Of all the warriors that are part of the Eldar warhost the
Phoenix Lords are the oldest and greatest. What an Exarch is to an Aspect Warrior the
Phoenix Lord is to an Exacrh. They are in fact the founders of each Aspect
Warrior shrine in the chaotic era immediately preceding the fall of the Eldar
Empire, and have been active ever since.
Every Phoenix Lord is made of the souls, minds and
experience of thousands of Eldar warriors, with the original personality being
dominant. When the Phoenix Lord falls in combat, another Exarch will don the
armor and assume the memories and abilities of the Phoenix Lord. So long as
those exarchs of their shrines live the Phoenix Lord can reincarnate
indefinitely, though this would of course be limited to the number of exarchs
of their particular shrine are active, and how fast they can recover his armor.
Phoenix Lord offer mainly combat and some morale bonuses,
which might seem trivial compared to overarching leader bonuses, however these
are constant and throughout the entire campaign. The Phoenix Lords are destined to be the last
of the Eldar to perish, and even if the Eldar lose a battle they are likely to
still be alive, guiding their species even in defeat. The shrines that the
Phoenix Lords represent will walk with them without hesitation.
There are 7 Phoenix Lords who would take part of this
battle, each of them a match for a champion on the other side.
Asurmen is the original founder of the Aspect Shrines, who
taught all other Aspect Warriors. . It was he Prior to the Fall of the Eldar,
Asurmen was the Eldar who led the Craftworlds away from the ancient Eldar
homeworlds of their now lost empire, and it was he that first founded the very
Path of the Warrior.
Asurmen’s deeds have become legend throughout the galaxy,
both to the Eldar and the other races. He has appeared time and again on the
battlefield to fight the eternal foe of Chaos, dying countless iterations but
nevertheless ensuring great victories. He’s a champion and sometimes even a leader
of Eldar fighting From the midst of the Eye of Terror to the galactic rim and
everywhere in between.
-Twin-linked Avenger Catapult
Sword of Asur: This Power Sword can, like its brethren, rip
through armor as if it was non-existent. The Sword of Asur contains within the
spirit stone of Asurmen’s long-dead brother, Tethesis, so that they may
together fight Chaos until the end of time.
Phoenix Armor: The Phoenix Armour is advanced and legendary
Eldar battlegear worn by the Phoenix Lords. Containing the soul of the Phoenix
Lord inside, this allows the warriors soul to be reincarnated into any new
wearer. The legendary armour is so finely wrought that it can protect against
almost all but the most overpowered weapons.
The founder of the Swooping Hawk branch of the aspect
warriors, Baharroth is by far the most vibrant and energetic of the Phoenix
Lords. Often is the sight of him suddenly appearing in the sky, the sun behind
his back, like a golden champion of the heavens diving down to save the day. To
the Eldar he is a sign of a victory about to be won, causing them to fight with
renewed optimism.

Weapons : Hawk’s Talon, plasma grenades, haywire grenades
The Shining Blade: Allegedly forged from a supernova by the
daughters of a Eldar god, this sword can blind enemies with their own
reflections as well as cleave armor with impunity.
Armor: Phoenix Armor
===Additional Factors ===
So bright is this Phoenix Lord’s sudden appearance that most enemies trying to shoot in his direction would be blinded immediately.
The founder of the Fire Dragon warrior shrine, Fuegan
represents his shrine’s tendency to advocate to selective, total destruction
rather than fearing oblivion outright. In many ways Fuegan most embodies the
Aspect Warriors obsession with their deadly craft, devoting himself completely
to the systematic and total destruction of the Eldar's enemies. So dedicated is
he that he has refused to flee when all other Phoenix Lords have in the past,
which left him “dead” for much longer than normal.
