more skillfully applied to cause damage and havoc
Knives: The favoured close-quarters weapons of the Kommandos, these wicked blades are used with skill and enthusiasm to slash and stab opponents. The Kommandos favour using these to slit necks in particular, and are often choppas with a bit more refinement.
Basic Flak Vest: See Ork Boyz
Cybork Body: See Ork Boyz, but more frequent as Kommandos are elite
‘Eavy Armour: See Ork Boyz, but maybe not as frequent as Kommandos need to be sneaky
Additional Factors:
-WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
- Orkoid Physiology: See Additional Factors
-Stealthy: Kommandos are capable of moving through even the most difficult terrain stealthily and with great speed, and are well-versed enough in the ways of furtiveness to utilizing various forms of camouflage. Soot-blackened knives, camouflage war-paint, painting their skin with stripes of blood, dirt, and dung, and even attaching foliage or using disguises are all tools of the Kommando’s trade of sneaking around.
-Spec Ops: Kommandos are usually looked down upon by most of the orkish society, believing that "all dat sneaky round stuff just aint what da orks do". But no warboss in his right mind would refuse their services. Kommandos put on camouflage and hide around in cover, using stealth, espionage, guerrilla warfare, and other methods of stealth combat to kill their foes. On the field of battle, Kommandos will assassinate enemy sentries and destroy gun emplacements to give the rest of the ladz a better chance of reaching the enemy lines unscathed thus playing important role in any warband
Name: Flash Gitz
Weapon Type: Bling, Kustom Shootas
Armor Type: Various
Max Range: 100 m?
Preferred Range: Tens of Metres
Mobility: 6
Training: 6
Classification: Distractions
Basic Description:
While not entirely elite, mostly they’re rich and obnoxious Boyz that managed to buy their way into powerful weaponry, Flash Gitz are certainly above the rank and file if only for their armaments. They are inveterate plunderers and thieves, and are often richer and older Lootas. Flash Gitz acquire their weapons by paying Meks bucketfuls of teef to construct loud and powerful kustom shootas. They are also obsessed with upgrading these weapons at any chance they get, whether by stealing a flashy enhancement or stealing enough scrap and teeth to purchase something to make their gun even more ostentatious and deadly. However, they can also be unreliable and may sell out their services to alien races or engage in “recreational backstabbing”. Their extravagance also makes them painfully easy to detect. They are best used are heavy firepower or as distractions.
"Bought me a deffblasta off Rotskrag earlier. Nice little killa. Just ask Rotskrag, hur hur."
Fat Druzka, Flash Git
Snazzguns: Kustom shootas that vary greatly in terms of design, these guns are made by meks encouraged by bucketfuls of teef to do their best work. They are all still lethal weapons, big and loud and capable of rapidly firing volleys of solid shot at a foe, although they are also usually highly ostentatious and covered in shiny bitz and other accessories. These shootas, as well as their blasta derivatives, can be outfitted with upgrades. These improvements can increase the rate of fire by adding more barrels, scopes, and ammo belts or make each shot more deadly by increasing the size of the barrel (and thus, increasing the calibre of shot) and using more powerful ammunition.
Blastas: Expensive snazzguns that fire crackling energy bolts, these weapons are equivalent to an Imperial Plasma Gun with all the problems that comes with the comparison. Capable of melting through the thickest of armour, but may overheat and explode.
Choppas: See Ork Boyz
Cybork Body: See Ork Boyz, but more common and more likely to be accompanied by bling as Flash Gitz are both loaded with teef and have no taste.
‘Eavy Armour: See Ork Boyz, but more common and more likely to be accompanied by bling as Flash Gitz are both loaded with teef and have no taste.
Gitfinda: Expensive and overly-elaborate targeters hardwired into their eye sockets that are possessed by all Flash Gitz, which helps them judge distance other conditions that affect shooting. If they’re so inclined to actually use them, of course.
Additional Factors:
-WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
-Orkoid Physiology: see Additional Factors
- Flash Gitz are pretty much distrusted by Orks at large, and will work for aliens for the right price.
Name: Meganobz
Weapon Type: Various
Armor Type: Power Armour
Max Range: 100 m?
Preferred Range: Melee (or close to it)
Mobility: 3
Training: 8
Classification: Heavy Elite Shock Troops
Basic Description:
Meganobz are the richest Nobz that value close-quarters combat above all else. They are encased on extraordinarily tough power armour that allows them to survive almost anything their enemies can throw at them. These suits tend to have the Nob’s favorite shoota hardwired to one arm and a power klaw attached to the other. They are spectacular close-quarters combatants, nearly unbeatable in melee and capable of taking all but the most extraordinary enemies apart limb-by-limb. Their sheer bulk also makes them massively difficult to stop if they can build up momentum. This weight is also their only weakness, but is often compensated for by hitching a ride to battle in a vehicle.
Shootas: See Ork Boyz, but bigger as befitting their wielders, are often massive to the point of being deffgun-like in size.
Kombi-Weapons: See Nobz, but bigger as befitting their wielders.
Power Klaws: See Nobz, but bigger as befitting their wielders.
