Table of Contents
I. Heroes and Leaders
-1. Human Nations
--A. Varian Wrynn
--B. Khadgar
--C. Danath Trollbane
--D. Thassarian
--E. Jaina Proudmoore
--F. Vereesa Windrunner*
--G. Kalecgos*
-2. Dwarven Clans
-- Council of the Three Hammers
---H. Falstad Wildhammer
---I . Muradin Bronzebeard
---J. Moira Thaurissan
--K. Kurdan Wildhammer
-3. Gnomergan
--L. Gelbin Mekkatorque
-4. Night Elves
--M. Tyrande Whisperwind
--N. Malfurion Stormrage
--O. Jarrod Shadowstrong
--P. Shandris Feathermoon
-5. Draenei
--Q. Prophet Velen
-6. Worgen
--R. Genn Greymane
--S. Darius Crowley
- 7. Misc
--T. Minor Heroes
(*Though not Human, they are put in that category due to strong association with Human nations)
I. Heroes and Leaders
*Companions: Many heroes don't come alone into battle, rather they possess a posse of either heroic named individuals or even small organizations that are too small for full profiles themselves. These shall be described below the main heroes profile.
Varian Wrynn
Command Designation: High King of the Alliance * (see later section)
Mobility: 6
Training/Experience: 8
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
Age: 38
Heroic Companions: Anduin Wrynn, Broll Bearmantle and Valeera Sanguinar
"Then lines began to re-form on the Horde side. Varian heard Gorehowl once more, this time exceedingly close by.
He picked up his pace, unaware that one of the mounted Sentinel officers saw him. Alerting another, the night elf had her force fol ow the king of Stormwind. Worgen also began to track behind Varian as he moved quickly across the field despite a path littered with bloody and mangled bodies from both sides. Stil ignorant of the charge he had begun leading, Varian closed on the area where he was certain that he would find Garrosh. Capture or slay the warchief, and the battle ended. That was al that mattered. . . .
A line of orcish archers suddenly rose up from hiding and fired at the oncoming enemy. Somehow, Varian dodged those shafts that came near him. He had no notion as to what happened behind him. Some of those who fol owed perished, but others quickly replaced their numbers. There was a
sense among the Alliance that a defining moment was upon them, that this charge led by the king of
Stormwind would make or break the day.
But on the other side, the Horde was more than ready to meet this new chal enge. The deadly flight of
arrows preceded a rush of heavily armed and armored warriors both on foot and astride the great dire wolves.
Still paying no heed to those who fol owed him, Varian saw the enemy ranks as merely impediments.
When the first dire wolf reached him, he used Shalamayne to slice through one eye and pierce the brain. As the animal fell forward, Varian stepped up atop its head and al but cut the orc rider in two. A blood elf who grabbed for the lord of Stormwind pulled back with his hand lost. Axes and blades tore at his garments and bloodied his body, but none were more than nuisances, and they slowed him not a bit.
And though he himself did not notice it, did not feel it, both those who fol owed and those who faced him thought that they saw in the dust and smoke swirling in his vicinity the darting form of a great wolf. Who first shouted the name was a question none could answer. The worgen assumed it was one of their own, for had they not been the first to recognize the king of Stormwind as the Ancient’s champion? The Sentinels believed it either the high priestess or her general, while those dwarves and humans who had accompanied the expedition from Darnassus thought someone of their ranks was responsible.
What mattered was that someone first shouted “Varian!” and then “Goldrinn! ” and those names repeated over and over to become the new battle cry. It was a cry that reverberated through the Horde ranks and sent the first true hint of uncertainty through their minds. The victory should have been theirs long ago. The Alliance should have fallen. What was happening now was not how the magnificent plan had been supposed to play out.
And none knew the last more than Garrosh Hellscream. The future that he had envisioned coming to
fruition once Ashenvale was in Horde hands now looked so very distant. His ultimate weapon, the crushing power of the magnataur, had now become a much-too-visible image of his master strategy gone awry.Even as he thought that, another of the giants went crashing to the ground. Worgen swarmed over thefallen behemoth, seeking especialy the throat."
Wolfheart 423-426
Even before the events of World of Warcraft, Varian has had a tough life. As a boy Varian Wrynn watched as the half-orc Garona murdered his father right in front of him, and then watched again when the city of Stormwind was put to the flame and destroyed. Later on he would be put under a spell by the mysterious noble Katrina Prestor and manipulated into a series of events that caused the death of his young wife, Tiffin. Later still he would be kidnapped thanks to the machinations of Prestor, and cast away on a island for ransom. Fortunately, or unfortunately, due to a powerful spell Varian had his soul split in half. The more violent side freed himself, while the second was eventually ransomed back to Stormwind and put back, temporarily, under Prestor's spell.
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Varian vs. Blademaster, a type of Orc hero who dedicates his or her life to weapon mastery, |
The more violent side, Log'ash, washed up on the shores of Durotar where he was forced to fight as a gladiator by the Orcs. There he met both the Night Elf Broll Bearmantle and Blood Elf Valeera Sanguinor, who would be his companions for the next few months. After claiming the championship and utterly dominating all the other gladiators, Varian and his companions escaped . After a brief interlude in Ashenvale, where Varian and Broll almost single-handily turned the tide of a Alliance-Horde gridlock there, Lo'Gash returned to Stormwind to deal with his other half and Prestor. After unifying and merging the two halves of their soul once Varian dealt the final blow to Prestor, now revealed to be the black dragon Onyxia, and destroyed her and her minions. To give an idea of the dragon's size, when her head was caught off it required 10 very buff footmen to lift it alone!
Now a king again, Varian vowed to be more proactive then he had been in the past. So far he has made good on that promise .Indeed he has been personally present in just about every major military engagement the Alliance has fought since.
During the events of Wrath of the Lich King he personally defended the city from a Scourge invasion, and then stormed Undercity when Apothecary Putress betrayed both Alliance and the Horde, ultimately executing the Apothecary. He nearly battled Warcheif Thrall before Jaina forcibly teleported him and his army out, as Varian had come to believe peace with the Horde was impossible. Though he did not engage the Lich King directly, he was one of the Alliance warriors who helped in the siege of Icecrown.
In the War Against the Nightmare it was Varian, as one of the last leaders left unconquered , who led the combined force of Azeroth's defenders against the Ngihtmare. These included Alliance, Horde, the Dragonflights, various neutral forces and what was left of nature's forces. This is important as he is the only person in history, barring possibly Jarod Shadowstrong (who is also on the list) to command a incredibly diverse army that comprises ALL of the planet's defenders.
When Cataclysm rolled around he personally led the defense of Stormwind, then teamed up with a group of adventurers to kill two Elemental princes within their own realm. After Dwarf princess Moria temporary threw her realm into tyranny and kidnapped Varian's son he personally led a SI:7 team to dethrone her and, after being convinced by his son to spare her life, formed the council of the three hammers.
Naturally he was at the forefront of the Alliance-Horde war, with one of his first actions being to route the Horde forces at the Battle for Ashenvale, saving the Night Elves. Not long after, and after the destruction of Theramore, he attempted to end the conflict with a precision blow against Ogrimmar. This act only failed because of Garrosh's surprising use of sea monsters to win the engagement. When Pandaria was discovered the King was constantly seen at the front lines, whether it be ambushing and destroying a Horde army at a Pandaren temple or leading the charge to Ogrimmar itself. Though at the end moment he could have destroyed the Horde (as all their leaders were right there, and the Alliance had the superior army) he chose not to, rationalizing the Alliance couldn't afford to occupy lands of people who hated them.
At current Varian stands triumphant over all of his foes, leading a Alliance that has never been stronger to a new age. His principle foe is in disarray, thanks to several years of disunity coming to take a toll. And with a unified Alliance behind him he is ready to take on whatever threats will inevitably arise .
Ranged: Very rarely he will use a bow. When he does he is a shown to be a fairly accurate archer, and once in the comics he killed a massive, galleon sized sea creature by spearing it in the heart with a hurled harpoon.
Melee: Shaylamane, dagger for emergency. Varian is one of the greatest warriors in all of Azeroth, able to fight through an entire horde of skilled fighters without being slowed, much less stopped.He has recieved training from all the kingdoms in the Alliance, achieving a mastery of many variants. Even in his amnesiac state he could kill a giant crocodile with his bare hands, defeated a Orc blademaster in seconds, and eventually killed Onyxia, a massive black dragon. Later he was described as carving through almost every Horde member that stood in his way in Ashenvale and stood up to 13 highly skilled assassins-backed by shadow magic protection spells- at once.
Physically Varian is also strong enough to pick someone up and strangle them one-handed. He is skilled enough to somehow beat a giant rock elemental (4-5 times his height at least) by first bashing it around with a rock then pushing it into a stalagtite to cause a cave in.
Defense: Plate Armor. He also seems to have some magic resistance, notably being immune to fear and resistant to pain attacks.
Blessing of Goldrimm (the Wolf Spirit) : If one watches closely there are times in battle where Varian's face suddenly appears to be more wolf-life, sometimes even like it was merged with a wolf. This is no illusion for the ancient wolf spirit Goldrimm has indeed blessed Varian. When activated this blessing ensures Varian never suffers from fatigue, is far calmer yet more ferocious in battle, his sensory is now akin to a wolves,he can run as fast as Worgen, and almost instinctive knowledge of the nearby terrain . Sometimes others seem to even move in slow motion to him. Furthermore this boosts the morale of all allies that see this living proof that the Wolf Spirit walks once more and fights alongside them.
Anduin Wrynn:
"The son of Tiffin and Varian Wrynn, Anduin Llane Wrynn is the heir to the throne of Stormwind. Years ago, when his father disappeared, young Anduin was crowned king of Stormwind. Due to his age, he was unable to rule, and the task of regency was given to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, a venerated paladin of the Alliance. Once King Varian returned to reclaim his throne, the prince began to focus his efforts on spiritual matters and diplomacy, traveling throughout Azeroth to understand how he might heal lands and souls ravaged by war. Anduin's spirit and empathy -- so unlike his father's warrior impulses -- enabled him to form strong bonds with the draenei Prophet Velen and even a few members of the Horde.
With Pandaria revealed to the world, the young prince has personally led a campaign to unveil the region's secrets and cool the flames of war that threaten to consume the continent. There he foiled attempts by Garrosh to use the power of the Old Gods for evil, nearly at the cost of his life. " - description
Offense: Anduin can be considered a master bowman, though his place is not on the battlefield.
Defense: Some light plate.
Anduin is a master priest, and can be considered to have everything seen in that section.
"Varian felt the world slipping away… but then someone was suddenly kneeling next to him, praying and holding his ground against the menacing drakonid. The king struggled for consciousness and slowly realized it was his son, the prince's arms raised high, his shouts and prayers protecting his father and keeping the creature back. Anduin stood up now and opened his arms wide to the sky, a golden nova of holy energy forcing the monster to retreat as the prince advanced, strong and fearless. Like a king!
As Anduin shouted the power word "Barrier," the graveyard seemed to blur and shimmer around the king and prince. The drakonid was confused now, and he swung his axe at the prince, but the mighty weapon harmlessly glanced off with a heavenly ring. Varian watched in wonder as Anduin persevered. The drakonid circled, preparing to attack, and Anduin's only weapon was his faith! Varian tried to reach for his sword, but it was too far away. He fell back, gasping in pain. He could barely breathe, much less move.
Anduin stood like a rock, courageous and resolute, even as the drakonid prepared one final charge. Varian rolled over despite the searing pain and tried to get up. He had to do something. Suddenly, he felt the heavy shard of the black dragon's armor in his belt. The king struggled to reach it, finally pulling the razor-sharp spike free.
As the drakonid charged, the boy stood firm, surrounded by an aura of Holy Light. He opened his palms to the sky and spoke the words to dispel magic. With each word, the earth resonated with energy, shaking the gravestones and sending a ripple across the surface of the lake. A flash of fire exploded from the sky and hit the drakonid as he rushed in.
The inferno blinded the beast, and he stumbled toward the serene silhouette of Anduin, the hideous creature screaming in both pain and rage. As the drakonid fell, his armor quickly faded to a dull gray, no longer protected by dark magics." PG 11 Blood of Our Fathers
As a Master Healer, Anduin is going to help actively reduce the Alliance's causality rate.
Fellow Gladiators:
When Varian was held captive and forced to fight as a gladiator, he did so with two powerful teammates: Valeera Sanguinar, a Blood Elf rogue since childhood, and master druid Broll Bearmantle. Together they formed a bond that would transcend their original forced partnership. Together they have slain everything from gladiator champions, Naga, Black Dragons, undead and more.
Broll Bearmantle:
Broll Bearmantle was born with antlers, an extremely rare gift of nature and a sign that one day he would do great deeds. For years people watched as his antlers grew and waited for him to manifest greatness. Though he became an excellent druid Broll felt inferior for his inability to develop his powers even further. This complex deepened when, during the height of the Third War, he accidentally killed his daughter in a backlash while fighting demons.
Broken after that he was captured by Orcs and became a gladiator where he met and became a companion of both Varian and Vereesa. Together they escaped and later took part in the assault on the Black Dragon Onyxia, fighting vs the Twilight Hammer cult, the destruction of various mercenaries and more. Broll also dealt with his own issues of the past and corruption, destroying the object of it.
Later after he had parted ways with the king he became part of the druid order and was enlisted by Tyrande to aid her save her husband Malfurion during the War against the Nightmare.His role proved instrumental in giving Malfurion and Thura the strength he needed to stop the Nightmare altogether.
Offensive: Staff, however his primary method of attack is to switch into one of his various animal forms and tear others apart. See Druid profile
He can be considered a master druid, and among his feats he has commanded seaweed to reach up and drown a swarm of black dragons, decimated a battlefield by calling upon a storm, and dragging monsters underground with roots.
Defensive: Leather Armor. He is also a great healer and durable in animal form.
Valeera Sanguinar:
"Valeera Sanguinar was lucky to survive the bandit raid that killed her family, even though she had no place to go—her people were devastated by the undead Scourge's attack on the elven capital of Quel'Thalas. The young blood elf lived a survivalist existence until she was arrested for theft and later sold to Rehgar Earthfury, who put her to work as a gladiator alongside the night elf druid Broll Bearmantle and the orc Bloodeye Redfist. When Redfist was killed, Valeera and Broll were teamed up with an amnesiac human warrior who would later become known as Lo'Gosh, the "Ghost Wolf."
The trio quickly discovered that Lo'Gosh was Varian Wrynn, the missing king of Stormwind, and they embarked on a journey to restore his memory and throne, pitting themselves against the black dragon Onyxia, who secretly controlled the human kingdom. During the expedition, an assassin placed a demon's mark on Valeera, leaving her possessed and vulnerable to the demon's influence.
The possession amplified Valeera's racial addiction to magic, but she managed to expel the demon with the help of the undead mage Meryl Felstorm and Aegwynn, the former Guardian of Tirisfal, a mage empowered to protect Azeroth from the Burning Legion. Once he'd regained his crown, King Varian offered Valeera a position as an advisor in Stormwind, and she accepted, though with one condition. She is not loyal to the Alliance; she is loyal to Varian Wrynn and his son, Anduin." - Warcraft site description
Offensive: She carries on her person numerous daggers, but relies primarily on two orcish variants.The Hearthstone site describes Valeera’s skills as a Rogue are nigh unmatched; her grace and dexterity allow her to easily flow from one opponent to the next in the heat of battle. Valeera’s fighting style capitalizes on her speed, commonly striking an opponent with a flurry of successive blows to bring them down.
Her range prowess is to be admired as well. She can nail flying riders with her thrown daggers or drive both of them through the necks of two enemies at once.
Defense: Almost non-existent. Relies on speed and agility instead.