Nevertheless he has returned, being instrumental in
repelling the daemon assault on the Exodite world of Haran, killing scores of
Daemon Lords. His appearances in battle are often sudden but quick and
merciless affairs, for Fuegan does not mess around in combat. So formidable is
he that he has been prophesized to be the last Phoenix lord to fall to
Weapons: Firepike, Melta Bombs
Fire Axe: Allegedly forged by Vaul, the Eldar Smith God, this massive yet light
axe still glows hot from the day it was forged, counting as power and melta
weapon. Fitting for one known for his love of fire.
Until recently this Phoenix Lord was forgotten, lost to the
snow of an Ice World, only recently recovered after a bitter battle with the
imperials. For that reason his aspect
shrine, the Shadow Spectres, is still in its throes of recovery, weakened by
his long departure. Which is a shame as Irillyth is undoubtedly one of the most
active Phoenix Lords, rivaling Jain Zhar
Vowing to never let the Eldar suffer tremendous losses
again, the Phoenix Lord was very proactive in dealing with various threats. A
daemon incursion led by a Daemon Prince was repelled, with Irillyth doing more
than any other to stave it off. On the
planet Bethalmae he destroyed a nascent race that would have destroyed
craftworld maybe hundreds of years in the future. However he was struck down in
the fierce fighting, his body lost for millennia. Again it was only recently
Irillyth wields a unique, master-crafted Prism Blaster with
an integrated Power Glaive known as the Spear
of Starlight. The Phoenix Lord's expertise with this weapon allows him to
use it equally effectively at extreme range or in close-combat, as well as on
the move. The Spear of Starlight is able to be used in conjunction with a
Shadow Spectres squad's Ghostlight.
Armor: Holosuit, Phoenix Armor, Jetpack
“She stepped from a
heat shimmer in the air itself, falling a dozen feet to land on her toes, with
arms outspread. Her armour consisted of silver plating, shaped like slender
musculature over a black bodysuit that shimmered like fish scales. In one hand
was a staff – scimitar-bladed at both ends and wet with slow ripples of liquid
lightning. In her other fist, she clutched a throwing star the size of a battle
shield, ending in three hooked dagger blades. The fire that danced along the
alien steel was black, forged through a craft Lucoryphus wasn’t certain he
wished to know.
Her face was shielded
by a silver death mask, sculpted in the cold-eyed image of a screaming goddess.
A high, long crest of black hair flowed down her shoulders and back, somehow
immune to the wind sending dust-wraiths haunting through the ruins.
Everything about her
radiated wrongness, even to a creature as warp-touched as he. For several
seconds, the heat haze remained around her, as if she were at risk of being
rejected by reality.
This is no eldar
maiden, the Raptor knew. Perhaps she was, once. Now… she is something much
Lucoryphus’s claws
tightened on the stone as the eldar war-goddess flew across the ground in a
blurred sprint, her feet barely gracing the earth. One moment she was a silver
blur in the ruins; the next she was gone, either vanished into thin air or
descended underground – Lucoryphus wasn’t certain.
‘Talos.’ He opened the
vox-link again. ‘I have seen what hunts us.’ – Void Stalkers
Jain Zhar is by far the most active of all the Phoenix
Lords, constantly fighting alongside her own founded Howling Banshee aspect
shrine. She has led hundreds if not thousands of engagements, pulled Howling
Banshees from multiple worlds, and constantly travels around the galaxy to
fight the great enemy.
In battle she is a fierce and swift opponent, darting in and
out of combat faster than the normal eye can follow. In the novel Void Stalker
she could cleave through entire squads of Night Lord Chaos Space Marines in but
a few moments. Her weapons penetrated the Space Marine armor with absolute ease
and she could even block fired bolter rounds, midmotion, with her spear. Her mayhem
only ended after getting hamstrung by one, blown up with grenades by another,
and finally in a near death state getting crushed by a Chaos Dreadnought.