Mega Armour: Composed of a powered exoskeleton overlaid with a suit of thick and heavy armour plates and powered by pistons and sub-motors, this armour makes a Meganob into a living tank. They are built by Meks paid exorbitant sums to produce some of the heaviest personal armour known to the Ork race. The already insane physical power, resilience, and endurance of the Ork Nob within are increased to truly staggering levels. While it makes the Meganob slow, it also is strong enough that they can usually survive direct hits from enemy artillery.
Additional Factors:
-Momentum: The sheer weight of the Mega Armour makes a charge by a line of Meganobz a deadly weapon capable of breaking most lines and smashing enemies into a bloody paste.
-WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
-Orkoid Physiology: See Additional Factors, more pronounced then Boyz
Name: Ork Warboss (Minor)
Type of elite Bonus: Combatant, Small-Scale Leader
Classification: Elite Nobs
Basic Description:
These older, more experienced nobz are the leaders of the various sub-factions in the greater WAAAGH! They are sort of “minor heroes”, especially in the Orky definition. They usually lead a warband of a hundred or so Orks personally onto the battlefield, and are always the most competent individual combatant in their unit. They enforce their rules with iron klaws, bullying, and generally lording their greater size over lesser greenskins at any given moment. This extends to “ konfiscatin’ ”the best or shiniest loot after a fight, even if they have to strangle a reticent looter for it. A Warboss is a Warboss because they are the biggest, meanest, strongest, most kunning, and the best in the Orky Art of War. This does not extend to logistics, as that’s more for the runts. They are at their best on the frontlines, krumping ‘eads left, right, and centre as an embodiment of proppa Orky values that commands respect and fear from both friend and foe.
Slugga: See Ork Boyz, but probably bigger.
Kombi-Weapons: See Nobz, but maybe slightly bigger as befitting their wielders, comes in shoota/rokkit, shoota/skorcha, and twin-linked shoota combinations, mostly, maybe. Optional, replaces slugga.
Choppa: See Ork Boyz, but probably bigger, more likely to be a proppa “big choppa”.
Power Klaw: See Nobz, but probably more common. Optional, replaces choppa.
‘Eavy Armour: See Ork Boyz. Optional, but probably more commonly found than in boyz.
Cybork Body: See Ork Boyz. Optional, but probably more commonly found than in boyz.
A Warboss may be strapped into a suit of Mega Armour, and would essentially count as a super Meganob of sorts. Due to their perchance for “ konfiscatin’ ” of shiny gubbins, they may also have some more unusual items in their inventory.
Special: Retinue/Items
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Warboss with attack squig |
Attack Squig: It’s a squig bred to bite and kill. Like a starving and unwashed bulldog/Doberman/pit bull/whatever-other-mean-dog-you-can-think-of hybrid, but twice as nasty and temperamental and smells four times as bad.
Ammo Runt: A grot carrything ammo and other gubbins for the Warboss. Hopefully makes sure the boss doesn’t run out of stuff to shoot with. Also makes a fine bullet shield. Optional.
Bosspole: See Nobz, but probably more common.
Additional Factors:
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
-Orkoid Physiology, though far more pronounced then any other. See Additional Factors
--Weakness: If Warboss is killed, Nobz under his command will fight it out for succession, something enemies can and have taken advantage of.
Ork heroes are often Warbosses in their own right, and all provide extremely valuable services to the WAAAGH!. They are also, to the Ork, all exceptionally capable individual fighters. All Ork Heroes definitely have what is listed in their loadout as opposed to other troops that may have optional gear. This also applies to Ghazghkull’s later profile.
Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka
"Humies is all weak scum that deserve ta get stomped. 'Cept for One-Eye Yarrick. He knows how ter fight." - Thraka. Above is a picture of Lord Commisiar Yarrick vs. him.
Height: 6 meters
Weight: we are talking about tons here?
Age: At least 70
Type of Hero Bonus: Leadership, Destruction, Badassery
Classification: Leader
Basic Description: See Leader Profile
Big Shoota: See Ork Boyz, but much bigger and more impressive.
Stikkbombs: See Ork Boyz.
Adamantium Skull: The metal skull that allowed Ghazghkull to ascend to his current position, aside from protecting his brains it also acts as a heck of a close-combat weapon. The codex notes that “being headbutted by Ghazghkull us much like being hit by a mag-train”, increasing the ferocity of his charges. It also somehow grants him immunity to instant death, however you wish to interpret that. It definitely protects his skull pretty well, as adamantium is noted as being so tough that Imperials cannot reverse-engineer adamantium items because they are too tough to be disassembled. It also may give Ghazghkull some other properties, depending on what you think having a metal skull can do for you.
Power-Klaw: See Nobz
Mega-Armour: See Meganobz, but Ghazghkull’s movements are actually not notably constrained by the armour.
Cybork Body: See Ork Boyz
Boss Pole: See Nobz, but much bigger and more impressive.
Prophet of the WAAAGH!: Ghazghkull is capable of emitting a warcry of epic proportions, making any troops that hear it fearless, cause them to fight harder, and makes them move faster that even a normal warcry would. It can be used to turn the tide of battle, and to utterly crush the enemy.