As a Blood Elf, she has limited abilities in the detection and identification of different types of magic. This serves to aid in the protection of the King and his son, who she has pledged loyalty to. More then once Valeera has detected a assailant who was a magic wielder, or else had enchanted weapons.
Leader X-factors:
High King of the Alliance:
"Hm. I used to think that leadership was all about strength. I see things more clearly now - It's a little bit of give, a little bit of take. It's about binding people together. A bundle of sticks is not easily broken."
- King Varian Wrynn
In contrast to the Horde, where a single warlord has ultimately the most say the Alliance long didn't have any central leader. Instead the individual Alliance leaders themselves each had a in theory equal position. They are more independent then the various sub-factions of the Horde, whose leaders often. appear as lieutenants for the Warchief . Rulings are done through voting and debate and bargaining from formally equal positions. Informally and in practice Stormwind certainly had the most influence, followed closely by Darnassus. More often then not this allowed them a better position in the bargaining table, as they could provide aid more ably then the other nations, despite being beset by a host of problems. However, unlike the Horde, at no time could either the humans or Kaldorei or whoever bully the other nations into submission, for whatever the influence factor they could not infringe upon the rights of other nations. Nor would they, as all would view such an act dishonorable under all circumstances except when they saw doing so as in the greater good of the Alliance as a whole (like how Varian forcibly de-throned Moira when she was behaving like a tyrant).
Needless to say while allowing for great independence among leaders and sub-factions, this could hurt cohesion in war time. The Horde was able to make quick instant strategic decisions while the Alliance debated. The position "High King" was designed to alleviate this position. The position, held by Varian Wrynn, is deigned to allow for ease of cohesion and cooperation among Alliance forces. Varian has overall strategic command here, as well as being the figurehead to the Alliance (as well as by influence being the closet thing to a actual head). However he has no real control of civilian life of the individual nations save his own (the opposite of the Warchief) . Essentially it is equivalent to Dwight D. Eisenhower's position in World War 2, except unlike Eisenhower he does not have to reign in fractious personalities like Montgomery and Patton. In this manner the Alliance has the benefits of his command, but also that of his various sub-commanders.
As a limitation Blizzard has clarified that if the other Alliance leaders wanted too, they could pull their support from Varian. However in practice this is extremely unlikely . Stormwind has the most influence, and Varian is friends on a personal level with most of the other leaders. Tyrande Whishperwind, leader of the Kaldorei and probably the second most influential faction in the Alliance, has given him her support. So too have the Dwarves in gratitude for rescuing Ironforge, while the other factions have all signified their great respect for him. Then there is the fact that on the base level they all believe weakening each other for selfish gain, especially in wartime, to be a deeply dishonorable act. Essentially it would take a lot of losses for the Alliance to pull support from Wrynn as commander, and even then it would likely just divert to a council made up of the various faction leaders* .
*For reference, said faction leaders are Varian Wrynn, Jaina Proudmoore, Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage, The Council of Three Hammers ( Moira, Muradin and Falstad) , Prophet Velen, Gelbin Mekkantorque and Genn Greymane. These characters she be referred to as "delegates".
Adaptive Creativity: 66/100: Despite having a reputation for charging right in, his thinking has been shown to be more out of the box then his colleagues, such as using the terrain nearby to hide traps to decimate a army or surprising the Orcs by defying their military projections.From a early point he seemed to realize that the Horde was at risk of collapsing internally, and aided this whenever he could.
Tactics: 73/100: Varian has shown himself capable of utilizing whatever is necessary for victory, from traps to stealth missions to direct assaults. Within a day upon arriving at Warsong Gulch of Ashenvale the Night Elves had secured a massive victory. The only battle he ever lost was the initial invasion of the Ogrimmar, and that was because Garrosh had (unknowingly to Varian) enslaved many giant Kraken to his cause. Without this enslavement the Orcs would have been taken out of the Alliance-Horde war right then and there, for Garrosh was utterly surprised by the move and had only a tiny garrison in Ogrimmar.
Strategy: 67/100: As mentioned his overall plan to knock out Ogrimmar post-Theramore would have worked, were it not for the Orc tendency of enslaving monsters to do their bidding . He also seems to have recognized that the Horde was weaker internally then it appeared to others for he entered in conversation with the Blood Elves for them to defect to the Alliance, as well as wear down the Horde in Pandaria.
Intuition: 62/100:
Audacity: 78/100: Varian does not fear anyone, and has led without fear against even the greatest of Nightmares. However he does not charge recklessly into battle and is willing to use less clandestine tactics.
Psychological Warfare: 66/100:
Experience: 70/100: It can be said that the majority of Varian's life has been dedicated to one form of war or another. Added into this is knowledge of the extreme varied forces that the Alliance (and Horde) have fought over the last few years.
Discipline: 68/100:
Leadership: 85/100: Perhaps his greatest trait, Varian Wrynn has led even his arch enemies the Horde, together with a unified force of Azeroth's defenders, against literal living Nightmares without any rout or backward steps. More then that his leadership has consistently resulted in the Alliance getting more and more unified, to the point where it is now more unified then it has ever been. He carries with him the respect of the majority of the Alliance and personal friendship with most of the leaders.
Corruption: 41/100:
Varian certainly can be brutal and willing to kill when necessary. However he is bound by his personal codes of honor and duties to Stormwind ,Alliance and his son. He has rejected the use of superweapons known as the Sha that contain corruptible elements, showing his and the Alliance's envisioned role as anti-corruption (in comparison to many aspects of the Horde that willingly embrace it).
"Hear me, people of Stormwind! Your king stands before you with his heart still beating, a drum that grows stronger each day as he sees the determination you have shown to rebuild from tragedy. Just as these statues still stand watch, so shall Stormwind, now and forever! We are gathered here on Remembrance Day to honor those heroes who have shown us the way, by the light of their lives and the glory of their deeds. Uther Lightbringer! Anduin Lothar!
Once again, we face a new and great threat. Even now, we bear the fresh scars of evil forces bent upon our destruction. But humanity is not so easily cowed! We stand in the breach and we hold the line! We will never be slaves to fear! On this day we must remember not only the good but also the bad, for it is through adversity and failure that we become our best!
I myself have been… an absent king, chasing our enemies to the very heart of the underworld. I hold your safety as my highest responsibility, your good livelihood my first and only calling. For the truth is it is not the people who serve their king; it is the king who serves his people! I have not always been the best leader… or father… or husband. A wise man once said, “We each must grow in every direction, every day.” Well, I still have some growth left in my bones. And behind me, I see a city rising from disaster, with fresh hope and gleaming new spires! Yes, today we honor the past, but only with our eyes firmly fixed on a brighter future! One that we will forge together, for ourselves, for our children, and for our children's children! Each generation is destined to achieve its great promise.
To be sure, each will face a unique set of tests and adversities, and some will be certain that the end is near. But there is no truth to the tavern-told lie that the 'good old days' are forever behind us. No! Each day we are alive is a great day! And each generation finds its own way to become the greatest generation that has ever lived! In the past, we have relied on strength and steel to forge our way. We protect what we can, destroy what we must. But that is not the only way.
If we are to ever restore this world, then there must come a time when the leaders of Azeroth are no longer the warriors, but instead the healers! Those who mend instead of those who break. Only then can we truly cure our deep ills and achieve lasting peace. Look above you! The heroes of old stand tall, and we honor and remember them well this day. But now look next to you! By your side, in this crowd, stand all the heroes of tomorrow! You… and you… and you. Each of you will play a part; each will make a difference; and in time, some will be honored on this day for deeds far greater than any we could possibly imagine! So, people of Stormwind! Let us unite this day. Let us renew our promise to uphold and protect the Light, and together we will face down this dark new storm and stand firm against it—as humanity always has… and humanity always will" - PG 12, Blood of Our Fathers
Additional Factors:
-Royal Guard: Varian Wrynn (and Anduin) are at all times surrounded by a contingent of elite footmen royal guard. They aid in protecting him from both assassinations and charge into the fray along with him when battle is joined.
B. Khadgar:
Command Designation: Adviser (to Jaina)
Mobility: 3.5
Training/Experience: 7
Max Range: Provencal
Preferred Range: Bow
Age: 47 (Chronologically)
Though Jaina might have him beat in magical skill, even she lacks the total magical knowledge that Khadgar has. Former apprentice to Medivh himself, Khadgar learned from one of the greatest sorcerers to ever live who also happened to me one of the most eccentric masters to ever live. He was one of the first to predict that the orcs would arrive, and shortly afterwards he survived one of their humankind's first encounters with them.
During his studies under Medivh he showed a knack for magical research, the invention of spells, and the ability to create visions in which he could see into the future or past. He net with notables of the time such as King Llane, Anduin Lothar and Garona Halforcen, learning the culture of the Orcs from the latter . It was during this time that Khadgar came to a horrifying revelation; Medvih was responsible for the Orcs coming to Azeroth, and that he was possessed by a element of Sargeras himself!
Narrowly avoiding being killed by the demon-possessed Magus, Khadgar returned with Lothar and Garona to put down his former master. It was a short but brutal battle, ultimately ending only when Khadgar ran Medvih through the heart followed by Lothar decapitating the master wizard. However in the process Medvih drained most of Khadgar's then young life from him, aging him by many decades.
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Lothar and Khadgar |
Unfortunately the First War was lost, and Khadgar fled with Lothar to Lordaeron, persuading King Terenas to join the fight. He helped Lothar select Turaylon as his second in command, a choice that would bode well in the future. Khadgar played a vital role throughout the war from putting out the fires of Quel'Thalas to destroying the Dark Portal to containing its corruptive influence afterwards.
He joined Turalyon in the expedition to Outland, proving a instrumental role in beating the Black Dragons and slaying Ogre Mage Dentrag in a honorable duel. Later he forged a clandestine alliance with the native Gronn together with the allied human/elf force against Deathwing and his dragonflight, Though the force could not win conventionally against so mighty an aspect, Khadgar managed to figure out a way to severely wound Deathwing by tearing the scales holding his greatly experimented on body apart. In the end it was he who shut down the portals Ner'Zhul made, stopping Azeroth from being caught up in Draenor's explosion.
During the 20 year interval between the next Alliance incursion from beyond the Dark Portal the group of heroes fought constantly against the Horde remnants on the planet. During this time he found and became a chief adviser of the Naaru Adal, aiding the creature in its eternal struggle against
Offense: Generally can be considered a master mage, thus having the spells listed in that section. Some feats include temporarily defeating Deathwing by ripping off the creature's own scales and attacking him with it, summoning a massive storm to attack the Orcs, and putting out all fires over the entire province of Quel'Thalas with another storm.
However I believe his most important contribution would be the ability to manipulate fog to cover the enemy's powerful ranged spellcasters, artillery or, if any foe can truly achieve this feat, a superior airforce. This ability he utilized to great effect in Outland, neutralizing enemy Black Dragons and leaving them vulnerable to ambush.
For weaponry he has a staff that shoots lances of violet arcane energy and a longsword. Dual-wielded. Remind you of anyone?
Defenses: Not much in the way of physical defenses, though his shielding spells were able to fend off Avalanches and other natural disasters when Draenor started collapsing around him.
Reconnaissance assistance: Khadgar has a specific vision-quest spell that allows him to see into the future or past, or in on another planet of existence for the present. Its not always reliable though it always in some way answers what Khadgar asks of it. Furthermore he is a excellent scyer, able to bypass even the Wards of the Six in Darlaan itself. Unlike the light-based interrogation of the Light, which cannot interrogate demonic or undeead creatures without killing them, Khadgar can do so via magic thus making it so only the mentally strongest can resist his interrogation.
C. Danath Trollbane
Command Designation: Tactical Commander
Mobility: 4
Training/Experience: 6
Max Range: Thrown Sword
Preferred Range: Melee
The son of a long line of powerful, mighty Kings, Danath has always been renowned for two things; his integrity and fighting skills. He gives the straight truth to his men, no matter demoralizing, and then leads them into a battle that he himself excels at. Though disheartened at losing most of his men in a early engagement, Danath fought throughout the first throughout the first war in Outland with valor and ferocity. Entire hordes of Orcs fell before him, and even the great Orc Cheiftan Kilrog Deadeye died in single combat. Throughout this excursion he served as Turaylon's second in command.
He is shown to be a more than adequate tactician, using hidden tunnels beneath an Orc fortress to outflank the creatures, and initiated first contact with both the Arroka in the form of the energetic Grizzit and the Draenei. This contact and soon friendship with the Draenei would prove fruitful in the Orc battles that followed. Indeed so grateful was Danath that he offered the Draenei a place on Azeroth and within the Alliance. This the Draenei rejected at the moment, citing the need to protect their sacred sites, but it was a offer that would be remembered later on....
During the 20 year interval between the Dark Portals's explosion and the next Alliance incursion from beyond the Dark Portal the group of heroes fought constantly against the Horde remnants on the planet.When the Alliance finally stepped through again he was there to welcome them, now leading the Honor Hold after Turaylon and Alleria's strange disappearance.
Offense: Sword and Shield Combination. Danath is a legendary fighter capable of cleaving through whole minor hordes of Orcs by himself and even taking out their chieftain, who was a renowned duelist , 1 vs 1.
Defenses: Plate Armor
Danath is a decent strategist and tactician, however is not extremely notable compared to to others here. He is a inspired leader though, a commander who fights and lives with his men, and was able to lead them effectively against Ner'Zhul when his forces went beyond the Dark Portal. He also has between 20-30 years of combat experience and leads the Sons of Lothar, a group of veterans with now decades of experience in a harsh and unforgiving landscape. See Additional Factors for more info.
Command Designation: Tactical Commander
Mobility: 4
Training/Experience: 6
Max Range: Thrown Sword
Preferred Range: Melee
The son of a long line of powerful, mighty Kings, Danath has always been renowned for two things; his integrity and fighting skills. He gives the straight truth to his men, no matter demoralizing, and then leads them into a battle that he himself excels at. Though disheartened at losing most of his men in a early engagement, Danath fought throughout the first throughout the first war in Outland with valor and ferocity. Entire hordes of Orcs fell before him, and even the great Orc Cheiftan Kilrog Deadeye died in single combat. Throughout this excursion he served as Turaylon's second in command.
He is shown to be a more than adequate tactician, using hidden tunnels beneath an Orc fortress to outflank the creatures, and initiated first contact with both the Arroka in the form of the energetic Grizzit and the Draenei. This contact and soon friendship with the Draenei would prove fruitful in the Orc battles that followed. Indeed so grateful was Danath that he offered the Draenei a place on Azeroth and within the Alliance. This the Draenei rejected at the moment, citing the need to protect their sacred sites, but it was a offer that would be remembered later on....
During the 20 year interval between the Dark Portals's explosion and the next Alliance incursion from beyond the Dark Portal the group of heroes fought constantly against the Horde remnants on the planet.When the Alliance finally stepped through again he was there to welcome them, now leading the Honor Hold after Turaylon and Alleria's strange disappearance.
Offense: Sword and Shield Combination. Danath is a legendary fighter capable of cleaving through whole minor hordes of Orcs by himself and even taking out their chieftain, who was a renowned duelist , 1 vs 1.
Defenses: Plate Armor
Danath is a decent strategist and tactician, however is not extremely notable compared to to others here. He is a inspired leader though, a commander who fights and lives with his men, and was able to lead them effectively against Ner'Zhul when his forces went beyond the Dark Portal. He also has between 20-30 years of combat experience and leads the Sons of Lothar, a group of veterans with now decades of experience in a harsh and unforgiving landscape. See Additional Factors for more info.
D. Thassarian
Command Designation: Tactical Commander (if that)
Mobility: 5
Training/Experience: 6
Max Range: A couple dozen yards
Preferred Range: Melee
Heroic Companion: Lurid
Age: Likely ceased aging biologically after his death in the mid 20s.