==War Gear==
Jainas Mor, or
Silent Death, is a three-bladed throwing weapon, tempered within the warp
itself. It is wreathed in black fire and is sharper than any mortal blade. It
always returns to Jain Zar and never harms her, despite its deadliness
Zhai Morenn, or
the Blade of Destruction, is a light, curved blade forged thousands of years
ago before the Fall and shimmers with power. It is light and is wielded with
dizzying speed.
The Mask of Jain Zar
was the first Banshee Mask produced and all others have been copies. It is
similar in its workings however is much more potent, being able to fry the
skulls brains outright of lesser foes.
Armor: Phoenix
Karandas was not the first exarch of the Stinging Scorpion shrine,
but the second. The first , Ahra, was corrupted by Chaos, led Daemons against
the other Phoenix Lords, and has been hunted ever since (note: he might appear
in the Dark Eldar profile). Karandas restructured the broken shrine, tempering
his successor’s murderous attitude with his own patient.
Karandras is the ultimate stealth warrior, able to draw the
very shadows around himself and kill his prey with claw and blade before they
were ever aware of his presence. Very few , be they Eldar or other, see Karandas
and live, heightening his sense of mischievousness. Finally in a durability
feat he dueled his predecessor Ahra for 17 days at his last sighting, artfully
manipulating his predecessor to get into a blind killing rampage which resulted
in the death of his rival’s disciples.
==War Gear==
Scorpion Chainsword, Scorpion Claw, Plasma Grenades :
The Scorpion’s Bite: Karandras has the most potent sting of
any Striking Scorpion, for the Mandiblasters of his Aspect Warriors are but a
pin-prick compared to the fearsome bite of this Phoenix Lord.
Armor: Phoenix Armor
Maugan Ra is said to be the only survivor from a minor
expansion of the Eye of Terror which caught Altansar in its grip and sucked it
in five centuries after the creation of the Eye of Terror. Already a mighty
Exarch, he stayed with his craftworld until it was sucked into the Eye. When
Asurmen taught his brethren the Path of the Warrior, it was Maugan Ra that fell
furthest from the fold after Arhra himself. He took on a dark and sinister
demeanor, and focused on a style of warfare that could slay his enemies from
Maugan Ra is a vicious and driven fighter, driving straight
into the Eye of Terror and eventually freeing his somewhat corrupted craftworld
from it, much to the apprehension of other craftworlds. Then, in his most
insane, awe-inspiring feat, he stopped an entire Tyranid “Swarm” by himself!
Honestly I have no idea how he could even achieve such a feat and not run out
of ammo, so it might have been thousands but regardless such a feat dwarves
basically everything that isn't’t Kaldor Draigo.
== War Gear==
Weapon: Maugatar: This scythe-like weapon was built into what is essentially a Shrieker Pattern Shuriken Cannon, but many times more powerful. Just a single one of hese mind-linked curve-shaped disks is capable of decapitating a whole swath of foes before fading into nothingness. A Blade hooked onto the end adds to its fearsome reputation and allows it to function as a close combat weapon.
(Credit to Maugatar Munitorium for the below description)
The story goes that Maugan Ra was dissatisfied by conventional weapons so he decided to create a new one that could be extremely potent. Before he could build his mighty weapon, Maugan Ra first needed to gather the necessary materials: wraithbone touched by death, to craft the body of the cannon; metal tempered by the blood of a god, to form the scythe-blade; and the spirit stone of a powerful seer, to saturate the weapon with psychic energy.
For the first piece he headed to the old Eldar homeworlds known as the "Crone worlds". Here these worlds and the souls that remained on their "world shrines" were harvested leisurely by the demons. Knowing that this was no place for subtlety he and his Dark Reapers assaulted the shrine, with Maugan Ra single-handily bringing down a Keeper of Secrets demon lord. Then turning to an exarch in the company, he plunged a shard of Khaine into him before jamming the blade of his new creation into the god made flesh. Then he turned the Avatar onto the approaching demon horde to buy himself time.