Additional Factors:
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz. WAAAGH!
Orkoid Physiology: the Best, most powerful known example. See Additional Factors.
Far more will be covered in the actual leader profile, this is just for combat stuff.
Name: Mad Dok Grotsnik
Type of Hero Bonus: Bloodlust, Dubious Medical Abilities
Classification: Elite Battle Medic
Basic Description:
"Operate! Operate! Still time to operate!"
-Mad Dok Grotsnik
At first an ordinary Painboy, Grotsnik rose to prominence when he treated a runty injured Ork Boy named Ghazghkull. Ghazgkull’s skull had been blown open by a Space Marine Bolter round, and in that Grotsnik saw a great opportunity. After replacing the missing or damaged portions of Ghazgkull’s skull with adamantium, Ghazgkull began to have visions that he claimed were from Gork and Mork. Ghazgkull then rapidly ascended in the Ork hierarchy, and Grotsnik gained renown for his act. He convinced his richest new customers to have similar metal skull replacements, but neglected to inform them of the explosives he placed in their shiny new craniums. When these new customers figured out what happened after Grotsnik blew up one too many heads whose persons committed some personal offence to the Dok, they arranged for Grotsnik to suffer a fatal accident. However, Grotsnik did not die, not permanently anyways, and was brought back from death’s door by his gretchin orderlies with vomit and spiders in his brain and more insane than any other Ork had ever been. Grotsnik blew up the heads of all who had wronged him, and gained an even greater perchance for replacing parts of his body with bioniks or parts stolen from hapless patients. Grotsnik is now known as a madman among madmen, performing operations such as replacing an Ork’s brain with a live squig, but remains a ludicrously tough, fearsome, and unsettling fighter. He operates as a medic of sorts, but is most valuable leading a blood-lusted charge of his bionik-enhanced personal bodyguard. As Ghazghkull is his patron and protector, sort of, he is highly unlikely to entertain disloyal thoughts.
Slugga: See Ork Boyz, his prominence has not improved Grotsnik’s aim.
Power Klaw: See Nobz, but maybe more skilled, he definitely has this.
‘Urty Syringe: A huge syringe filled with virulent toxic goop of unknown origin, this weapon may be used by Grotsnik to fill his foes in close quarters with lethal chemical and biological poisons. This type of weapon may also be used by any other Painboy who can acquire one.
Cybork Body: See Ork Boyz, but probably a dubiously improved kustom job. He definitely has this.
Dok’s Tools: A set of mean-looking tools the Mad Dok uses to perform his surgery. The contents of this set may be indistinguishable from a common household tool box aside from some noxious substances. In practice, these tools allow the Dok to give any Ork in his personal bodyguard cybork bodies of their own, which greatly increases their physical abilities. Allows the Dok, and any other Painboy with their own set, to heal (and experiment on) busted up boyz brought to them.
Additional Factors:
“One Scalpel Short of a Medpack”: The Mad Dok is renown even among Orks for his psychosis. He is perpetually blood-lusted, and this enthusiasm for combat will be shared among any troops he leads. If Grotsnik finds himself in a battle, any Orks that accompany him will be “inspired” by his fearlessness to charge and assault the nearest foe in close-quarters. They will know no fear unless the Mad Dok perishes.
-WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
-Orkoid Physiology: see additional Factors:
Name: Boss Snikrot
Type of Hero Bonus: Instills Terror in Enemies, Stealth
Classification: Elite Commmando
Basic Description:
"Da ooman base iz got walls an’ fings, see. So, if I’z goes up to da wall, all sneaky-like, and blows it up wiv me bombs, den dere’ll be an ‘ole in da wall wot da ladz can go fru, see. So, when you’z lot ‘ears sumfing go boom, you charge,’ cos dere’ll be an ‘ole in da wall. Unnastand?"
Snikskin, Ork Kommando, explaining a plan to a group of other Orks
A highly-regarded Kommando at the time of Ghazgkull’s first invasion, Snikrot led his tribe to be the first to navigate through the dense jungle hell that separated Armageddon Prime and Armageddon Secundus. However, he lost most of his tribe to Imperial jungle-fighting specialists when they became separated from his elite Kommandos. He vowed revenge, but not before first learning and conquering the environment. Snikrot stripped his equipment down to the minimum, learning with his Kommandos to use their natural Ork toughness and metabolism blend into and become one with the jungle. He and his Kommandos then waged a guerilla war of terror on Armageddon, gaining a fearsome reputation. His personal Kommando bodyguards became known as the “Red Skull Kommandos” for their tendency to scalp their victims and spread the blood on their own heads, and Snikrot singularly is an even greater legend on Armageddon. He even terrifies men specifically trained to hunt Orks, became a living bogeyman to the entire Imperial population, and he and his Kommandos even managed to elude an entire planet’s worth of patrols for fifty years between the end of Ghazgkull’s first invasion and the start of the second. Snikrot is a terrifying killer, able to move unseen and unheard by even the most experienced of hunters, and fights with bloody cunning and horrifying viciousness. He and his squad are used to sow terror in the enemy, disrupt supply lines, and assassinate key enemy figures among other Kommando operations. He is likely fanatically loyal to Ghazghkull, if this was not apparent by his 57 year campaign of blood.