Once a heroic soldier of Lordaeron, Thassarian was one of the first of Arthas's Death Knights. In order to prove his loyalty he had to kill his own mother, as well as slaughter through countless elves and humans. When the Death Knights of Archeus managed to rebel Thassarian immediately joined back the Alliance in order to get revenge on his old tormentor. In Northrend he unearthed and hunted down many Scourge-aligned cults, as well as destabilized the front gates of the Lich King's Icecrown Citadel. After the defeat of Arthas, he then led the Alliance forces against the Forsaken in Andorhal, who were led by his best friend Kolita, also a Death Knight. It was a amicable, honorable contest but it was clear that Thassarian was going to win conventionally, which infuriated the Banshee Queen. She gradually took over, unleashing her Vyrkul and achieving victory through that means. Worse she dragged off Kolita to a dungeon, seeking to purge him of all compassion. Infuriated at both the loss and his friend's kidnapping, Thassarian has vowed to free his long time comrade.
Thassarianis one of the best Death Knight's alive and a powerful duelist. He is a skilled division commander too who can command with textbook efficiency. However that is the issue, as though Thassarian is extremely textbook efficient he suffers at having to deal with wildly new tactics, taking losses in those instances. For that reason he prefers not to command, instead following orders as a extremely able combat specialist. Indeed he has defeated Liches, other Death Knights and even small Scourge armies with only a single skelaton minion as backup!
Offensive: Dual-wielded Saronite Runeswords. They weigh as much as a drumstick in his hands, thanks to their make and his innate strength. He is a good enough duelist to carve through literal hordes of Scourge
Defense: Saronite rune Armor. See Death Knight for description.
Special: Lurid:
Lurid is a special skelaton axe hero that Thassarian raises from the dead when he can, returning him to life again and again to serve. Like Thassarian he is capable of cleaving through entire mobs of enemies.
Additional Factors:
Thassarian is one of the best Death Knight's alive and a powerful duelist. He is a skilled division commander too who can command with textbook efficiency. However that is the issue, as though Thassarian is extremely textbook efficient he suffers at having to deal with wildly new tactics, taking losses in those instances. For that reason he prefers not to command, instead following orders as a extremely able combat specialist. Indeed he has defeated Liches, other Death Knights and even small Scourge armies with only a single skelaton minion as backup!
Mobility: 7
Training/Experience: 7
Max Range: Continental
Preferred : Potentially 100s of meters
Command Designation: Strategic Commander, Delegate
Heroic Companions: Council of Six
From an early age Jaina was marked both for her magical ability and as a lady of action. Not for her was the controlled court-life of a noble of that period.Instead she apprenticed herself to Antonidas, Archmage of Dalaran, and so impressed her master that he eventually planned for her to be his successor, or ruler of Dalaran. At the same time her romance with Arthas, prince of Lordaeorn, nearly resulted in her becoming future queen of the country.
During the onset of the third war it was she and Arthas who were tasked with investigating the undead plague, fighting through innumerable hordes of undead to do so. Though the series of events ultimately corrupted him she listened to a mysterious prophet (Medvih) who told her to lead her people to Kalimdor. It was there, together with the Orcs and Night Elves, she fought off the demons of the Burning Legion and the Undead Scourge in a heroic holding action. In the aftermath she founded the nation of Theramore composed of human, dwarf and elven refugees from Lordaeron. She formed a genuine friendship with the Orc Warchief, Thrall.
For years she was the leader of the Human refugees in Kalimdor, orchestrating a tenuous peace between Orcs and Humans. She was an assiduous peacemaker, particularly during the Northrend campaign, when she struggled to defuse tensions between Garrosh Hellscream and Varian Wrynn, and then tried to appeal to the humanity of Prince Arthas after he had truly become the Lich King. Jaina's stance on peace--and her very being--changed when Garrosh Hellscream, who'd become warchief of the Horde in Thrall's absence, obliterated Theramore with a mana bomb. Gone was the peacemaking Jaina and in her place was one far more agressive. She nearly wiped the Orcs off the planet with the Focusing Iris, only being persuaded from doing so by the dragon Kalecgos and Thrall.
However fortunate news came to her from a unlikely source. She had met the contents of some obscure prophecy from the red dragon Krassus, who was a immensely powerful dragon mage that had perished the year before.This prophecy said that she would be the best leader of the Kirin Tor, and seeing as the Kirin Tor already respected her greatly, she accepted the position. At first she tried to keep Dalaran neutral in the manner Theramore had been more or less so, however Horde sabotage drove her to the brink and, with the aid of the Silver Covenant, she purged the city and claimed it for the Alliance.
Jaina's objective in Mists of Pandaria is threefold. One is to defeat the ancient Mogu forces who are harrases the continent with powerful magic (which makes sense that she would seek to challenge them, as she commands the mightest magical force in the world right now) . The second is to deny the Horde powerful magical artifacts in regards Pandaria. The third is to increase her own magical stocks for the preparation of a assault on the Horde.
She succeeds in the first, has some success in the second, and has great success in the third. Jaina charges her staff with the power of the Mogu Thunder King, giving her the power to snap down walls. She then participates in the assault on Ogrimmar, arguing in the aftermath that the Alliance should use this opportunity to completely wipe out the Horde, as all their leaders were there. Varian, whose personality had changed as he realized the folly of endless war, refused.
Melee: Staff of Antonidas: Not only is this a powerful mage staff, with the ability to fire devastating arcane projectiles, but she has recently infused this staff with the essence of the Mogu Thunder King. Her intent was to use it to bring the steel walls of Ogrimmar crashing down. She now has his powers of lightning and storms, and thus can command truly marvelous bolts without any expenditure of energy on her part. These lightning storms covered a whole island at their most powerful.
Defense: At all times Jaina is surrounded by a number of personal protection wards and detection spells that make it extremely difficult for others to sneak up on or kill her. It is powerful enough for example to allow her to survive a direct attack from a dragon.
Master Mage:
Jaina is a master mage and can be considered to have everything in the mage profile. Specific examples of her prowess include:
-Abjuration : Jaina has magical, enchanted shielding around her in battle. This is to the level of a master mage, meaning that her magical shielding must either be overwhelming by a extremely powerful magical attack or countered in some way to hurt her. Most simple spells just dissipate whenever they come close. On the offensive Wards that she encountered can be overwhelmed in but a instant.
-Conjuration: Jaina has long been noted for her skill in harnessing water elemental. In Jaina Proudmoore Tides of War she mentions that she can control 100s of Water elementals at once even without the Focusing Idris, a potent magical artifact, though the effort would drain her.
--Destruction: As Cycle of Hatred shows entire hordes of minor enemies can be disintegrated by a single spell. Even highly armored and trained ones don't last long, as Tides of War shows. In the official comic series she was powerful enough to freeze and blow up portions of a giant floating caste. In Wrath of the Lich King her magic quickly tore through the massive, many story ice walls the Lich King put up.
"Ice shards rained down, some of them killing on impact, others wounding. Another quick flick of her wrist and several Horde fighters were frozen where they stood. A fireball shattered the frozen forms as if they were statues . She repeated the actions in a steady rythin, killing at least a dozen with every methodical and debilitating strike. "
-Pg 187, Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War.
-Illusion: She can turn invisible basically however long she wants and would be considered a master at this subject. Even other archmages have trouble finding her, though the most powerful mages like the Dragonqueen and Medvih can. In another Jaina feat she touched and put hundreds of thunder lizards to sleep with a single spell.
-Transmutation: Jaina is also a master at this, and is renowned for her ability to teleport entire portions of a army with minimal effort. This is highlighted prominently in Cycle of Hatred, which states that she can touch the minds of hundreds or potentially even thousands of beings at once and through that teleport them to her or to a location of her choosing. She tried this again in "Battle for the Undercity", immediately teleportining away the entire Alliance army to prevent a fight. In theory according to supplementary lore(in game books), she could actually in battle teleport these entire sections to key flanking positions or even teleport them directly behind the enemy force.
Those teleported need not be her allies either, and its stated she can teleport neutral or even enemy factions. However powerful demons and wizards generally had protection against this, and even the strong willed can resist the spell somewhat. Still this manner would be a useful mechanism for isolating and destroying small portions of enemy armies.
Misc: The magical law of sympathy allows the highest mages to manipulate space and time to read the thoughts of the author of a letter, book, scroll ect. Essentially Jaina (or another archmage) could pick up a book and read it without actually reading it, knowing instantaneously what was in it.
--Focusing Idris: A magical Blue Dragon artifact of extreme power, this creation is now held in the hands of the Daralan magi, entrusted for safe-keeping and as a possible weapon of ultimate destruction. Though unlikely to be used except against all but the most evil of foes, this magical weapon when used is capable of boosting a mage's power hundredfold, allowing incredible feats. Magylos, the former Aspect of Magic, actually redirected the entire fault lines for Azeroth to his own home. This would have resulted in the denial of magic to everyone else across the world. Later this weapon is used to resurrect a incredibly evil being as powerful as the 5 Dragon Aspects, create a nuclear bomb to destroy a city, and create gigantic several hundred foot tsunamis.Any and all magic powered by this device, particularly when in Jaina's hands, in increased 100 fold. Spells that might just wound become large devastating magical lances. A Magical dampening field can be created with this device that makes it so even the greatest magic users struggle to cast spells, with lesser mages failing entirely! It allows for control over any form of magic, allowing Jaina to beat Thrall at his own control of the elements.
It should be noted that this weapon would only ever get used on the most monstrous of foes if at all ,for that was what the weapon was meant for. It requires the permission of both Jaina and Kalec to use.
--Council of Six:
The council of six are the rulers of Dalaran and now serve as a advisory position to the appointed leader Jaina, who is also on the council along with Khadgar. Karlain is one of the protagonists of the graphic novel Dark Riders, and is known for advocating absolute control of emotions. Ansirem Runeweaver is the author of most of the basic Mage lore books, and is noted for freezing a small fleet together to save his pirate daughter. Modera is probably the most formidable member after Khadgar and Jaina. She helped discover the hidden human form of the dragon Deathwing, revealed Kel'Thuzard's necromancy to all, kept Dalaran from being attacked in the War against the Nightmare, and has been a forceful advocate for neutrality in recent years. She was not happy that Jaina broke that neutrality but nevertheless served under her against the Mogu. The 6th position is currently vacent, thanks to Jaina purging its occupant.
All councilors can be considered master mages.
*Note included under this are the X-factors for the Kirin Tor in general, including Khadgar, Jaina,Vereesa, Kaelegos and the High Council.
Adaptive Creativity/Resourcefulness: 79/100: Mages rarely look for simple solutions and will spend much time investigating or concocting a magical spell.
Tactics: 63/100 : Though utilizing their sheer magical power as a deterrent, Kirin Tor and the Silver Covenant focuses on precision strikes, sabotage and infiltration rather then massive frontal attacks.
Strategy: 68/100: Prior to Mists of Pandaria her greatest feat of strategic brilliance was orchestrating and keeping a six year Horde-Alliance peace. A peace that fell apart when Garrosh and Varian came along. Her work on the Isle of Thunder focused on giving the Kirin Tor magical power and denying it to the enemy, which she succeeded for the most part in. Thus in campaign she (and the Kirin Tor) would likely be the ones who directly seek to counter the enemies sorcerers and deny them any sort of advantage they might acquire from the environment.
Intuition: 64/100
Audacity: 84/100 : As a result of her past experiences, Jaina has become by far the most aggressive and even reckless Alliance leader here. She wants nothing less then total victory over her primary foes (the Horde) and to that end tried to convince Varian to kill all the Horde leaders while they were there in front of him at the end of the Siege of Ogrimmar. Varian refused.
Psychological Warfare: 55/100
Experience: 67/100
Discipline: 57/100
Leadership: 64/100:
Corruption: 51/100
At the moment, Jaina is probably the most bloodlusted Alliance faction leader. This is due to her experiences with Theramore and betrayal of the Blood Elves at Darlaran.
Additional Factors:
Based on her past history, for these battles Jaina is going to try to ideally pit her forces directly against the main source of magic on the opposing side or provide backup to the rest of the Alliance if necessary. She will also attempt to seize and utilize any neutral sources of magic.
F. Vereesa Windrunner
Command Designation: Tactical Commander
Mobility: 7
Training/Experience: 6-7
Max Range: Sniper Rifle
Preferred Range : Bow
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Right to Left: Vereesa, Alleria and Sylvannas Windrunner |
After he was captured by Deathwing she and the Dwarf Falstrad traveled through the Orc infested mountains of Khaz Modan, dodging patrols, running into conniving goblins, beating a flame golem and finally aiding in freeing the Dragon Queen herself. Afterwards she and Rhonin continued to get closer, resulting eventually in their marriage and birth of their twin children.
Unfortunately not all of her relatives accepted this marriage, possessing deeply in-grained racism towards humans. Her cousin Zendarien tried to kidnap her children, resulting in her once again taking up the bow to track him down. Zendarin turned out to be part of a larger plot that involved the Black dragonqueen Sinestra to breed Twilight Dragons-ethereal dragons capable of fading in and out of this dimension. With the aid of the Dragons Krassus and Kalec, her husband, a team of warrior dwarves, the draenei priest Idri and even a alliance of semi-sentient raptors she succeeded in putting this threat down.
Returning to Daralan she took up leadership of a group of militant High Elves named the Silver Covenant. She advocated for the removal of the Blood Elven Sunreavers from the mage-city,citing their un-trustworthiness (born somewhat of racism that the remaining High Elves have towards the Blood Elves) however yet had no power to stop their incorporation. Her words proved prophetic for it was the Sunreavers who participated both in the mana bomb attack on Theramore (an act that killed her husband Rhonin) and later used neutral Daralan portals to raid Darnassus.
Unfortunately for the Blood Elves by this time Jaina Proudmoore had assumed control of the Kirin Tor. She initiated a purge of all Horde from the city in order to bring it completely into the Alliance's sway-something Vereesa was happy to carry out. Later on the High Elf commander took part in the Isle of Thunder campaign against the Mogu, which resulted in Jaina successfully claiming the Thunder King's powers over electricity, and then took part on the assault against Ogrimmar itself.
Offense: Elven Bow- ornately crafted, Vereesa is a expert at this. She can shoot at a dragon's eyes high in the sky with accuracy and hit a orc in the eye at 100m away. In terms of speed she can fire flaming arrows with nearly the same speed as Legolas, and while moving through dense trees at the same time.
Sword and Knives: She possesses a magical enchanted sword exceptionally good at cleaving through enemy armor, a gift from her husband. In addition to her main curved elven Sword, she has probably a dozen knives hidden on her person. For hand to hand combat she is skilled enough to kill a hulking Drakonid with only a small switchblade and a makeshift rope.
Defenses: Ranger Cloak, Leather Body Armor
- In addition to being a excellent archer and swords-women Vereesa is going to excel in woodland operations, courtesy of her experience as a ranger. Oriented strongly under Jaina Proudmoore and the Kirin Tor she is going to function as the leader of the Silver Covenant division and overall second-in-command of the Kirin Tor's forces. Her strikes seem to focus on precision rather then mass damage, utilizing ploys such as assassinations and sabotage rather then outright assault- at least not till the final Siege of Ogrimmar.
However if she has a weakness it is that the destruction of much of her family and race due to the wars of the last decade have left her revenge-obsessed and out for even more blood then Jaina, whose city was nuked. This means that she often pursues enemies zealously, but clinically, on the battlefield.
However if she has a weakness it is that the destruction of much of her family and race due to the wars of the last decade have left her revenge-obsessed and out for even more blood then Jaina, whose city was nuked. This means that she often pursues enemies zealously, but clinically, on the battlefield.