What followed is known in the legends as the Night of Endless Slaughter. Maugan Ra battled his way across the crone world’s surface and through subterranean vaults, slaying the servants of Slaanesh. Countless Daemons fell to his weapons before he located what he sought – the sanctum of the Seers who had guided the people of this world to their deaths. There he found that those unfortunate souls were still alive, if their condition could be called life. Withered husks, unable to move but still possessed of ferocious psychic might, they attacked the Phoenix Lord with conjured beasts and magical fire, but he killed every creature, fighting through the flame and strangling each of the witches, an act of fratricide said to have torn Maugan Ra’s soul in two.
Then, taking the spirit stones from their desiccated corpses, Maugan Ra turned his back on that benighted world and returned to the light of gentler suns. Finally he captured the greatest bonesinger in the galaxy and forced him to teach his craft, which the bonesinger reluctantly obliged. In order to ensure the bonesinger could not create a better weapon Maugan removed his tongue, eyes and hands.
Then he began his great work. He grew the dark wraithbone into the shape of a great shuriken catapult that whispered the words of the dead. He implanted the spirit stones of the murdered seers into its heart, so that it cried with the pain of eternity. Finally, he affixed to it the mighty blade, that it might deal death to those who strayed too close as well as from afar, and so that the blade that drank the blood of a god would never go thirsty.
Weapon: Maugatar: This scythe-like weapon was built into what is essentially a Shrieker Pattern Shuriken Cannon, but many times more powerful. Just a single one of hese mind-linked curve-shaped disks is capable of decapitating a whole swath of foes before fading into nothingness. A Blade hooked onto the end adds to its fearsome reputation and allows it to function as a close combat weapon.
(Credit to Maugatar Munitorium for the below description)
The story goes that Maugan Ra was dissatisfied by conventional weapons so he decided to create a new one that could be extremely potent. Before he could build his mighty weapon, Maugan Ra first needed to gather the necessary materials: wraithbone touched by death, to craft the body of the cannon; metal tempered by the blood of a god, to form the scythe-blade; and the spirit stone of a powerful seer, to saturate the weapon with psychic energy.
For the first piece he headed to the old Eldar homeworlds known as the "Crone worlds". Here these worlds and the souls that remained on their "world shrines" were harvested leisurely by the demons. Knowing that this was no place for subtlety he and his Dark Reapers assaulted the shrine, with Maugan Ra single-handily bringing down a Keeper of Secrets demon lord. Then turning to an exarch in the company, he plunged a shard of Khaine into him before jamming the blade of his new creation into the god made flesh. Then he turned the Avatar onto the approaching demon horde to buy himself time.
What followed is known in the legends as the Night of Endless Slaughter. Maugan Ra battled his way across the crone world’s surface and through subterranean vaults, slaying the servants of Slaanesh. Countless Daemons fell to his weapons before he located what he sought – the sanctum of the Seers who had guided the people of this world to their deaths. There he found that those unfortunate souls were still alive, if their condition could be called life. Withered husks, unable to move but still possessed of ferocious psychic might, they attacked the Phoenix Lord with conjured beasts and magical fire, but he killed every creature, fighting through the flame and strangling each of the witches, an act of fratricide said to have torn Maugan Ra’s soul in two.
Then, taking the spirit stones from their desiccated corpses, Maugan Ra turned his back on that benighted world and returned to the light of gentler suns. Finally he captured the greatest bonesinger in the galaxy and forced him to teach his craft, which the bonesinger reluctantly obliged. In order to ensure the bonesinger could not create a better weapon Maugan removed his tongue, eyes and hands.
Then he began his great work. He grew the dark wraithbone into the shape of a great shuriken catapult that whispered the words of the dead. He implanted the spirit stones of the murdered seers into its heart, so that it cried with the pain of eternity. Finally, he affixed to it the mighty blade, that it might deal death to those who strayed too close as well as from afar, and so that the blade that drank the blood of a god would never go thirsty.
Armor: Phoenix Armor