Slugga: See Ork Boyz, but more likely to be able to actually aim okay for an Ork.
Stikkbombs: See Ork Boyz, but probably more skillfully applied to cause damage and havoc
Mork’s Teeth: Personalized pair of nasty and rippy looking knives, each as long as a man’s arm, these implements have been used by Snikrot to personally kill at least a hundred human enemies. They have been consecrated in the blood of said humans to Mork himself, and so Mork personally watches over Snikrot some of the time in combat. Mork’s patronage combines with Snikrot’s experience and bloody-mindedness to make him an extremely dangerous close-quarters combatant.
Additional Factors:
Stealthy: Snikrot is a legend even among the competently furtive kommandos. In particular he is a master of jungle warfare, stemming from a traumatic incident where he most of his tribe to Imperial jungle-fighters. From that day onward he vowed to master the environment, and learned to become one with the battlefield’s terrain. He was skilled enough in the art of stealth to avoid vigilant patrols for 50 years after the First War of Armageddon. He would likely not forget his lesson even if he fought in a non-jungle environment.
Ambushes: Snikrot’s abilities in stealth work perfectly in conjunction with his ability to lay and execute ambushes. He is a master of learning an area, stalking his prey, and then swiftly and brutally murdering his quarry. He would also likely be able to advise a leader willing to ask for help in how to lay large-scale ambushes.
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
Orkoid Physiology: See additional factors, once again.
Name: Boss Zagstruk
Type of Hero Bonus: Combatant, Keeps Troops in Line
Classification: Elite Stormboy
Basic Description:
An Ork martinet, Zagstruk was rumoured to have been born in the middle of a human settlement and fought his way back to his parent tribe after birth. He is a merciless killer and fanatical disciplinarian, and takes any excuse to fight. Zagstruk is the leader of the fearsome Vulcha Squad, named for his own personal fighta-bomma Da Vulcha, his personal band of Stormboyz that fears him more than they fear any enemy. This is because he is prone to wild mood swings between “foul-tempered but not killing anything” and “murderous and killing things”. He rules his squad with an iron klaw, executing any who show insubordination or cowardice, which keeps even the most belligerent Orks in check. He has an extremely strong will and an unbreakable gaze, as his squad attest he has stared down Warbosses, Squiggoths, and many other big mean beasties alike. At the climax of a battle he and his Vulcha Squad descend from his aircraft, fire up their rokkit packs, and land feet first in their enemy. Zagstruk’s own bionik legs termed “Da Vulcha’s Klaws” and sheer mass make his personal landing particularly devastating. Zagstruk and his mob are best used to turn the tides of battle in one fell swoop, destroying an enemy line as they fall from the heavens like mean green meteorites. He is a mercenary and could be swayed to another side if offered enough, but this might be less of a factor given Ghazghkull’s ability to inspire fanatical devotion in Orks.
Slugga: See Ork Boyz, maybe better aim because of his discipline. Is personalized, somehow.
Da Vulcha’s Klaws: Bionik legs specially made for Zagstruk, they are frequently employed to both smash a foe into pulp and soften Zagstruk’s landing at the same time. Zagstrk is also adept at using these claws in close-quarters after landing, viciously kicking and tearing apart foes as he charges.
Choppa: See Ork Boyz, probably much more skilled with it though.
Cybork Body: See Ork Boyz, probably a decent kustom job. He definitely has this.
Rokkit Pack: See Stormboyz
Additional Factors:
Violent Temper: Zagstruk rules his squad with an iron fist and his slugga. If he ever sees morale wavering, he will make an example of someone commissar style to rally the boyz (i.e. battlefield executions)
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
Name: Old Zogwort
Type of Hero Bonus: Combatant, Morale Booster
Classification: Elite Weirdboy
Basic Description:
Referred to as the “greatest Weirdboy of all”, Old Zogwort was born during a total eclipse of the sun on the death world Catachan in a nest of venomous vipers. The snakes swarmed him as he emerged from his cocoon, covering him in snake bites, but he survived and even began fight back. As the eclipse ended, Zogwort emerged victorious covered in pus-filled bite marks with dead snakes in his hand and dying ones still wriggling in his mouth. His tribe was in awe of this event, and further events would continue to convince him he was favoured by the Ork gods. He rose to prominence in his tribe within a year as a result of these events, such as the fact that no snake ever bit him ever again. As he reached Ork adolescence he became surrounded by psychic phenomena, and had to be accompanied by handlers his tribe assigned to him. However, these handlers had the habit of being turned into squigs in the middle of the night. As his tribe attacked the humies, Zogwort stomped and whooped and soaked up the raw WAAAGH! energy of his fellows. He unleashed blinding cascades of green light that left naught but ownerless clothes and weapons and puzzled squigs in their wake. Zogwort grew, losing his eyes in a blast that destroyed an entire Imperial Guard company, and eventually left his planet to seek greater congregations of Orks elsewhere. He travelled the galaxy, seeking locations where the fighting was fiercest and the WAAAGH! was at its purest. Zogwort is a capable fighter, a formidable psychic power, and an able advisor. He can serve many roles, but is best when turning the mightiest of enemy combatants into squiggly beasts. The only drawback is that he is a wandering Weirdboy, and as such is essentially a mercenary. He could be bribed. However, given Ghazghkull’s status as a prophet of Ork-kind this is rather unlikely
Psyker Powers: Old Zogwort, the greatest of the Weirdboyz, can use any power a Weirdboy can. However, he counts as a “warphead”, which means he has greater control over his powers than most and is less likely to explode in a massive blast of green fire. Weirdboy powers include the following:
‘Eadbanger: The Weirdboy loses control of the psychic energies he is harnessing, causing the heads of those nearby to explode. These heads tend to be those of relatively friendly Orks, but sometimes if the Orks are lucky this happens to a Weirdboy in melee with the enemy. This attack might affect Ork morale, but generally the Boyz see this occurrence as a bit of a larf.