G. Kalecgos
Command Designation: Adviser
Mobility: 9
Training/Experience: 8
Max Range: Sniper Rifle
Preferred Range : Bow
Age: Likely a few hundred
Heroic Companions: Blue Dragonflight
Kalecgos is one of the youngest of the blue dragons, yet already holds the top position. However already in his young life he has dealt with much tragedy, the results of which are still felt. His first official mission saw him aiding Aveena Teague, the unknowing avatar of the magical Sunwell, against the malign intentions of both a forsaken baron and a blood elf traitor. With the help of his betrothed Tyrygosa, the paladin Jorad Mace, dwarven miners, blood elves under the command of Lor'thelmar and even Sylvannas Windrunner, Kalecgos succeeded in defeating all threats. He then swore to defend Aveena, who he had fallen in love with, from further depredations.
Alas this was not to be. The corrupted Blood Elf prince Kael'thalas led an assault on the Sunwell . Though Kalec fought valiantly to fend him off, he nearly succeeded in bringing forth the daemon Kil'Jaden. Ultimately it was only the sacrifice of Aveena that saved the day. Before Kalec could recover from this he suffered a second tragedy, when his lord Magylos determined that mortal spellcasters were inherently dangerous and sought to remove their powers by force. Kalec stayed out of the war that followed however he was still distraught by the death of his lord and many of his friends.
Then the blue dragonflight struggled with the issue of appointing a new leader. Its members were torn between Kalecgos and Arygos, the two likeliest successors. Arygos believed that his kind should withdraw from the world and forge a new path while Kalecgos believed that they should play an active part in the world's affairs. Ultimately, the flight agreed to meet during the Embrace,a celestial movement, in hopes that one of them would be selected as the new Aspect.Arygos, who was secretly allied with Deathwing, attempted to have Kalecgos assassinated to ensure his own succession. However, his plan failed when Tarecgosa, who was like a sister to Kalec, sacrificed herself to save Kalecgos, and Arygos flew off, leaving Kalecgos to become the new Blue Aspect.
Kalecgos then played a key role in aiding the world against Deathwing. He helped fend off a assault on Azshara by the Black Dragonflight and ultimately manipulated a ancient and powerful artifact to work against Deathwing where previously it had not. Together with the Orc Shaman Thrall, the other aspects, a Alliance gunship and heroes from all over Azeroth, Kalex played a role in the defeat of Deathwing. However in the aftermath the aspects used up so much of their power that they lost their deity like aspect form. The Blue Dragonflight would gradually disband from this point forth.
In the aftermath of the war the Horde stole from the weakened blue dragonflight a artifact of immense power- the Focusing Iris. In the process of trying to find the creation he met and fell in love with the human sorceress Jaina Proudmoore, not realizing that the Focusing Iris was going to be used on her and her city, Theramore. When he did find out Kalec aided her in the defense of the city however the object proved to powerful and despite a valiant effort, the city was destroyed. He did succeed afterwards in preventing Jaina from destroying Ogrimmar in retaliation, as well as getting in a relationship with her.
Lately he has, through titan manipulation, relieved the early events of how the aspects came to be and succeeded in convincing the other aspects to continue their work towards Azeroth's future. He has even begun to reform the Blue Dragonlifght.
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Blue Dragon using arcane missiles to destroy portions of Dalaran |
Defense: In addition to being a dragon, Aveena's sacrifice infused a portion of the Sunwell's healing power into him. This can allow him to recover from near death situations.
Special: A dragon's willpower alone can allow them to dominate lesser enemies and force them to enact whatever they desire. Dragons are capable of telepathic speech and have vastly enhanced senses, putting even elves to shame.
Kalec is shown to be a master mage, and would have everything seen in the mage profile and then some (for his kind policed magic for thousands of years!) .In one particular incident with a truly terrible spell he nearly collapsed a mountain while weakened on his opponent. As an example of conjuring he can conjure entire armories or rooms full of eatable foot, drink, applicable weapons and all the decorations needed to make a member of the Horde feel welcome (as this was in the instance where he met Thrall) out of thin air.
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More than any other flight the Blues love the challenges of intellectual exercises and magic, which helps them in achieving mastery of magic that few of the mortal races could hope to reach. Virtually everything a mage knows- and much more- Blue Dragons are capable of. They can cast these spells while flying or grounded in addition to their default freeze breath..
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The Blue Dragon Tyrygoas is one that may come should Kalec call |
Kalec can utilize a number of blue dragon artifacts. Among them are small arcane prisons designed to completely contain dangerous magical artifacts or people, though the most powerful can break out. These prisons can expand or shrink at will.
-Given the fractious state of the Blue Dragonflight right now Kalec does not have control, as even those that respect him (the majority) have left to pursue their own devices, feeling that the world does not need them anymore. The nature of the conflict is going to determine how many Kalecgos can bring to the Alliance's side. If its just against a mortal faction the Blue Dragons would sneer and view it as just more of the same. In that circumstance few would come. However if Kalec can demonstrate that the threat they are facing is a clear present threat to all life, then the ennui that now dominates his flight could be lifted. In that instance the skies might fill once more with dragonkind.
Dwarven Clans
--The Council of the Three Hammers
After the petrification of Magni Bronzebeard and the failure of Moira's initial regency (she was tyrannical and kidnapped Anduin Wrynn, resulting in Varian forcibly de-throning her) it was decided that all Dwarf clans should be reflected in government. The result was the Council of the Three Hammers.
H. Falstrad Wildhammer
Command Designation: Delegate
Mobility: 4
Training/Experience: 6
Max Range: Hurled Hammer
Preferred Range: Melee
Age: ??(likely over a hundred)
Falstrad first came onto the scene in the aid of Mage Rhonin and the Elf Ranger Vereesa, guiding them on their own little journey and providing gryphon transport. Together with Vereesa they traveled through Khaz Modan, hunting Rhonin who had been kidnapped early on by Deathwing. The trio's adventures during this will be detailed a bit further in Vereesa's section, but nevertheless he played a good account of himself and saved both their lives at least once.
Recently he has come to represent the Wildhammer clan in the council of the Three Hammers. Though fraught with tension the Dwarves have made great headway at easing centuries worth of distrust between the clans .
Offensive: In Showcasing the skills of his people, Falstrad carries a blunderbuss, a stormhammer and the Shaman-esque ability to electrocute people with lightning. He also counts as a heroic warrior character, much stronger then normal.
Defense: Light leather chestplate, not much else.
I. Muradin Bronzebeard
Command Designation: Delegate
Mobility: 4
Training/Experience: 7
Max Range: Thrown Hammer
Preffered Range: Melee
Age: ~230
Roughly 230 years old, Muradin Bronzebeard is the brother of the previous king Magni and uncle of Moira Whereas originally Brann was the explorer and Magni the king, Muradin was the diplomat and warrior. For years he was the Dwarven ambassador to Lordaeron, tutoring young Arthas in the ways of the sword. Afterwards he took a greater part in the Explorer's League like his brother, and traveled the icy continent of Northrend. There he pursued rumors of a powerful blade, rumors that he would come to regret when Arthas, who had just arrived on Northrend, became obsessed with the blade, killing his own men to find it. As a final sacrifice Muradin himself was seemingly killed by the blade's curse.
However he was not killed rather extremely wounded to a point of near amnesia. Lost and wandering the icy wasteland Muradin was eventually tracked down by a group of Frostborn dwarves, who followed his trail of blood-soaked snow during an extremely harsh blizzard. These Frostborn just happened to be on their way home to Frosthold from a trek across the Dragonblight. Not about to let their new-found cousin freeze to death, they took him along with them, and a short time later they came under attack by a jormungar. After slaying the worm single-handedly and saving the dwarves, they took him in and gave him the name Yorg Stormheart, after a legendary Frostborn warrior. Eventually, Muradin/Yorg became King of the Frostborn and brought his people into the Alliance, which had begun journeying into Northrend to do battle with the Lich King, the blue dragonflight, and the iron dwarves.
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This is a Jormungar when compared to a man. |
At one point his amnesia goes away and he returns to the Alliance as a expedition leader against Arthas, leaving a surrogate to rule over the Frost Dwarves. In the battle for Icecrown he commanded the mighty Alliance gunship Skybreaker throughout the battle, fighting against both the monsters of the Scourge and a sudden assault by the Horde. Though saddened by the way things turned out with Arthas, he was relieved to have finally ended the threat.
Now Muradin represents the Ironforge contingent of the council(and probably the Frost Dwarves too, thanks to former position). Though initially wary of the Dark Irons and even the Wildhammers, thanks to recent actions done by both Moira and Varian he is willing to trust both and give effort to the Alliance.
Offensive: See Mountain King. Only he is even better then that, being one of the best duelists in Azeroth (he trained Arthas) and single-handily beat a Jormungar in combat. Wields a giant hammer and double-headed axe.
Defense: Plate Armor with runes etched in it. Ability to turn into Avatar form (see Mountain King)
J. Moira Thaurissan
Command Designation: Delegate
Mobility: 5
Training/Experience: 5
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
Age: ??(50s?)
"Moira Thaurissan was born Moira Bronzebeard, the only child of the mighty king of Ironforge, Magni Bronzebeard. Deemed unfit to participate in the politics of Ironforge by virtue of her gender, Moira found herself distanced from rule, until she fell in love with Dagran Thaurissan, emperor of the reviled Dark Iron dwarves, and married him. Magni, believing she was charmed by a spell, assembled a team to assassinate Thaurissan and rescue his daughter... only to discover that she wasn't being controlled at all. Tragically, by the time of the discovery, Thaurissan was already dead with Moira the new empress.
During the horrific elemental destruction wrought by the Cataclysm, King Magni undertook a magic ritual to understand the dangers facing Azeroth. The ritual went awry, and the king was frozen in seemingly immutable diamond, leaving the dwarves disunited -- until Moira marched the Dark Irons into her old hometown to take her rightful place on the throne. Civil war threatened to destroy Ironforge, but with the intercession of Varian and Anduin Wrynn, a council was formed to take into account the needs of all dwarven peoples, led by Muradin Bronzebeard, Falstad Wildhammer, and Moira herself."-Again according to the excellent Wow description.
Also according to the same description she seeks to prove herself to both the Dwarf clans and the Alliance as a whole. So far she have lived up to this goal. Using her grasp of politics, in which she excels at, she has undertaken efforts to unify at first only the Bronzebeard and Dark Iron clans( at the cost of Wildhammer) and then all three. When the Ice trolls, allied with the Zandalari, put Ironforge under siege and the other dwarves were paralyzed with internal unrest, she met with King Wrynn and led her Dark Irons to defeat the invasion force. In doing so she won the respect and trust of not only the High King but the other two Dwarven leaders as well, freeing up Dwarven participation for the Alliance. Later still she led the Dwarven effort in the Assault on Ogrimmar.
Offensive: Moira is in game a priest character and not suited for hand to hand fighting. She can blast enemies from afar though with shadow spells and heal allies.
Defensive: She is shown wearing plate armor when she goes into battle.
==Leadership X-Factors==
(For Combined Council + Kurdan, but can be taken as overall for Dwarves)
Adaptive Creativity/Resourcefulness: 62/100:This is kind of split between the more traditionalist Wildhammer and the ever innovative Dark Irons and Ironforge. As a whole though thanks to this reconnection the Dwarves are a lot more willing to experiment with new solutions then before, however each still does rely on old strengths.
Tactics: 59/100:Moira is capable of detailed and cunning political maneuvers, though it is unknown how well this translates on the battlefield. Muradin and Falstrad both have solid histories of command.
Strategy: 72/100Every action committed by Moira is designed to lead to further unify the Dwarven people and lead to her son having a kingdom of two, if not three clans.
Intuition: 58/100
Audacity: 81/100 Dwarven bravery is legendary both on and off the field. Even Moira, despite having little combat experience, deigns to lead armies directly whenever possible (though from the rear, which is her place as a priest character).
Psychological Warfare: 74/100: Moira has shown machevelian-like cunning in trying to get the clans to unite, and has utterly outmaneuvered her other two Councillors on occasion.
Experience: 66/100:Though Moira hasn't fought until relatively recently, the other two are veterans of many conflicts.
Leadership: 59/100:Though deserving credit for unifying something that hasn't been unified in centuries, the council is a bit fractious and none here can provoke the same awe other leaders provoke. Still certainly accomplished and experienced leadership.
Discipline: Variable/100 This varies heavily upon Dwarf Clan. The Dark Irons are so dedicated to the leadership that they sometimes seem dull and without personalities to other races, as their leadership is absolute(78). The Wildhammer on the other hand a extremely independent lot that have a reputation for being wild, and will not obey unless said leader commands a lot of respect (as Kurdan and Falstrad do) (43). The Ironforge dwarves are a good median.
Corruption: 47/100
K. Kurdran Wildhammer
Command Designation: Tactical Commander
Mobility: 8
Training/Experience: 7
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
Age: Several Hundred
Basic Description:
Mounted atop his legendary mount Sky'ree, Kurdan was the leader of the Wildhammers in the Second War. It was he who led the Dwarves into combat with the Horde, and it was his forces who was eventually tasked with bringing down the great Dragons the Orcs had forced into service. Between Sky'ree's claws and Kurdan's hammer several mighty dragons were felled by this duo alone.
When it came time to invade Outland for the first time Kurdan was among the early volunteers. In aerial sorties above the Red skies of the planet Kurdan felled Dragon after Dragon but was ultimately captured after pushing too far ahead. Though tortured nearly to death (and never once giving up information), he was saved by the Draenei priest Nemuraan.He was stuck on the planet, still fighting, when the protals collapsed. During the 20 year interval between the next Alliance incursion from beyond the Dark Portal the group of heroes fought constantly against the Horde remnants on the planet.
When he returned he briefly took a place on the Council, before growing weary of politics and the loss of Sky'ree in a tragic accident. Looking to fight once more he traveled to King Wrynn to see if the High King needed his services. He was sent to Twilight Highlands with the objective of uniting the Wildhammer clans there, who were notoriously independent even for Wildhammers. Through combat feats and deft maneuverings of political marriages he did so while simultaneously fighting off both the Horde and Twilight Cultists.
Offensive: Stormhammer: see Gryphon Rider, but one of the best
Defense: See Gryphon Rider
Nation of Gnomergan
L. Gelbin MekkantorgueCommand Designation: Delegate, (Tech) adviser
Mobility: 5
Training/Experience: 6
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
Age: ??(60s?)
In a society governed by scientific achievement, Gelbin quickly proved himself the best man for the job. During the Second War he aided the allies greatly through his submarines and flying machines, as well as personally invented Siege Engine constructs. During this time frame he was also responsible for the invetion of the mechno-strider, the repair bot, the deeprun tram, and the Gnomish Mechano-adjuster.
Unfortunately his many achievements drove his best friend Sicco Thermaplugg insane with jealousy . This gnome instituted the invasion of Gnormgan's lower levels with the Troggs and then instituted a solution that involved a massive irradiation bomb.To be fair Gelbin didn't trust this decision on blind faith and Sicco gave him numerous falsified reports, arguments and a alleged invention that would keep the irridation away from the Gnomes. Aiding Sicco in this treachery was that prior to this the Gnomes had no concept of internal treachery, with the very idea being completely foreign to them and limited to other races. Choosing to trust his friend Gelbin allowed the disastrous decision.
The irradiation only made the Troggs stronger and killed off a whopping 80% of the Gnomish race. Distraught at both the loss and now the revelation that his friend was a traitor, Gelbin led the survivors to Ironforge when Magni Bronzebeard granted them sanctuary. For many years the troggs and Leper Gnomes waged a war with the Gnomes and their Alliance allies, a war mostly limited to small operations.
However recently, with the Cataclysm, Gelbin finally called together volunteers from the Alliance and his own soldiers for a direct assault on Gnomergan. After destroying Thermaplugg's forces up top he led the invasion down within the underground city itself. At one point he was ambushed alone and without his weapon but managed to not only kill Thermoplugg's trogg lackeys utilizing the environment but the Gnome tyrant himself, cutting off his legs.
"Stopping just in front of the high tinker, Sicco shook his head, raised his hand, and waved goodbye. The hand made a ratcheting sound, rotated in a complete circle, and then disappeared into the steel wrist of the battle suit's armor. Thermaplugg chuckled and brought the arm forward. With another burst of steam, a vicious blade emerged from the cuff—a blade that began to glow red with mechanical heat. Gelbin stumbled backward into the axle, feeling the tensely wound spring against his spine. He still had the wrench in his belt, and he lifted it to parry Sicco's blade. This elicited another chuckle.
"Oh, dear. You look so precious down there. Is this how the dwarves taught you to fight?"
"No," said Gelbin, twirling the wrench in his fingers. "This is how a gnome fights. Watch your head."
He turned and tapped the wrench against the catch holding the spring in place—a catch that had been supported by the framework below. Now it swung down with a clank, releasing the spring to whip free of the axle, a sharp steel blur whistling through the room as a massive store of pent-up energy was discharged in seconds. Gelbin felt a tremendous whoosh of motion slashing over his head, and then... stillness.
He pivoted and looked back. The troggs still stood there, drooling. Sicco let out another giggle.
Three lonely hairs that had been previously growing on the crown of Gelbin's head slowly fell down in front of his eyes.
Followed by the head of every trogg in the room.
And finally, by the bisected torso of Sicco Thermaplugg's battle suit. With a hot gush of steam, the top half slid free and crashed to the ground just in front of Gelbin, rolling to a stop face up against his leg. The occupant swallowed once and blinked repeatedly.
Sicco was surprised.
Sicco was... confused.
"M-my legs are in that half," Sicco said, pointing at the still-standing portion of the suit.
High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque nodded and leaned down to pat him on his mechanized shoulder.
"Indeed they are, my friend. And with a razor-quick spring cut and steam cauterization from your ruptured engine, the bleeding is probably minimal. I'd wait around to see if the rats find you before your trogg minions do, but I've seen enough of the latter for one day."
-Cut Short, Pg 7
Offense: Gelbin carries Wrenchcalibur, which is a complex series of cogs, pistons, runes, and levers somehow enables it to serve as a good mace
Defense: Plate Armor, sometimes wields a giant cog as a shield.
Once again these are mainly Gelbin's but also representative of the Gnomes as a whole.
Adaptive Creativity/Resourcefulness: 83/100:More then any other race the Gnomes exemplify creativity. In fact its their very system of government, where the most creative are given increasing positions of hierarchy. In just about every battle they participate in the Gnomes unveil a new weapon design or a new vehicle. Gelbin Mekkantorge once took down a brilliant gnome inventor and his trogg lackeys with his opponent's own trap, severing limbs with a thin truesilver wire.
Tactics: 64/100: The Gnomes are great thinkers and where other races will charge in they take the time to plan out every action. This does however result in some delays.
Strategy: 69/100
Intuition: 71/100: While not actually possessing foresight, the Gnomes are excellent at seeing through and foiling enemy planning through logic.
Audacity: 44/100:Though recently they have gotten more confident, traditionally the gnomish attitude as outwit from afar rather then seeking confrontation.
Psychological Warfare: 67/100:
Experience: 61/100:While still sharing in the diverse foes Azeroth has faced, most Gnomish commanders get supporting roles rather then combat.
Leadership: 71/100: Though not thinking of himself as much of a leader, Gelbin's leadership has been described by his arch-rival Thermoplugg as the only reason (at the time) that the Gnomes weren't a broken people.
Discipline: 74/100:
Corruption: 25/100:
===Additional Factors===
Gelbin leads the Gnomish efforts to incorporate new technology into the Alliance war Machine. Doubtless he will play a role in assisting the overall faction in this role.
M. Tyrande Whisperwind
Mobility: 7
Training/Experience: 9 (Companions: 6)
Max Range: Likely the entire battlefield
Preferred Range: Wherever needed, not usually melee
Age: Around 14,000
Heroic Companions: High Priesthood of Elune
Command Designation: Strategic Commander, Delegate
"A stream of silver light…Elune’s light…encompassed the young priestess. Tyrande radiated as if she
were the Moon herself. She felt the glory of the goddess become a part of her." -pg 70, War of the Ancients : The Well of Eternity
From an early age Tyrande was acknowledged near universally as being particularly blessed by Elune. Even as a novice she could call upon Elune herself as the quote above shows, which is something even high-ranking priestesses had trouble doing.This was noticed throughout the ranks as was her skill healing and battle. When the High Priestess Dejana died in battle her last words were not to promote other, more experience Sisters but the young, novice Tyrande. She acted many times to save Malfurion and his friends, which eventually led to her getting knocked unconscious in battle and captured.
However Elune protected her from all damage and sympathetic highborne, normally servants to the Queen, recanted their previous beliefs. They helped smuggle her out of the palace, a deed that proved fruitful for them when demons attacked. Calling upon Elune, Tyrande blinded and drove off almost all the hundreds of demons that were attacking, ultimately meeting up with Illidan and playing a role in shutting down the Well of Eternity for good.
After the battle she was essentially leader of the Night Elves for 10,000 years, responsible for instituting more nature friendly programs, forming the Sentinels and keeping the forests safe during that time. At the end of the 10,000 year period the Orcs, then humans, then finally undead Scourge and Burning Legion invaded. This forced Tyrande to alternate between fighting to defend her forest, free her love Malfurion from his slumber and the imprisoned Illidan from prison, and finally form a Alliance to try and beat back the onslaught.
After the wall she gradually came to oppose the burgeoning Horde, led by Thrall, who were gobbling up her forest's trees. To that end she and the Night Elves joined the Alliance, and in the early years she would prove instrumental in maintaining this coalition. At the same time her love became trapped in the Emerald Dream, and Tyrande, alongside Broll Bearmantle, infiltrated the realm. After a long battle described in a later section she and her husband proved victorious.
Next she fought the Horde in Ashenvale, proving to be a literal super weapon against their army. Still she nearly lost due to unconventional tactics deployed against her, and in the end it was Varian and the Worgen who saved the day. This +combined with Varian's victories in Pandaria persuaded her to give control of the Night Elven forces to the human king. Even so she played a instrumental role in the capture of Ogrimmar, and is set to prosecute Garrosh Hellscream for War Crimes.
Ranged: The Sisterhood of Elune, though an organization that espouses love for others, is also a heavily militant organization. Sisters are described as far more skilled with a bow then even normal Night Elves with Tyrande herself is a master archer. Though many use longbows, some are known to utilize shortbows.
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Sister of Elune Belrysa Starbreeze unleashing a powerful attack. Note that while she had difficulty, such is the favor of Tyrande that she could unleash this same attack with little. |
Melee: Curved Swords, Short Lances with blades on both ends, Glaives. They can bless these strikes for even greater damage and the ability to hit intangible foes. As a martial order they are noted for their skill in martial arts as well. Tyrande herself is an extremely skilled fighter with both weapons and hand-to-hand combat.
Defenses: Both Tyrande and the Sisters of Elune wear a combination of light silver and steel layered plate armor, fighting without any encumbrance. In addition to its aesthetic design this silver armor allows the light of the moon to literally radiate from their bodies, blinding foes and causing allies to look upon them with awe. This armor covers them neck to toe, with a winged helmet for the head. In Typical Night Elf fashion this armor is designed to give them the best protection value without sacrificing mobility.
However Tyrande herself is the blessed of Elune, and thus she has another defense in just how much Elune cares for her. If she is picked up and dropped a hundred feet from the ground, she will land with only minor bruises. When she was captured unconscious by Demons in the War of the Ancients Elune, without having Tyrande request it, surrounded the priestess with a nigh-invincible force-field that blocked all attempts to harm her, even when done by Achimonde himself. The best the Demons could do then is contain her in a room in the hopes of starving her out to slowly torture her. This did not work, as Elune kept her nourished the entire time. In another incident during the War Against the Nightmare Elune protected her and her immediate companions against large rocks from a cave-in, diverting them to fall around her light.
Animal Companions: Tyrande rides on her massive 10,000 year old Wintersabre Ash'alah. Most of the other High Priestesses will probably also have Wintersabres, though some would of course have Nightsabers. Tyrande also has a magical pet owl named Dori'thur that serves both as a scout and can attack foes with moonfire.
-Healing: Though she doesn't have a 100% success rate, even for relatively mundane things like diseases, she is one of the greatest in all of Azeroth. Other Sisters of Eulune have made the comment while they have quite a few hit or misses, Tyrande has a near unbroken string of successes thanks to her affinity to Elune. Even terrible demonic festering wounds are not beyond her capabilities, and many near-death have been brought back by her, or at least sustained longer.
Elune's Guardians:
“With the others’ help, perhaps I can at least delay long enough!”
Before Malfurion could ask who she meant, Tyrande brought the glaive up in a salute and murmured
something in the hidden tongue of the Sisterhood. At that moment, the satyrs regained their courage andcharged.
The Mother Moon’s light shone down in front of Malfurion, bathing both Tyrande and the areas to each side.
As Malfurion stared, a line of glowing figures somewhat resembling priestesses in battle garb took up a standwith Tyrande. Indeed, each even bore some resemblance to her.
Tyrande had prayed to Elune for aid and it had come as she needed it, in the forms of guardians created from the moonlight. With glaives, bows, swords, lances, maces, staves, and other weapons, the gleaming line decimated the foremost satyrs."
-Pg 533, Stormrage
Though only used once, Tyrande possesses a spell that summons various intangible guardians made of moonlight, who will defend her as long as they are active. During the events of Stormrage these guardians were so effective they were described as dozens if not hundreds of satyrs all around her. The guardians will dissipate if she falls unconscious, and maintaining the spell seems to drain her more then most.
-Elune's Illumination: One of her most powerful spells, this one carries with it army-wide effects. It basically illuminates a large area, an area potentially expanding hundreds if not thousands of meters in any given direction. Friendly Forces within the illumination get a morale increase at the knowledge that not only is Elune with them, but at the soothing/calming effects of her magic. Enemy forces are at the least blinded by the light, regardless of what type of enemy they are, and will have to squint and struggle to see at all. Even enemy archers and casters outside the field of moonlight are going to have extreme trouble looking in, and thus aiming accurately.
If evil or corrupt they are not just blinded but driven to extreme pain, as Elune is a anathema to them. However as the holy light is cast over a incredibly vast area they don't burn up as they do from other holy attacks and can still fight, just fight in a more weakened state.As the flight from Azshara's palace demonstrates Elune's magic can easily be attuned not to harm or effect friendlies with any negative action. Worse for the foe they can actually plan around it, as when Sentinels charged into massed of blinded orcs without getting blinded themselves.Essentially imagine trying to fight someone with a extremely bright flashlight constantly shining in your face(and not his) along with great pain if you are a demon or corrupted. Only creatures with exceptionally durable eyes or perhaps blindness can ignore the harsh moonlight .
"Moonlight touched her and her followers. It then reached forth beyond the defenders' lines, stretching across the river. However where before it had simply glowed everywhere in order to dissolve the flase mist, now its light focused as if through a diamond.
And Even moonlight in the eyes can blind.
The front ranks of the Horde were caught in their tracks. The hulking warriors stumbled. Whether orc, tauren, or some other powerful fighter, there was nothing they could do. The light caught them by surprise. It dazzled their gazes . Several orcs ran into one another, their positions made worse by the fact that they were half in water.
Now Shandris! Tyrande silently called. Now!
From the other side, there came the bleat of a horn. Still blinded the Horde fighters shuffled back as best they could.
The only trouble was, the moonlight followed the Horde, continuing to blind them even as the lancers drew within striking range. The warlocks and other casters could not even give proper cover, as they were unable to face the moonlight. That, in turn, gave more advantage to the Alliance spellcasters, who worked, who worked in earnest to put an end to the Horde's magical threat. Fearsome blasts bombarded the warlocks nearest the front. "
the Whole quote is several pgs long . Wolfheart 362-366
Any poisonous gas attacks, persistent plagues, smoke screens, fog, fields of corruption and other overlapping fields are utterly dispersed by Elune's light. Shadows and other ethereal enemies dissipate under the gaze of the moon. In addition to her fellow High Priestesses of Elune can add their prayers to her field, making her incredible spell even more powerful.
"Tyrande focused her mind entirely on her prayer. She asked much of Elune but believed that the deity expected what she intended and would grant it. "
Shandris gasped, then recovered. Other sentinels looked her way, but the general angrily waved them back to their watch.
A beam of moonlight shone down upon Tyrande. The high priestess glowed brighter than the day. The glow grew, first spreading before her, then expanding to her left and right.
The light of Elune draped across the Alliance lines, confronting the encroaching goblin mist wherever it was. The foul smelling fog moved above the river first, reaching the midway point. But then the moonlight met it.
Tyrande stared straight ahead. As the power of Elune neared the mist, she felt the other priestesses who had come with the expedition finally join her efforts. Strengthened by their prayers, Tyrande's plan thrust ahead.
As she had done against the evil of the Nightmare Lord, the High priestess let the Mother Moon burn away the goblin's creation. Compared to the Nightmare's monstorous fog and its frightening shadows, the Horde's mist proved a weak foe. The Moonlight ate away at it with no difficulty and within seconds they had already cleansed the air above the river.
The defenders cheered. Those cheers grew even stronger as Elune revealed anew the forest beyond. The goblin mist faded as if nothing.
That did not mean that its creators did not try to fight back. Ahead of the light, the fog abruptly thickened. Yet, even then it proved no match for the Mother Moon's gentle illumination. The Light pushed on, moving even after there was no visible sign of the mist left to the Sentinels and their allies. "
-Pg 357-58, Wolfheart
There are clear limitations to this of course. This spell requires immense concentration and her mobility is going to be almost gone while she casts it. Those possessing immense range even this is limited, and she will have to move up as the battlefield moves up. The spell is diluted over such a wide area, so it doesn't kill stuff on contact as more limited, vastly smaller versions of the spell do. As casting such a wide area spell would be immensely draining it is unknown how long she could continue to do so, however her fellow Sisterhood priestesses can add their power to hers to affect both range and longevity.Creatures with exceptionally durable eyes (such as Maugnataur) or perhaps blindness can ignore the harsh moonlight . Finally she will instantly become a target, and even though they couldn't see her exact position in Wolfheart the Horde lobbed tons of siege weaponry in her general direction.
Through a more limited version of this Tyrande can utterly purge corruption from a creature. If there is even an ounce of goodness or portion of the being that rejects or resents its corruption that portion will become free of the corruption, with the great liklyhood of then turning on what it was previously fighting. If the creature is wholly corrupt then the light of Elune burns it away utterly. Other Sisters can naturally attempt such exorcisms however she has the greatest chance of success.
"The priestess Shiromar and her companions had all regained enough energy to call upon the grace of Elune simultaneously; they now watched as a blinding column of light obliterated the swarm blocking the gorge’s terminus." _Pg 2, War of the Shifting Sands
These Sisters can also in general be considered master priests, and would have most if not all the spells in that section. They can call down miniature stars of Elune's light against their enemies to burn them away,being able to use them on entire small armies at a time, or dispel harmful magical effects from their allies. If several Priestesses work together they can call upon a whole column of light that, while nowhere near as wide in effect, can be concentrated in such a manner as to be deadly. In the first Slithid war this application was seen when they destroyed a entire minor swarm of the large insects guarding the gate. Priestesses of Elune can receive visions of the future from their goddess, with Tyrande receiving them most frequently. For battles along the sea or lake they can manipulate the currents and tides to slow the ships of enemy's down or speed up their own vessels.