Frazzle: The Weirdboy unleashes cracking arcs of energy at the enemy, reducing them to shrivelled husks. This attack is mentioned as being terrifying to enemies, and can be used on enemies in the Weirdboy’s line of sight, and can even cause Space Marines to wither into dried out shells.
Zzap: The eyes of the Weirdboy glow a blazing green, and he unleashes an incandescent beam of energy hits a single target with the force of a thunderbolt. This attack can be used on enemies in the Weirdboy’s line of sight, and has been compared to a multi-melta gun in strength.
Warpath: The Weirdboy dispenses his accumulated WAAAGH! energy to his fellow boyz, strengthening them and increasing their attack ability in both close-quarters and at range.
‘Ere We Go: Closing his eyes, the Weirdboy teleports the mob he’s part of to another part of the battlefield of his choosing in a storm of green light. This can even be used if his unit in currently engaged in close-quarters combat with an enemy. Although somewhat unreliable, this power can shift the tide of battle in an instant by getting the Weirdboy’s mob to a location that is inconvenient to the enemy. Such places include inside an enemy’s fortified bunker, in close range with a more delicate part of their forces, or surrounding their soon to be krumped commander.
Foot of Gork:
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Fantasy depiction, but what happens in some warhammer 40k games |
Raising his arms to the sky and gesticulating wildly, the Weirdboy beseeches the Ork gods for aid. One of them complies, and crushes a section of the battlefield with a massive green foot. This foot can be used to stomp a single enemy several times, stomp different enemies several times, or really cause any possible combination of giant Ork foot and squished enemy as long as Gork’s attention can be held. Of course, Gork could also stomp an Ork, but that’s part of Ork life. This counts as Divine Intervention seen in other 40k profiles.
WAAAGH!!: Screaming the warcry at the top of his lungs, the Weirdboy invokes the power of the WAAAGH! and allows the boyz to attack with considerably more momentum and power.
Nest of Vipers: Presumably a collection of various poisonous snakes Zogwort hurls at his enemies. They can inflict damage by poisoning enemies with their bites, and are a motley collection of many different kinds of snakes. As a bonus, no snake ever seems to bite Zogwort.
Zogwort’s Curse: Old Zogwort’s most powerful psychic ability and the one that he is most-well known for, where he can turn a powerful enemy in his line of sight into a squig. This is Zogwort’s most notorious ability, and may spell the end of some of the most powerful enemy combatants or the most capable leaders.
(It also works a little bit less than about half of the time in gameplay, about 42% to be exact, which is pretty good odds for an nearly insta-kill spell.)
Additional Factors:
Orkoid Physiology:
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz, but Zogwort lives to harness the WAAAGH!.
Name: Wazdakka Gutsmek
Type of Hero Bonus: Combatant, Mechanic
Classification: Elite Bikeboy
Basic Description:
Described as the “greatest bikeboy of them all”, Wazdakka Gutsmek loved to tinker with bikes even as a yoof on Khasak Prime. He was enamoured with stripping a bike down, rebuilding them improved, and riding his new creations at blazingly fast speeds. Gutsmek rose to fame when he won a major race on a bike he had assembled that very morning. Accused of cheating, he went on a rampage and blasted the settlement apart with heavy-bore dakkakannons before riding off in disgust. From then on he became a legendary figure to the Orks, appearing right in the nick of time to dramatically turn battles in their favour with liberal applications of firepower. One such instance was when he singlehandedly took down an Imperial Warlord Titan on Scalex VI by himself using nothing more than his speed and the terrain. He launched himself right off a cliff end and into the command cockpit of the massive machine, and then while still on fire personally killed the crew in seconds. He is kept awake by the concoctions of outlaw Bad Doks, and rarely leaves his seat other than to upgrade his bike. Wazdakka eventually got tired of roaming alone, and began to unite the Speed Freeks to launch an unending WAAAGH! from one end of the galaxy to the other. He is now accompanied by an army of high-speed fast-attack boyz on various vehicles, all intent on crushing any foe unlucky enough to be in their path. Gutsmek is also an excellent individual combatant on his personal bike, capable of breaking enemy lines by himself or with his kult of followers. He and his followers are best used to wreak havoc on the enemy and scatter them before a terrifying charge of roaring high-octane bikes, trukks, and other assorted things that go fast. Gutsmek is also a superlative mechanic, probably capable of overseeing even the most daunting of engineering tasks. However, as an independent Warlord shoe-horned into Ghazghkull’s WAAAGH! he may have some loyalty issues or may chafe under another Ork’s command. Then again, given Ghazghkull’s religious status among Orks this may also be a non-issue.
Bike of the Aporkalypse: The fast, loud, and powerful vehicle Gutsmek and his weapons ride on, it is a heavily modified warbike that possesses the traditional aspects of a Ork warbike in even greater abundance. Gutsmek is also capable of fighting effectively while this bike is using its turbo-boost, something that is rather uncommon compared to most bikeboys that simply shoot and flail and charge while the turbo is active.
Kustom Mega Blasta: A marvel of Ork technology that fires a blast of pure energy at its targets, and in gameplay is as strong as a multi-melta gun, a weapon that is often used to hunt tanks. This terrifying weapon is far greater than the sum of its parts, and is one of the most powerful weapons the Orks can field at the squad level.
Slugga: See Ork Boyz. Aim is likely not any better.
Dakkakannon: A rapid-firing monstrosity mounted on Gutsmek’s bike that is described as being able to stop a tank in its tracks. If it is anything like every other Ork weapon, it is loud, lethal, and highly destructive. In gameplay, it is equal to a multi-melta gun in terms of strength.
Stikkbombs: See Ork Boyz.
Power Klaw: See Nobz, but probably better at using it from his bike.
Mek’s Tools: See Mek
Additional Factors:
Speed: Wazdakka is fast. The boyz in his mob are likely also benefit from the overall mechanical expertise of the group and have fast bikes as well. They are blazing fast. Wazdakka and his mob will probably make up the fastest arm of any army they are part of, and are a very dangerous tool in the hands of a capable Warboss.
Orkoid Physiology:
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
Name: Kaptin Badrukk
Type of Hero Bonus: Combatant, Advisor
Classification: Ork Pirate Mercenary
Basic Description:
The “most infamous Freebooter of all” and a legend among his outcast pirate Ork kind, Badrukk has sailed the stars for several decades in his personal Kill Krooza Da Blacktoof. He leads his own vicious band of Flash Git ne’er do wells, and has fought at the side of every major Warlord in recent history. He claims to be responsible for the survival and victory of many of these Warlords through the awesome firepower of his mob. And indeed, his firepower is awesome; with some Warlords believing it was well worth paying him and his krew for the unforgettable sight of their guns being unleashed on a terrified foe. His outfit is ostentatious, with shiny bitz made of stolen medals and pilfered metals and gilded armour and banners proclaiming his might. His accomplishments are outlandish, working with Warlord Garaghak to blunt a tendril of the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken with a daring raid on the Norn Queen at its heart, outshooting the Tau in the War of Dakka, and even claiming to have personally killed a void-whale. Badrukk is also an excellent strategist and a great advisor for any willing to meet his stratospheric fees and tolerate him and his krew taking the lion’s share of the booty before zogging off to find another fight. His unit provides superlative amounts of firepower, probably the most of any infantry squad the Orks can field. The only problem is that he would entertain thoughts of disloyalty if the opposition offered him enough. Then again, Ghazghkull is the Ork St. Peter, bringing the faith one proppa smack at a time. If the Warboss can keep him under lock and key, his firepower and military acumen are invaluable assets.
Da Rippa: Badrukk’s favourite shoota, a horribly potent kustom weapon bedecked with shiny bits and formerly a weapon belonging to the Ogryn bodyguard of a subsector governor. Badrukk wears a lead-lined greatcoat to protect from the radiation this weapon gives off while it fires unstable plasma canisters with each hit “detonates like a tiny sun”. While this is probably hyperbole, it is an extremely powerful gun all the same.
Slugga: See Ork Boyz.
Stikkbombs: See Ork Boyz
Choppa: See Ork Boyz.
Goldtoof Armour: Badrukk’s personal armour plated with hundreds of melted-down gold teef kicked out of the mouth of other Freebooter captains. While gold makes for terrible armour, the sheer quantity of the metal on this piece of kit has to count for something. Also, it incorporates a potent kustom personal force field equal to anything a Mek can utilize. This armour has allowed Badrukk to survive a volley of railgun fire from a Tau Manta missile destroyer in lore.
Gitfinda: See Flash Gitz.
Bosspole: See Ork Nobz
Stikkbombs: See Ork Boyz
Da Powder Grotz: Badrukk’s personal retinue of three grots that carry his extensive stash of ammo and loot. They allow the good kaptain to fire longer by being overburdened carrying his volatile ammunition.
Da Blacktoof: Badrukk’s personal vessel, little is elaborated on it other than it has a steel jaw. However, like every other Orky thing belonging to a Flash Git, it is probably loud, powerful, big, and covered in bling and horrifying numbers of weapons.