"A blinding silver light materializing from the sky above enveloped both. Malfurion experienced a wondrous sense of rejuvenation. All his injuries and pain—save the emotional pain of having had to fight Remulos—faded away.
But for Emeriss, it seemed to do just the opposite. She roared. Her body violently contorted. In obvious pain, the dragon lost her hold on Malfurion. The archdruid immediately shifted into storm crow form. Wings spread wide, he descended.
And there he saw Tyrande, her face screwed up in concentration. The high priestess’s legs wavered, but she stood determined as Elune’s light surrounded the huge beast. Emeriss veered around. The corrupted green dragon exhaled in Tyrande’s direction, but the light caused her deadly breath to dissipate. A look of incomprehension spread over the dragon’s ghastly countenance.
“What are you doing? What are you doing?” she shrieked at
Tyrande. “I feel—I feel—”
Her body grew translucent and without definition. Emeriss became a vaguely seen thing, almost as if she had become a part of the mist itself.
Malfurion alighted near Tyrande. Changing form, he ran to her. Just as her knees finally buckled, the archdruid gave her the necessary support. He choked up inside, relieved to have again not lost her.
Above them, Emeriss let out a gasp. She was now barely identifiable as a dragon. Before Malfurion’s eyes, the last of the behemoth dispersed.
Exhaling deeply, the high priestess let her hands drop.
“I did not know if it would…would work…and certainly not…not
like this…”
“If what would work, Tyrande?”
She steadied herself. “I thought of what the corrupted had become and I hoped to try a different tact; I pushed Elune’s healing power to its utmost, seeking to strip away the taint…”
Malfurion looked up where Emeriss had last hovered. “I
“Yes…there was nothing left but the corruption…and when I tried to heal that…it left only emptiness…”
--Stormage pg 526, Note Tyrande had been exhausted by this point from torture
Such is the strength of Tyrande's connection to the moon that daytime casting does not inhibit her ability in the slightest. She is Elune's chosen and wherever there is moonlight it seems to be especially bright around her.
Additional Factors:
--The Very presence of the Sisters of Elune immediately raises the morale of all Night Elven troops and sometimes even those of the other races. Tyrande's presence raises their morale even further. This is not without justification as Tyrande has led her host for 10,000 years and has commanded many a successful military battle, rarely losing outright. She has the odd characteristic of being at times cautious and wary but at other times extremely aggressive, running down enemies with all her zeal.
-Her greatest weakness perhaps comes from her personality. She can be at times impatient and overly passionate about a cause close to her, causing her at least at one point to engage too early in a battle. However usually discipline, born from ten millenia, wins out.In addition when she or her sisters cast spells there manifests a great beam of moonlight, brighter then the rest, that can be tracked down to her location. Assuming the enemy can see or is out of the right of the blinding illumination this provides a ample targeting position. Finally though Elune has at times intervened independently most of the time Tyrande has to request her aid, which can take a couple seconds.
-In total expect about a hundred sisters to accompany Tyrande in such a major Alliance incursion.
N. Malfurion Stormrage
Mobility: 10
Training/Experience: 9
Max Range: Likely the entire battlefield
Preferred Range: Wherever needed, not usually melee
Age: Around 14,000
Command Designation: Delegate (along with wife), Adviser
Age: Around 15,000
Just as Tyrande seemed to be destined from an early age to be a priestess of Elune, It is Malfurion that became the first mortal druid. Taught by the demigod Cenarius himself Malfurion showed a immense depth of skill, knowledge and passion when it came to the natural world, impressing even his powerful teacher and later playing a role in fundamentally restructuring Night Elf society into the nature-loving society it is today.
His training occurred in a pivotal time in Night Elf history ; the War of the Ancients. Here hordes of demons invaded Azeroth for the first time, and in the very first engagements disabled magic for much of the Night Elves. Through his use of druidism, Malfurion released that block in a pivotal battle that helped save the Night Elves from an early extinction. This of course made him a target however the druid was both skilled and blessed enough that he survived many assassination attempts, including one committed by Archimonde himself (who has leveled cities with his magical power). So detrimental was Malfurion to the demon's efforts that Sargeras himself made it a personal goal to torture and destroy him.
Many battles were won through the druid's might alone, which increased his threat level. One of the more cunning demons, the first Satyr, kidnapped Tyrande in a close battle, reducing Malfurion briefly to despair. Yet that didn't stop him, and as part of a daring raid he infiltrated the lair of Deathwing and stole his soul of power, the Demon Soul. Though his brother Illidan, now working for the Burning Legion, stole it back Malfurion's role was not done. In the final battle he took down scores of demons, even temporarily forcing Archimonde from the field after the archdemon killed the Demigod Malorn, father of Cenarius. When the aspects and the time travelers lead a charge upon the ground zero point of the Burning Legion it was he who ultimately destroyed the portal just as Sargeras attempted to com through, destroying the demon god as well. Then he sealed away the Demon Soul so Deathwing could not find it.
In the Third War he was forced to deal with the great demon Archimonde invading Azeroth once again. While the Night Elves led by his beloved Tyrande, the humans under Jaina Proudmoore and Horde under Thrall held the demons off on Mount Hijal Malfurion summoned the spirits of nature to him. When Archmindoe finally pushed through Malfurion unleashed them all against Archimonde, destroying him forever. After pursuing Illidan across Azeroth and coming to terms with his brother, Malfurion left to the Emerald Dream to try and help with the nightmare there. Unfortunately he was imprisoned for several years.
In the Nightmare War Malfurion would finally have a chance to be unleashed from his imprisonment.With the help of his beloved and her allies he escaped the Nightmare, and rallied the druids of the Night Elves after defeating Fandral's corrupted variants. He cured and then with the help of the others healed the massive World Tree before sending them out to ensemble a army. Led by Varian Wrynn (who, thanks to the Nightmare targeting the leaders first and Varian's history of taking dream numbing potions, was really the only leader left)this army engaged the forces of the Nightmare while Malfurion himself dealt with the sinister Nightmare Lord, defeating him in a cataclysmic battle that purged the majority of both the Emerald Dream and the real world, unleashing a world spanning storm through merging briefly with nature itself.
Now co-leader of the Night Elves, he has since led the Night Elves through the tumultuous Cataclysm. His productivity stopped Darkshore from falling into the sea, saved Mount Hijal, and towards the end he even launched a successful assault into the realm of Ragnaros the Firelord himself, slaying him.
Malfurion's body is a mix of the animal spirits he can turn into which speaks volumes of his close relationship with nature. Antlers grow out of his head, wings from his underarms, his hands are bear claws and his feet panther paws. This shows just how in touch with nature he is, and he is probably the greatest druid in Azeroth. With him on the field the weather is almost certainly going to favor the Alliance and extremely disfavor everyone else. Creatures of nature will, if called, fight to the death to ensure he remains free from harm.
Ranged:Seeds and Sticks.
Seriously. Before you laugh here is a example of what he can do.
""Taking a breath, the druid tried to aid in his own way. There were few plants in this mountainous region, but one nearby caught his attention. Apologizing to it, Malfurion plucked several barbs from its branches, then threw them at the huge predator.
The wind carried the barbs along for him, thrusting them faster and faster toward their target. Malfurion concentrated, touching upon that which controlled the barbs‟ growth.
And just before they struck, the thorny pieces swelled. They tripled in size, then tripled again. By the time they hit the worm, many were nearly as large as the druid himself.
More important, they were also harder of hide. Each of the needles facing the worm impacted with the force of a steel lance. Scores of thorns more than a yard long buried themselves in the monster‟s body."
. Other examples include turned shards of grass into fast throwing knives capable of penetrating even demon carapace, creating a twister out of leaves that spun so fast it moved about the battlefield like a moving blender, and after shooting a arrow into someone, causing said arrow to rapidly grow into a tree and absorb that which it was implanted in. He need not throw physical objects either; he can chuck a seed and cause it to pollinate to such a degree that it causes enemies around it to incessantly sneeze, eventually collapsing from lack of breath or use the heat within plants and magnify 100 fold to create a great inferno.Once he even used the seeds to make a intangible foe tangible. Another spectacular example can be seen here
"From one of the many pouches on his belt, he brought forth several spiny seeds, the type that clung to one‟s garments when passing among the plants. Holding his filled palm up, he blew gently on the seeds.
They rushed forward into the air as if taken by a wind of hurricane strength. Their numbers multiplied a thousand-fold as they spread out over the oncoming demons, almost turning into a dust storm.
Roaring, the horrific warriors plowed through the cloud without care, their only interest the blood of the defenders. However, only a few steps later, the first of the demons suddenly stumbled, then clutched his stomach. Another imitated him, then another. Several dropped their weapons and were immediately cut down by eager night elves.
Those who were not suddenly grew extremely bloated. Their stomachs and chests expanded well beyond proportion. Several of the tusked figures fell to the ground, writhing.
From inside one still standing, scores of sharp, daggerlike points burst through flesh and armor. Ichor drenched the screaming demon‟s form. He spun around once, then collapsed, dead. His body lay pincushioned…all from the swelling seeds within.
And around him, others fell, dozens at a time."
-War of the Ancients, Book 3 the Sundering
-Melee: Druid's Staff, Dagger
In his animal form Malfurion is extremely good at melee combat, ripping through scythes of lesser creatures and even outmaneuvering corrupted Ancients.
Special: Master Druid:
Simply put Malfurion is a master Druid, possibly the best in all of Azeroth.Not only does he have everything in that profile but....
When enraged Malfurion can call upon nature itself to destroy his enemies, and natures respond on all levels simultaneously. Roots and vines, whose growth is rapidly accelerated by his powers, will emerge from the ground of even desolate wastelands to ensnare, strange, and crush enemies. Flowers will suddenly pollinate and fill the air with a choking, sneezing gas. Trees either uproot themselves and attack or reach down with branches and accompanying vines to crush/strangle those below. Underbrush will ensnare and trip enemies of Malfurion that try to move through it.
Insects such as bees, spiders, beetles and virtually every type you can think of will crawl literally out the woodwork en masse to attack any that Malfurion deems is a threat . Enemy warriors and artillery positions suddenly collapse into the ground as worms and other burrowers rapidly destabilize the land underneath the enemy's feet. Animals of all sorts emerge from the environment to do battle. Mounts and monsters used by the enemy, unless extremely loyal or corrupted, rebel against their masters And it needs to be fully corrupted for it to be beyond Malfurion's control, for he can appeal to whatever remains of them that is not corrupted (or even cause uncorrupted nature to grow within side them). In essence he causes extreme chaos as the foe is forced to fight not only against the Alliance, who aren't inhibited by the summoned natural forces at all, but the full fury of at least the Animal and Plant kingdoms as well.
At one point he used seeds that had laid dormant for millenia and grew a whole forest inside enemy ranks, though this was admittedly done via a power boost from Azeroth itself. Other Druids (such as Broll) can certainly replicate some of Malfurion's feats, however even they can't do all of this at once.
"And suddenly, beneath the first few rows of the horde, roots sprouted up. Tree roots, grass roots…any and every sort of root that one could imagine. Krasus realized that Malfurion had caused them to not only stretch forth from the untainted ground, but to grow as most could never possibly do under natural conditions.
A horned warrior stumbled, then, with a startled roar, fell forward into the waiting blade of a night elf. A felbeast growled and snapped as its massive paws became entangled. Everywhere demons tripped, twisted, and battled just to keep standing. They made for easy prey and scores more perished because of the roots. However, none of the night elves, Krasus saw, had even the slightest difficulty with the tendrils. In fact, several times the roots cleared paths for the soldiers, further aiding their cause."
-War of the Ancients, The Demon Soul, Pg 42
His mastery over the elements is extreme, rivaling even the best Shamans. In a incident that occurred on the smaller scale he was able to cause a giant building to collapse just by asking the stones inside it to stop holding the building together. Later he commanded every element of a massive palace tower to rebel at once, resulting in a great explosion. Infernos, hurricane winds, lightning there is little that he cannot command. In fact at one point as a novice he nearly created a monsoon with tornado force winds that nearly drowned everyone on a massive battlefield (Thousands of demons and Night Elves) - he did all this accidentally. As a novice.
"He nodded. "Perhaps I can help with that." The archdruid closed his eyes in meditation and reached out in front of himself, stretching his palms over the devastated land. Gusts of wind gathered around Malfurion as he drew them together in a massive cyclone. The murky waters began to ripple and recede as the fierce vortex drove them back into the sea. Then only the broken landscape of Sardor Isle lay before them, revealing a trail of corpses that led to the giant tree tower to the northeast."
""How easily these fools forget defeat," the high priestess muttered through clenched teeth.
"We must give them a reminder, then," Malfurion said. Tyrande gave a quick nod. Lightning crackled through the air as the archdruid began to craft his spell. The clouds above the isle blackened even further, and the naga's heads shot up in alarm. Szenastra hissed out an order, and the naga army advanced on the pair of night elves.
Malfurion watched, unperturbed, waiting for the energies to coalesce. When the storm was fully formed, he slowly tilted his antlered head to the sky, and the heavens poured their wrath down upon the naga forces. Lightning shot to the earth—each bolt splitting into forks that seared through dozens of hapless myrmidons. "
-PG 4, Seeds of Faith
Though he eventually stopped this storm from drowning his own side, he still unleashed it on the demons and for three days and three nights it raged without anyone being able to stop it. In another incident he called down a lightning storm of such intensity that it utterly disintegrated a greater demon of the Burning Legion. Hell in Cataclysm Malfurion's power was strong enough to call together a massive swirling vortex which single handily kept the province of Darkshore from collapsing into the sea.
He can manipulate dreams and traverse the Emerald Dream with ease.In Stormrage he was able to hold several telepathic conversations at once spanning the globe, though this drained him. Perhaps most spectacularly Malfurion can call upon the forces of Life itself to reject a living creature. Organs, bones, and flesh will all unmake themselves as the body collapses in a heap.Or he can turn a singular opponent into a tree if he really doesn't like them, though this requires a lot of effort.
"But the archdruid was not apologizing to him. Reaching into a pouch, Malfurion drew out what he sought. He immediately rubbed the contents of his hand against the body of Remulos. Cenarius’s son roared. His skin began to harden, to take on the appearance of thick bark.
It was a unique variation of a spell used to strengthen a druid’s own skin against attacks. Malfurion had developed it to use against the Burning Legion. Long ago, he had come to the realization that every spell could have a reverse—and, in this case, adverse—reaction from that originally intended. The powder had
been ground from the hardest of barks.
Remulos stiffened. He now was more statue than living. The rage still in his eyes was clearly that of the Nightmare Lord. The irony of the spell was not lost on Malfurion; he had transformed Xavius into a tree and now he did virtually the same to poor Remulos. A part of the archdruid wanted to stop what he was doing,
but a tearful Malfurion knew he had no choice but to complete the horrific spell."
--PG 521-522, Stormrage
-Master Healer:
Like his wife Tyrande, Malfurion is a master healer . He managed once to pull back a ancient and mortally wounded dragon from the brink of death and another time cured a corrupted massive World Tree (albeit with help from other druids).
O. Shandris Feathermoon
Mobility: 6
Training/Experience: 8
Max Range: Sniper Rifle
Preferred Range: Melee
Command Designation: Tactical Commander
Age: Over 10,000
Like Jarod, Malfurion, and Tyrande, Shandris' origin story can be traced to the War of the Ancients . There she was first shown to be a mere orphan, a victim of a war which took her parents. . Shortly thereafter, at a refugee camp, a lonely and bitter Shandris, was found by Tyrande Whisperwind. Tyrande became fond of the young girl, and couldn't bear to simply let her remain among the survivors alone, and so she accompanied the priestess. Shandris soon started to idolize Tyrande and followed her everywhere she went, learning the arts of divine magic and healing from the goddess-touched Tyrande. Shandris wanted more than anything to take part in the battles, but Tyrande forbid it, so she secretly followed the Sisters into battle, looking on from the shadows.She soon proved her worth
After Deathwing had revealed his betrayal, after the demons surged forward and after Tyrande and Malfurion were captured, Shandris revealed her hidden archery talent. Despite being only a teenage even by our standards she felled most of the satyrs guarding the pair with precise, deadly arrow strikes fired in rapid succession. She even helped take down the Demon Lord himself though it was Malfurion who unleashed the final blow.