Additional Factors:
Excellent Strategist: Badrukk’s wealth of experience, keen tactical mind, ability to think laterally, and propensity to conceive and execute audacious plans makes him an excellent military adviser.
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz
Important Character:
Orkimedes is said to be Ghazghkull’s chief Big Mek, and the inventor of many of the more fantastic Ork weapons seen in the Third War for Armageddon. He was the greenskin mind behind the tellyporta technology that Ghazghull used to execute many of his more brilliant stratagems. Orkimedes may have also been the chief architect behind many of the great war machines in Ghazghkull’s WAAAGH! such as the Gargants and Ork submarines, but no one knows for sure whether he actually exists or is the collective identity of Ghazghkull’s most inventive Meks. In any event Ghazghull is known to have an innovative and inventive spirit behind his campaigns that is capable of creating and designing technologies he needs to carry out his most audacious and kunning plans.
Keep in mind that Ork vehicles are not standard at all. There’s generally a few common base designs, some of which will be listed, but the Orks tend to build a bewildering array of vehicles for any problem they may encounter or highly customize existing vehicles to meet a specific threat. The shape, size, armour, and weaponry of the vehicles vary from tribe to tribe and mob to mob, although they all share the common Orky traits of being loud, fulla gunz, and probably fast. The Orks also have a tendency to loot the vehicles of other factions, so employ many other vehicles or parts other than the ones profiled here. All Ork vehicles may be painted red to make them go faster. Really. It’s right in the rulebook and in the fluff.
Name: Warbikes
Type of Armor: Scrap Metal
Weapon Type: Rider-Wielded, Machinegun
Speed: Fast (Probably 200 km/h or more)
Classification: Fast Attack
Basic Description:
Oi! Stop runnin’ away, yer snivellin’ humies, we got a race on here!
The personalized steed of any Ork fortunate enough to possess one, the warbike is a status symbol in the Ork community and a direct conduit to that adrenaline rush the Orks treasure known as “going fast”. These bikes have been known to incorporate jet turbines. Nothing short of dive-bombing from an aircraft compares to the thrill of charging an enemy guns glazing on a warbike to an Ork. The vehicle itself is a single-seater, although this often does not deter other boys from hitching on precariously, and is armed with a loud and exceptionally heavy weapon for a vehicle of its size. This does cause some control problems for their riders, causing them to buck and spin wildly when the weapons are fired, but that’s part of the fun. Riders are even known to let go of the handlebar with both hands and keep the pedal to the metal as they close in with an enemy to better use any close combat weapons they brought along. These bikes serve as outriders, shock troops, and fast-attack options for the main WAAAGH!, and can even communicate with each other using controlled skids. Ork Boyz can ride these bikes to form Biker Mobz, which can even come with Biker Nobz. They are often deployed in massive mobz of hooting, screaming, and shooting hooligans on insanely fast motorcycles bent on killing all in their path.LOADOUT
Dakkaguns: See Wazdakka Gutsmek, but not nearly as powerful. They’re still pretty impressive, though, tend to be twin-linked, and remain loud and terrifying expellers of large bullets.
Choppas: See Ork Boyz
Sluggas: See Ork Boyz
Exhaust Cloud: The great clouds of smoke exhaust fumes these vehicles produce often make for great cover. Really, really good cover. Good enough to cover the warbike’s own advance in the right conditions, such as where there are already huge dust storms. Good enough to function as cover equivalent to a wall to crouch behind. That good, somehow.
Additional Information:
Furious Charge: The sheer speed at which the warbikes move gives them a considerable bonus when charging into close combat, if they don’t simply run over the poor sod they charged at into squishy roadkill.
- Has been customized to ride well even over rough terrain.
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz, but vehicle probably wouldn’t work without this.
Name: Warbuggies
Type of Armor: Scrap Metal
Weapon Type: Heavy Weapons
Speed: Fast (Probably 175 km/h or more)
Classification: Fast Attack
Basic Description:
Two-Ork attack vehicles that attempt to combine the speed of a warbike and a more impressive weapons payload. Although they are probably not as fast as a warbike because of their size, they can still achieve scorching speeds regardless. Their operators band together in groups as ramshackle as the vehicles they ride as they hurtle all round the battlefield blasting all that they can. Various patterns exist, although they all include a speed-crazed driver and heavy-weapons gunner. They are ideally suited for flat featureless lands, and come with one of various kinds of heavy weapons. These weapons are often twin-linked to compensate the horrible accuracy typical of a gunner moving at high speed using insane rates of fire. A full squadron of these buggies have been described as having enough firepower to mow down an enemy platoon or blow apart a tank as their occupants zoom past making obscene gestures. Warbuggies offer the WAAAGH! a fast attack option with greater firepower and slightly reduced speed.
A Warbuggy is conventionally armed with one of a twin-linked big shoota, a twin-linked rokkit launcha, or a skorcha, although some foolhardy Meks may try to put more than one on a buggy.
Twin-Linked Big Shootas: See Big Shootas for Ork Boyz, but stick two of them together and mount them on a ramshackle fast-moving hellion car.
Twin-Linked Rokkit Launchas: See Rokkit Launchas for Ork Boyz, but stick two of them together and mount them on a ramshackle fast-moving hellion car.
Skorchas: Fuelled by a squig oil and gas mixture with a unique recipe for every Mek, these large mounted flamethrowers spray huge gouts of flame and burning fuel onto anything unfortunate to get up close to the vehicle or be a victim of a drive-by Ork flamethrower attack. They have all the utility of their smaller Burna cousins.
Trakk Units: A warbuggie can be equipped with a trakk unit that stabilizes the buggie and allow it to better manoeuvre over rough terrain. This comes at a cost to speed, but gives the buggie the ability to move in far rougher terrain such as forests and urban areas. Optional. These wartrakks may be further customized with flakka-dakka guns, a large minigun with multiple firing barrels to compensate for traditional Ork accuracy, to deal with enemy aircraft as Flakkatrakks. These modified wartrakks also have a grot glowygun manned by a grot, which both damages enemy aircraft and helps the Ork gunners see the tagets better.
Additional Factors:
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz, but vehicle probably wouldn’t work without this.
Name: Trukks
Type of Armor: Minimal Scrap Metal (May be optionally reinforced with extra Armour Plates)
Weapon Type: Machinegun
Speed: Fast (Probably 150 km/h or more)
Classification: Fast Attack, Transport
Basic Description:
The quintessential transport of the Orks, trukks are lightweight to allow Boyz and Nobz and others to get into the thick of the fight as quickly as possible. They are also the kings of being ramshackle and rickety, being built only for speed, and even have a unique in-game table to decide what happens when they get hit hard enough to be sent spiraling out of control. They have minimal armour, and tend to fall apart from direct hits to become clattering cart-wheeling piles of wreckage. Sometimes, when destroyed the trukk will explode and stunned and injured Orks in all directions. Other times, it careens out of control and then explodes to send shaken Orks in all directions. Lastly, sometimes the trukk just breaks non-explosively and the Orks can bail out unhurt. Still, they’re easy to bail out of when they go out of control and Orks find it kind of fun to kind of fun to jump out of a fast-moving wreck. No two trukks are alike, each customized to an individual Mek’s preferences or his tribe, but are usually festooned with trophies and have rails and runners to prevent boyz from falling out when racing to the front lines. Each trukk can carry roughly twelve boyz, or maybe six meganobz or equivalent figures in mega armour.
A trukk always comes with at least a big shoota or rokkit launcha, but the reinforced ram, wreckin’ ball, boarding plank, and stikkbomb chukka are all optional.
Big Shootas: See Ork Boyz, these are mounted on the front of the trukk.
Rokkit Launchas: See Ork Boyz, these are mounted on the front of the trukk.
Reinforced Ram: A modification that allows an Ork driver to experience the thrill of close combat by letting them use the vehicle they drive as a weapon in itself. These modifications greatly improve the structural integrity of the front end of the vehicle and allow it to be used as a devastating weapon when combined with the high speeds Ork drivers are known for. No guarantee the rest of the vehicle survives though, but sometimes a good crash is worthwhile in itself to an Ork.
Wreckin’ Ball: A manifestation of the Ork love of breaking things, these massive spiked spheres presumably attached by chains can be swung into enemy infantry and vehicles alike. These implements use the momentum of the vehicle itself, along with a bit of good luck, to generate their considerable crushing power. In game, if they work they hit a little bit harder than a rokkit launcha.
Boarding Plank: These are hinged planks employed by Orks to engage in boarding actions against nearby vehicle. More frequently they let a foolhardy Ork or several get closer during a high-speed confrontation to hit something his choppa or klaw. Granted, given the force at which an Ork can hit this is not an entirely useless proposition.
Stikkbomb Chukka: A crude mechanism that allows a vehicle to fire stikkbombs over the heads of its disembarking passengers as they charge into the fray. Accuracy not guaranteed.
Additional Factors:
WAAAGH!: See Ork Boyz, but vehicle probably wouldn’t work without this.
Name: Grot Bomb Launcha
Type of Armor: Scrap Metal
Weapon Type: Grot-Guided Bombs
Speed: Fast (Probably 150 km/h or more)
Classification: Purveyors of Suicide Attacks
Basic Description:
An Ork light artillery weapon that fires guided missiles piloted by grots. First seen in a battle against the Black Crusaders Chapter of the Space Marines, they allowed a heavily outmatched Ork enclave to turn the tide of battle using grots as suicide bombers. An idea this fun and effective quickly spread through the rest of Ork kultur.
Grot Bombs: Bombs shot from a launch ramp and is literally piloted by grots. There’s a little cockpit in the missile and everything. It’s unknown how exactly the Meks get the grots to do this, but they do so competently enough. In their first deployment, they were able to take out a Land Raider and the captain of the Space Marine force to prove their worth as deadly weapons.
Additional Factors:
-Fairly uncommon, but widely catching on as a fun thing to try!
"Still, they are objectively the best part of Warhammer 40k."
ReplyDeleteYez. Da Orks iz da zuperior zpezious, just like dat one Eldar philoshifivor says so.