In the intervening years between the War of the Ancients and the Third War she led the military force of the Sentinels in a zealous attempt to protect all of the Night Elves forest domains. For over 10,000 years she fought in a myriad of little known conflicts such as the War of the Shifting Sands and the War of the Satyr. When the Third War occurred she fought in the front lines throughout the conflict, her bow the bane of many a demon.
Nowadays she is the Night Elven commander most responsible for countering the Horde's logging ambitions. Her forces have clashed all up and down Kalimdor though victory has come only through combined Alliance effort recently.
-Ranged: One of the best archers in Azeroth, her shots almost always hit. In addition she trained for a while as a Sister of Elune, and can call upon Elune's powers (see Tyrande profile for Sisterhood spells)
-Melee: Night Elven Sword, Glaive
Armor: Full body violet plate armor. Like most Night Elven armor it is expertly crafted to allow for no movement restrictions.
(Note these x-factors are not just for Shandris, Tyrande and Malfurion, but Night Elves in general. With a notable exception of the guy who comes next)
Adaptive Creativity/Resourcefulness: 63/100: Though the Night Elves can be resourceful in traditional ways, their preference of the tried and true over new ideas hurts them when it comes to adaption. In Wolfheart they would normally turn to past conflicts to judge current ones, and for a while were completely fooled by Garrosh's new innovative tactics. However this is beginning to change, with the reincorporation of the Highborne into Night Elven society as well as integrated allied units.
The Night Elves maintain a spy ring that runs much of the globe, making sure they are kept in touch at all times. They constantly prepare for known contingencies, though the unknown can quickly baffle them.
Tactics: 65/100
Strategy: 73/100:The Night Elves are great at long over-reaching stratagems. Until recently it was the Night Elven leadership, particularly Tyrande, that played a major role in holding the Alliance together through political maneuvering and spy rings. Only recently did Varian take up the task.
Intuition: 76/100: Tyrande regularly receives visions of the future from Elune, letting her know where she needs to be.
Leadership: 80/100: Tyrande is revered among the Night Elves as the living incarnation of a goddess, Malfurion as the embodiment of nature. Too Shandris is respected.
Audacity: 79/100
Psychological Warfare: 68/100
Experience: 88/100:Ten Millenia worth of experience and training against multiple foes.
Discipline: 75/100
Corruption: 37/100
===Additional Factors===
Though Tyrande is commander-in-chief of the Night Elves Shandris is usually the one in charge of running the military, and has done so for 10,000 years. In battle she usually assumes tactical and strategic control of Night Elven forces, unless contradicted by Tyrande and (possibly given the recency of his position) High King Varian Wrynn, in which case she plays as a key subordinate.
As a commander she is zealous to her cause yet surprisingly subtle, running a spy ring that encompasses much of Azeroth giving her some forewarning of enemy thrusts. Shandris is noted for her extreme organizational skills and hazard preparedness, trying to prepare for the enemy and beat them before battle begins. This prevents a great contrast to the other Night Elf sub-commander, Jarod, who is extremely good at improvisational work.
Mobility: 6
Training/Experience: 7-8
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
Command Designation: Adviser/Emergency Commander
Age: ~14,000
Jarrod Shadowstrong is one of the greatest unsung heroes of Warcraft history who played a pivotal role in defeating the first demonic invasion in the War of the Ancients. Originally just a captain in Lord Ravencrest's army, Shadowstrong became fairly accomplished not only because of his (initially reluctant) association with Malfurion, Tyrande, and the odd time traveling adventurers, but his leadership and tactical skills as well. More then once he ambushed a demonic vanguard force and destroyed it. Throughout the war he was the bodyguard of these essential players, yet it would be at the end of the war that he would secure his position in history.
When Lord Ravencrest was killed in battle and replaced by the ineffectual noble Stareye, it was Shadowstrong's unofficial (and to him, unknowing) leadership that kept it together. He was put in charge, with mocking intent, of handling the cohesion of the Night Elves with their new Tauren, Earthen, and Furbolg allies. To put it into perspective many Night Elves of this time period were deeply rascist and looked down upon the other races; said other races looked down upon these Night Elves as effeminate, and didn't have a good opinion of themselves either. On top of that were centuries of hatred and conflict between them all.
Despite this Jarod managed to forge them into a cohesive team even with a hostile high command to the point where even the other races recognized his worth as a leader and obeyed his orders. Whats more he knew how to use them. For example he used the powerful Tauren to punch a hole through demon lines, and when the Burning Legion brought out infernals he ordered the hardy Earthen armed with warhammers to descend upon them and knock out the rock-demon's legs . When Stareye's plans predictable led to ruin, with the Legion counteracting both with demons and acidic devices, and the noble himself killed it was Shadowstrong who took up leadership of the Night Elf army.
The Effects were immediate . Sections that were about to collapse reformed quickly under his leadership. Archers were organized into kill-teams to hunt down and snipe the aerial demons that had been dropping acid bombs. The formerly race segregated armies were integrated as Tauren joined Night Elves to blunt Burning Legion offensive. Night Elven mages were singled out and given the utmost protection. Previously arrogant nobles bowed before his leadership- all this before he was formerly given a leadership position!
When all the Demigods of Azeroth came down and joined his army they acknowledged him as leader, along with all the mortal components of their armies. Jarod, having modesty that outdid just about everyone else in the series, did not believe himself worthy of leadership but took the position anyway. Which was good, as in the next battle it was he himself who led the Demigods into battle. Though even with the demigods, mortal races, and soon Dragons the forces of Kalimdor would have lost (for simply too many demons had been summoned by this juncture), Jarod deserves credit for delaying their ascension enough for Malfurion to do something about it. Where he appeared the demonic line was pushed back and the morale of the defenders, both mortal and immortal, raised. Archimonde singled him out for a challenge, and though the Night Elf had no hope in single combat he went anyway. Despite getting beaten he ended up scoring a single wound before Malfurion's success elsewhere whisked the demons away.
When the continent split into pieces it fell to Shadowstrong to make the impossible task of leading the incredibly panicked horde to safety while maintaining discipline and cohesion. With the help of the Dragons, he succeeded. For a time he successfully integrated both the Highborne and the regular Night Elves, though eventually the Highborne left to form their own culture, and Jarod grew incredibly disillusioned with Night Elf society. So much so that he left it for 10,000 years and wandered the wilds with his wife.
After the World Tree had been destroyed and Night Elves made mortal, Jarod returned to Night Elven society with his unfortunately dead wife in tow. After being given time to grieve Jarod was put in charge with investigating the recent disappearances of the Highborne, who had also rejoined Night Elven society. Through detective work he eventually discovered that it was the madness of his own sister, Maiev, who was behind the murders and the near assassination attempt on Malfurion. After a brief but terrible battle Jarod succeeded in fighting through waves of Maiv's highly trained Watchers and even beat his sister in a duel. Now Jarod has been put in charge of reorganizing what Watchers (Wardens) remained loyal, organizing them into a security force to hunt down threats to the Night Elves and the Alliance.
Despite all the fame heaped upon him, Jarod has never lost his modesty or sense of justice. He never believed himself worthy of the positions he held and always only reluctantly accepted power, and though he did not skirt from his duties he dropped them after the need for him was gone. One can draw parallels between him and Cincinatus of Rome, however unlike the Roman aristocrat Jarod excelled at getting many races and castes to work together.
Ranged: Noted for skill with a glaive.
Melee: Curved Sword, knives, may take any weapon the Warden does. He is also a extremely skilled duelist, able to defeat his sister (who spent thousands of years training for combat) and her minions in both a duel and when they were ganging up on him
Defenses: Light Plate Armor
Adaptive Creativity/Resourcefulness: 81/100: Jarod defies any traditional stereotypes about the Night Elves having trouble adapting. He was placed in a completely new and unheard of situation and adapted admirably.
Tactics: 71/100
Strategy: 60/100: Though his tactics are sound, in the campaign against the Burning Legion Jarod's strategy was basically to delay the demons so others could win.
Intuition: 62100:
Leadership: 83/100: Along with Varian, Jarod is one of two people who have commanded a combined force of demigods, dragons and mortals. All of whom looked to him for respect and leadership, willingly submitting themselves to his leadership.
Audacity: 70/100
Psychological Warfare: 64/100
Experience: 68/100: Though experienced with ancient wars against daemons it was only relatively recently he rejoined Night Elven society, so he missed many of the conflicts during the interval.
Discipline: 79/100
Corruption: 30/100
-Jarrod is a intuitive fighter, tactician and strategist. More then one foe has died simply because of the momentum of a ally redirected towards another. In tactics he has a uncanny knack for figuring where each component of his army goes and how best to counter the tactical strength of his enemies.Though his solutions appear simple to many after the fact, his adaptivity is a clear asset to the Alliance cause.
Q. Prophet Velen
Mobility: 4
Training/Experience: 10
Max Range: Unknown (farseer)
Preferred Range: Away from combat
Age: Over 10,000
Heroic Companions: Shields of Velen , Maraad
Command Designation: Adviser
Alongside Kil’jaeden and Archimonde, the wise prophet Velen ruled over the eredar race on the world of Argus. Unlike his brethren, however, Velen was gifted with the ability to foresee events to come. Thus, soon after the dark titan, Sargeras, approached the three leaders with offerings of knowledge and power, Velen received a vision that his people would ultimately become members of the demonic Burning Legion. While Kil’jaeden and Archimonde readily allied with Sargeras, Velen instead gathered other wary eredar and found sanctuary on the world of Draenor with the help of the enigmatic naaru race.
Roughly 200 years ago the Draenei settled on the planet they named as Draenor, which was also home to the orcs. For years there was peace between the two factions until the Burning Legion found them. However instead of invading, as they normally did, they subverted the orcs and unleashed them on the Draenei. For a while Velen tried to mediate peace however in this the bloodlust of the Orcs could not be stopped. It was only barely that the Draenei were able to save a portion of their people.
Not long ago, a number of draenei resettled on Azeroth, hoping to put a halt to the Legion’s murderous activities in Outland. Sensing great courage in the Alliance, Velen and his followers pledged themselves to this noble faction. The strengthened Alliance then helped the draenei reclaim their former holdings from the Legion. Most recently, Velen used the heart of a fallen naaru to sanctify the blood elves’ tainted Sunwell, transforming the sacred fount into a source of holy and arcane energies. Although the Legion’s forces in Outland have been greatly diminished and the demonic invasion of Azeroth has been driven back, Velen plans constantly for the upcoming war of light and darkness.
Melee: Though equipped with a staff, Velen is not a character for melee. However he is protected by 10-20 royal guards known as the "Shields of Velen" that serve as elite, heroic warriors. Any that seek to confront or assassinate the prophet must confront them (assuming he doesn't foresee the attempt first!).
Special : Though he has yet to fight in official lore (even though he offered to at one point) what Tyrande is to Elune Velen is canonically to the Light. Fighting him directly would be like fighting a living embodiment of that holy entity, and would result in the utter destruction for most foes.
While Velen has a number of Exarchs that serve the interests of the Draenei and the Alliance, Maraad has recently come ahead them all in influence as he is the commander in Warlords of Draenor. He is also the exact opposite of Velen. Whereas Velen is passive Maraad is active. Whereas Velen rules from the rear Maraad attacks from the front. Even in the breif period of time the Draenei have been on Azeroth Maraad has already led attacks on Chogall and the Old Gods, the Scourge, and recently he has volunteered to travel back in time to fight the original Horde. Maraad is a master paladin armed with a giant crystaline hammer.
Adaptive Creativity/Resourcefulness: 80/100
Velen has showed that, even with such painful losses of his own people, he can outwit and far out-think his enemies. He allowed his people, including children volunteers, to be slaughtered by the Orcs so that the Orcs would think their job was finished. Having escaped the Burning Legion through thousands of years and figuring out and uncovering plots, he finds ways and hope in the future.
Tactics: 56/100
Velen does not go into battle himself to lead armies, but he is able to slip and steal away from his opponents without lifting a finger.
Strategy: 90/100
Coupled with his powerful, far-seeing visions, Velen is able to prepare and plan those around him to become victorious. He was there to help Azeroth fight back and temporarily defeat a star-faring race of destruction. Everywhere he goes he helps and aids those around him, even enemies eventually turn their loyalties to him, and many a Burning Legion plots have been undone and backfired.
Intuition: 82/100
Velen is capable of distant visions of the future and knows roughly when they are coming up and fixing to happen.Velen's skill at farsight extends even to the mundane, as he seems to instinctively know where he is needed to have the greatest effect and even to what others are thinking. Though he does not know all of the details, he can get a big picture idea of extreme, life-changing events for his people and that of others.
Audacity: 40/100
Velen much prefers to retreat, use wisdom, and speech to work his way out of having to deal with combat, but its prophesied that his people head straight into a darkness that swallows light and all the concepts that stand for it.
Psychological Warfare: 91/100
The only enemies Velen hasn't turned to his side are those who lead the Burning Legion and their specific armies. Everyone that has been manipulated and tricked by the Burning Legion have been turned away thanks to Velen.
Leadership: 74/100:
His only limiting factor is his reluctance to truly lead, preferring to spend his time peering into the future .However when he gives commands they are obeyed nearly without question, and the morale of those who he speaks to (of Draenei or other Alliance races) reaches near fanatical levels.
Experience: 97/100
He's 25,000 years old and can see the future.
Discipline: 88/100
Velen is open to new ideas and learning, and has been able to plant trust into his 100% correct visions firmly. His people have proven to be under his leadership, highly adaptive and extremely dedicated to all life they come across.
Corruption: 10/100
This guy hasn't brought himself to fight any number of horrifying monsters destroying hundreds of planets that he and the Darenei have left behind. However as quests on Bloodmyst isles show, he has no problems ordering the complete and utter destruction of enemies he sees as irredeemable.He even throws parties afterwards in celebration of their demise.
Two key traits need to be stressed about Velen . The first and foremost is that he a adviser, one of the greatest there is, but he is NOT a war leader. In a direct army situation with him leading a army he would be at a loss, while commanders like Varian or Tyrande would excel. However such a situation is beneath him, and his is not to command in such a petty conflict . He concerns himself with the end game, the triumph of light over the coming darkness.
Additional Factors: Velen's Motives
To the races of Azeroth Velen seems, rightly, distant and mysterious. So concerned is he with the far-future and his ultimate goal that he doesn't always (re: most of the time) focus on the immediate present .Velen foresees a great battle between light and darkness in the not so-distant future, and his duty is always towards his preparation . For that reason he is probably the least active Alliance leader, but not completely inactive to the Alliance's needs. He aided Alliance refugees in The Prophet's Lesson and urged his followers at the end of the short story to travel abroad to help the world. He did send SOME aid to Jaina Proudmoore in Tides of War against the Horde, not much but some. In Wolfheart he did the same thing against Garrosh, having his people aid Tyrande in the defense of Ashenvale.
Velen does value his commitment to the Alliance and the ideals that bind it. Such it was that when other Draenei were ready to abandon the planet he urged them to stay on Azertoh and continue to provide aid to the organization.
That said the priority that comes before all else is the formation of the army of the Light. So long as the Alliance's goals lead to that (which they can do by basically just living up to their ideals) he will be a part of the Alliance. However his aid will very greatly depending on how much his vision for the Army of the Light is effected. If the conflict proves a severe threat to the ultimate triumph of the Light or has the potential to be a major gain to its cause, he will take a very active role. During the conflict with the Burning Legion for example he played a major role in foiling their plots.
If the battle stands little to gain for the Light his role will be secondary but not entirely gone. This is why he was he has not participated in the Horde-Alliance war other then sending occasional aid and helping the Alliance unify further at a summit. Recently he has promised to do more and take more value from each individual life, courtesy of the lesson taught by Anduin Wrynn. Based on his actions in War against the Lich King and Catacylsm, he would serve as a advisory position if he didn't think it proved to be any gain to the Alliance. He would serve as a diplomatic role to neutral factions to convince them to join the cause, or even willing defectors of the enemy!
Note in regards to Draenei military he plays little role. That is the role of his military council, who are far more aggressive (and less forgiving) then he. The only time he intervenes is as a perfunctory role to bless their decisions or rarely make a major one himself.
R. Genn Greymane:
Mobility: 6
Training/Experience: 6
Max Range: Blunderbuss
Preferred Range: Melee
Age: 60s-70s
Command Designation: Delegate
The aging leader of the nation of Gilneas, Genn Greymane originally fought in the Second War to fend off the Orcish Horde . However Genn was arrogant to all others at this point , believing his people superior and that the people of Gilneas should rely on themselves above all else. After trying and failing to convince King Terenas Menethil to put down what Orcs remained, Genn withdrew his people from the Alliance and built a wall around the country.
This wall lasted for almost 20 years. During this time Genn Greymane turned a deaf ear to cries of aid from its neighbors when the Scourge attacked. . At one point when the Scourge destroyed both Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas they came after Gilneas, nearly overwhelming even their mighty wall. In the end Greymane was forced to have his court mage summon Worgen to battle...who promptly after beating off the Scourge turned on their human allies, infecting many and running rampant through the countryside. At the same one Darius Crowley, a powerful noble, disgusted by his king's actions sent a Gilneas military force to aid Jaina Proudmoore in Kalimdor. When Greymane confronted Crowley a civil war erupted, forcing Genn to deal with both the rampaging Worgen and civil war at once.
Though he ended the latter Greymane was infected while trying to halt the former. Worse the Horde and the Forsaken invaded, forcing the Gileneans to again deal with a multi-front war.Eventually this proved too much for Greymane, and he and a portion of his people retreated to Kalimdor, where the Night Elves had promised them aid. Another portion, led by Crowley, continued to fight on to blunt the Forsaken invasion.
When Greymane sought to rejoin the Alliance he was initially repulsed by Varian Wrynn, on account of Gilneas' earlier secession from the Alliance. However they eventually formed a rapport, with Greymane aiding Varian in controlling his rage. Shortly after Greymane proved his people's worth to the Alliance by leading a massive Worgen charge against the Horde in Ashenvale, routing them. Now he serves beside his old rival Varian Wrynn, eager to claim back Gilneas once more.
Offensive: Broadsword, Blunderbuss. Worgen Claws and Teeth
Defense: Plate Armor
Additional Factors:
--Recently it seems that Greymane often takes to the field alongside Varian, with whom he has formed a friendship.
S.Darius Crowley
Mobility: 6
Training/Experience: 6
Max Range: Blunderbuss
Preferred Range: Melee
Age: Likely late 40s.
Command Designation: Tactical Commander
Heroic Companion: Lorna Crowley:
Not much is known about Darius Crowley's early life, but what is known is that he became a close friend of Genn Greymane, the king of Gilneas, and would eventually become a Lord of lands north of Gilneas; Pyrewood Village and Ambermill. During the Second War, the Alliance of Lordaeron fought against the Old Horde. Crowley was one of the nobles that accompanied Greymane to Capital City to hear of Stormwind's fall and Anduin Lothar's warning about the invading orcish Horde. At the time, he advised Greymane to send aid to the newly-formed Alliance not for any political gain, but out of genuine desire to help his fellow man. After much deliberation, Greymane agreed out of self-serving reasons but offered only token support, worried about Gilneas being dragged into other people's wars.
When Gilneas seceded from the Alliance, they created the Greymane Wall, a massive barrier that walled off his lands from the rest of Gilneas. Crowley opposed King Greymane's decision to abandon his people, going so far as to create the Northgate Rebellion in an effort to convince his friend otherwise, smuggling weapons and people past the wall where possible to bolster his numbers and keep his people safe. This eventually erupted into an all-out civil war that engulfed the Kingdom of Gilneas. Darius is also noted as sending the Gilneas Brigade to assist Jaina Proudmoore during the Third War, against the wishes of Genn who had already washed his hands of the Alliance. Darius was, however, eventually discovered and arrested on the ground of treason, thrown into the Stoneward Prison in Gilneas City, while his daughter, Lorna Crowley, secretly continued to supply and support the Rebellion in his absence.
When the Worgen invaded Gilneas, Darius was released. Out of concern for his fellow Gilneans he put aside his grudge against the king and led a heroic holding action to take the Worgen's attention off of fleeing citzens. After killing many he was eventually bitten and turned, alongside the rest of his men. Though at first distraught over his condition, Darius quickly learned to use it to his advantage against the now Forsaken invaders. When the king led a large portion of the Worgen and Gilneans to seek refuge in Kaldorei lands Darius stayed and fought on. With the aid of the 7th legion and the wild Bloodfang Pack he pushed the Forsaken out of Gilneas, completely crushed many bases. Then he pushed on to Forsaken held Silverpine forest.
The War in Silverpine saw widespread use of the Forsaken plagues, which Worgen proved immune to. Unable at first to deal with such numbers in Silverpine the Worgen resulted to hit and run tactics, hampering the ability of the Forsaken to operate in the area. Entire army groups were isolated and anihilated. However Sylvannas had two surprises in store that would prove fatal. The first was her successful destruction fo Ambermill and the resurrection of the mages there. The second was the theft and resurrection of Lord Godfrey, a major political rival to Crowley. Had Darius known about the second he would have undoubtedly prepared differently . As it is His daughter Lora Crowley was captured, and Sylvannas threatened to turn her into a Forsaken if he didn't retreat back to Gilneas. Without hesitation, Darius complied and now wages a long war over Gilneas with the Forsaken.
Offensive: Broadsword and Blunderbuss ; in Worgen form tooth and claw. Also he is strong enough to cleave Worgen in his human form, before infection.
Defensive: Leather armor.
-Lorna Crowley: His right hand woman and achilles heal, Lorna serves as a supporting role to her father. She has, in the past, led strike missions to disable certain areas (like on a Horde gunship) and identify targets to kill. She is formidable with a blunderbuss.
*This is for both Crowley and Greymane, as well as the Worgen as a whole
Adaptive Creativity/Resourcefulness: 68/100
Crowley has shown himself to be extremely creative, utilizing the druids blending into surrounding wildlife to destroy enemy artillery and leaking information of his own movements to entrap the enemy.
Tactics: 64/100
Strategy: 59/100
While the Worgen can be clever tactically, both Darius's and Greymane's endgame plan is somewhat lacking in strategy. However they were able to maneuver the Alliance into accepting and helping them.
Intuition: 61/100
Audacity: 73/100
Both Darius and Greymane will sacrifice virtually everything except their children to win. This proved to be Crowley's undoing.
Psychological Warfare: 76/100
Crowley is really good at this. Not only was he able to maneuver neutral humans into joining his ranks and becoming Worgen, but he frequently led the Forsaken into actions that led to the destruction of entire groups of them.
Leadership: 69/100:
Both men have excellent leadership skills. Greymane's showed in how he led his people out of the country in a orderly fashion, and Crowley's in managing to convince rebels, who hated the central government, to aid said government to protect the common people.
Experience: 60/100
Unfortunately Gilneas's historical isolation has limited contact with other conflicts until relatively recently.
Discipline: 63/100
The Worgen undergo long and elaborate rituals to keep their rage in check, fighting and conquering all their inner fears.
Corruption: 41/100
Additional Factors:
-Despite his recent loss Darius is well respected in the Alliance for his historical aid in the Third War. The battle for Gilneas is still ongoing.
T. Minor Heroes
-Farseer Nobundo
Farseer Nobundo is the first and greatest of the Draenei shaman. Originally a paladin, his ability to utilize the light was forcibly robbed by a insidious demon attack. This same terrible power gradually broke down the proud Draenei into a Kurnai (broken). However Nobundo never gave into despair, and ultimately attracted the attention of the spirits themselves. With the help of Velen Nobundo introduced shamanism among the Draenei. In Cataclysm he played a role in healing the damage left behind by the Destroyer by joining the Earthen Ring, striking together with members of the Horde and Alliance both. In the ultimate battle he controlled the element of water against Deathwing.
-Sky Admiral Rogers:
The commander of the Skyfire and attaching air force (as well as being the highest ranking member of the overall air force), Admiral Rogers seems to have a far more violent outlook to the Horde then her predecessors or even most of the Alliance leaders (Jaina & Vereesa aside) . She believes true peace can only be achieved through battlefield victory, if then. To that end she is willing to use any means necessary, including the terrible sha and gunning down the defenseless, to beat her enemies (unless overruled by a higher authority).
-General Wrymbane:
"Through the valleys and peaks of Mount Hyjal, across the shifting sands of Silithus, against the Legion's dread armies - we have fought. We are the nameless, faceless, sons and daughters of the Alliance. By the Light and by the might of the Alliance, the first strike belongs to us and the last strike is all that our enemies see.
We are 7th Legion."
General Wyrmbane has ensured that the legendary 7th legion has been on the forefront of every Alliance conflict since the Third War. Against the Burning Legion, The Slithids, the Lich King and now the Forsaken. All except the last have been victories for him, and the last conflict is currently ongoing. In battle he will lead the 7th Legion as a elite strike force against whoever his new foe is, seeking to destroy them as he had so many foes before.
-Thargas Anvilmar:
The last descendant of the first Dwarven Kings, Thargas was originally assigned to protect Varian Wrynn. They soon forged a friendship, and Varian aided the dwarf in the rescue of his brother. Unfortunately it proved too late, though they did save a Dwarf bridge of vital importance. Thargas, in addition to his historical prestige, doubles as a mighty Dwarf hero Varian can bring along to aid him. Like most of these might heroes, scores of lesser enemies will die before him.
-Bran Bronzebeard:
Brann Bronzebeard, brother of Muradin and widely regarded as one of the greatest explorers, anthropologists, archaeologists, taxonomists, linguists of all time. This man is responsible for mapping out most of Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms and the seas between. He has met and described dozens of sentient and non-sentient races, discovered many magical artifacts, learned a dozen major languages, and thwarted many attempts by malevolent forces to use the weapons of the past for evil.
Army X-Factors:
Morale: 85/100:
This requires serious explanation, for though the Alliance normally possesses a decent morale there are instances where they have routed completely. Yet the very nature of the tournament changes that completely in part due to the combination of volume of heroes, morale multipliers such as wielders of the Holy Light, and sheer past experience against nearly every Fantasy archtype.
At the moment the Alliance is at its greatest heights in terms of unity and power, having fought a viscous war that only served to further bring their forces together. Their hosts are already disciplined and zealous, believing in the high ideals and causes they fight for. The presence of heroes in each minor battle causes major boosts to morale as shown by Warcraft history- and all of their heroes are present. Nor does killing the heroes guarantee lowering morale, as the greatest Alliance victory was won in fiery vengeance after the greatest Alliance hero Anduin Lothar was killed. Battlefield heroics among rank-and-file occur with startlingly commonality.
Their inherent resistance to demoralizing effects is shown prominently in the War Against the Nightmare, where the Alliance fought against numerically unquantifiable creations that could not be wounded by any non-magical means in the real realm and were specifically designed via magical perception to resemble the worst nightmares of whoever they were fighting (so if someone was afraid of Giant Rats,this living nightmare would resemble that to that person while simultaneously resembling a undead zombie to . The main characters note that not once did the Alliance(or Horde) waver in fighting, even after they took huge losses against a foe that they could not properly fight . The only instances in which I have seen a full scale route created is when fighting against magical spells deliberately designed to invoke route or against Cutullu like monsters. Even this isn't constant as certain individuals have managed to brave the latter while counterspells exist to counter said magical fear effects, and the manifestation of the Light/Elune has been shown.
In battle this exceptionally high morale can result in increased valor among Alliance fighters , willingness to follow orders even with tremendous losses, and most of all more common independent elements of heroism even on the squad level. For example someone might attempt to use himself as bait to lure the enemy into a booby-trapped position, intervene at the cost of personal safety to aid beleaguered allies, or even lead daring and sometimes suicidal strikes against enemy positions.
To break the Alliance morale for the entire army you are going to need essentially the collapse of much of these morale multipliers all at once, in rapid succession, as well as completely destroy any feelings of revenge to prevent the war from taking on a vengeful flavor. Essentially completely destroying morale is going to be synonymous with utterly destroying the army itself.
Army Intimidation: 49/100:
The Alliance army is not very physically intimidating (Worgen aside) and in fact many of the races are actually considered attractive by our standards. They are quite powerful though, and possess strong magic coupled with exotic tech.
Discipline: 70/100:
In general the Alliance possesses greater order and discipline then their rivals, the unruly and "bestial" Horde. Advanced training is the norm as is battle formations and years of hard experience under a huge diverse listing of enemies. When the enemy tries a new tactic such as sending Ogres to crush shield walls or unleashing a ton of arrows, it generally only takes a few choice words from commanders and a couple seconds for the men to adjust.
For example in Tides of Darkness, the Alliance was able to set up disciplined spear walls, archer lines, and then have knights charge through said lines repeatedly, without any hassle of units running into each other. These warriors knew well enough when to get out of the way. The Alliance's military has only improved over time and now, in the aftermath of the latest war, finally runs like a well-oiled machine.
Cohesion: 75/100:
This war with the Horde has resulted in the Alliance being bigger yet more unified then ever before, as the horror-weapons deployed by their foes just forced the Alliance to close ranks even more. While some internal animosity doubtless exists, particularly among the Dwarf clans and between the Highborne/regular Night Elves, the Alliance is unified by ideals, trade relations, a giant military pact, mutual desires of well-being and a single High King (overall command of the military).
Espionage: 65/100:
See Recon. The Alliance has a good deal of advanced tech and spells to aid in discovering weaknesses about foes, as well as a whole class of specialists (Rogues). Of these the S:I7, secret agents of the Stormwind King, are the best. Via widespread scrying stones the alliance can now magically spy on its enemies.In addition if captured Paladins or Priests can, through manipulation of the light, compel a prisoner to confess and answer their questions with the utmost truthiness. Only the most evil, corrupt or strongest minded beings could resist (in the case of the former, the Holy Light would just burn it). However the faction as a whole probably pales to other factions in espionage emphasis.
Logistics: 78/100:
Enemies of the Alliance are going to be extremely hard-pressed to be disrupt them in terms of logistics . Their mages can port directly to the capital cities or homelands to acquire supplies there and bring them back (though a mage can only teleport a few at once). Mages can also conjure food or water out of nowhere (and its described as delicious!), hunters are excellent at catching and druids can improve the quality of the land to live off of. This is in addition to their airship fleet and all of their professions cultivating the land.
Blockade: 62/100:
Reinforcements: Low
Thanks to the sheer number of recent wars without break, some of them very costly (The Second War against the Lich King cost 50k Alliance lives), coupled with massive catastrophes like the Cataclysm have left me wary of assigning a higher score. Every population lorewise has taken a hit, and though yet more join the Alliance it is impossible to have recovered from all of them that occured within the last ten years alone. It should be noted that in-game there are few references of resources being extremely strained or of their being colossal manpower shortages.